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          Friday, August 31, 2001

FM: Bassett's Keep
- 5:22:48 PM - Elenkis
Bassett's Keep is a new FM for Thief 2, made in four days by Thorin Oakenshield.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bassett's Keep

 Filesize: 1 MB
 Released: 8/31/2001

By: Thorin Oakenshield

Plot Description: Lord Bassett is planning to help the mechanists re-start thier building work by selling a builders chisel that he somehow aquired. Your job is to make sure this doesn't happen, while your there you may as well steal all you can including Lady Bassetts pricless tiara. Before Basso's strange disappearance he managed to make you a small map.

Additional Comments: Was built in 4 days.

A Thief Map for ... StarCraft?
- 1:25:15 PM - Dan
Strange but true, and you can get it right here. The site is in Japanesse (I think?) and there are no screenshots, so I can't tell you anything about it other then ...
... the map is really well made, and I was surprised at how well they used Starcraft tools to creat a thief mission. - Babak Moradivafa
If you try it out, send me some more info so I can post it up here. :)

StormSeeker.org Archive Up
- 12:35:18 PM - Continuity
The mass of thief goodness at http://stormseeker.org/~thief/ is back up.

Bye Bye
- 9:30:18 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
Hiya peeps. I just came to say goodbye - I'm taking September off so you won't see me posting for a while (not that I've been posting much anyway). All e-mails should now be sent to either Elenkis, Continuity or Oisin.

-{ EDIT }-

Have a good rest, Alex. You're one in a million. :) - D

          Thursday, August 30, 2001

FM Host down temporarily
- 3:39:53 PM - Continuity
E-mail from the webmaster at stormseeker.org:

"Please be aware that at this moment I have taken the files offline due to abuse from a user. I am working on resolving the problem and will have them back online tonight most likely. So, if anyone writes to say the links to Stormseeker are broken, they are. Just temporarily."

I asked him why, and he replyed as follows:

"Well for whatever reason, the last 2 days he had on average 30 concurrent connections to the server. This was completely maxing out my upstream bandwidth. While this wouldn't normally upset me because if they are maxing the bandwidth that just means they will download it very quickly and the bandwidth will be free once they are done for other users. However, the connections were constant for some reason that I was unable to figure out as they should have been able to download the ENTIRE mirror site overnight at max upstream bandwidth. He had the connections for 2 days."

Grrr. Stupid manf00l. If anyone has any info on who this m0f0 is, I shall gather my |-|@X0r army, and we shall rise up and [Censored] them into oblivion! Hahaha! Yes! Ha!


Announcing CoSaS Voice Talent
- 3:31:43 PM - Dan
It is with a great swell of pride (I always wanted to say that :p) that I announce the gathered voice talent for the CoSaS cinematics. We still have dozens of NPCs cast, but the majority of personalities from our cutscenes and briefings now have a voice to go with their faces ... or silhouettes. ;)

Kenneth "Keith" Garamon: David Tonkinson, the young man more properly known as Saturnine, FM Author and artist extraordinaire, shall be lending his excellent voice acting skills and British accent to Keith, our player character.

Master Daneel "Nightfall" Todulem: Paul Billo, famous as Loanstar for his impersonations of Garrett in many fan missions, shall be voicing the notorious crime lord Master Nightfall. Loanstar shall also be voicing numerous male NPCs throughout the campaign.

Sheam: Angela Billo, lucky wife of Loanstar, shall be playing the role of Nightfall left hand - the interesting woman named Sheam.

Unannounced: Wynne Lurty, who is also our casting coordinator (with help from Loanstar) shall be voicing a top secret female lead character. Wynne shall also be voicing numerous female NPCs throughout the game.

Doctor Hallming: Toni Hollming, also known as Trimfect, CoSaS's cinematics producer, will be voicing the extremist scientists with questionable sanity and a thick Finnish accent, Doctor Hallming.

Congrats, folks! Now don't get too proud of yourselves. You have tons of work in store for you. ;)

New Sound Mixes
- 2:57:49 AM - Elenkis
William the Taffer has been at work again. This time he has added two new sound mixes to his TafferFX site.

The newest creations depict Garrett breaking out of a Hammerite prison and the hilarious blooper conversation from the Thief2 demo.

          Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Screenshots of Winter Spirits
- 9:55:20 AM - Dan
Tim Murray, author of the small Thief 2 FM Berkshead Jail (avalialbe in our FM Archive), has put screenshots of his next Fan Mission up on his homepage; Winter Spirits. Thanks for letting us know, Tim!

By the way, if any FM author wants to have their screenshots spotlighted on The Circle, all you need to do is ask. :)

Gamasutra Showcases Alex Brandon
- 9:45:39 AM - Dan
Alex Brandon is the musician behind many tunes in the Unreal Series and Deus Ex. Gamasutra has set up a page showcasing him and some select samples of his work; including some pieces from Deus Ex, and bits from private albums he has put together over the years.

Unless I am mistaken, and I may very well be, he also did music for the Crusader series, but I may be getting him mixed up with his cohort Necros, also of Straylight productions.

Alex Brandon will be doing the music for Thief 3 and Deus Ex 2.

          Tuesday, August 28, 2001

The Drop Demo
- 10:14:28 PM - Elenkis
Darkwarrior has released a new demo for Thief 1.

Thief 1 / Gold Fan Mission
The Drop

 Filesize: 0.2 MB
 Released: 8/28/2001

By: Darkwarrior

Plot Description: Ever get sick and tired of Garrett not being able to jump a gap and then he falls and dies? Then this mission's for you; it's time to teach Garrett a lesson. Step through his door and see what teacher has in store (hey that ryhmes!). Check to see how much damage Garrett takes afterwards. He will never miss a jump again. Thanks to Osterman for some advice on creating this incredibly simple level.Look for my serious fan mission which should be released this winter! It will of course be a vast improvement upon this level. I got the idea for The Drop after Garrett failed to climb a certain ledge in Bonehoard and fell to a horrible, horrible death. But it was quite funny, hence The Drop.

The Gold Hammer Award
- 3:56:59 PM - Dan
Did you think it would happen in your lifetime? Did you think it would happen at all? Did you think it was just a myth? Did you wonder if any reviewer would ever have the boldness to actually DO it? Well, it happened.

It is fitting, that the author who finally achieved the honor, is the author who also achived the honor of being hired to work on Thief 3.

So now, a moment of respectable silence, for Sledge, and The Inverted Manse.

Hammer Score: Gold
Comments by Reviewer:
Review by frobber:

- Pros: Considerable customization and attention to detail makes this the finest fan mission to date.
- Cons: Nothing to complain about other than perhaps some players may be unnerved -- but that is the point.
- Bottom Line: An outstanding mission, undead or otherwise. A must-play by anyone who can run Thief 2.

- Full Review & Screenshots

Fan Mission Reviews at The Backburner
- 2:55:42 PM - Dan
Matthew "Nebula" West, Content Monkey of The BackBurner has comprised a set of fan mission reviews; of The Gambling Man and Benny's Dead.
I was quite intrigued by "Benny's Dead" by The Gingerbread Man. Not only is the story incredibly original (and quite interesting), but the mission itself is too. You start just outside the city limits, faced with having to find a silent way into Moth. To successfully reach your goal you have to work in stages. Firstly you'll have to get into the city. Secondly you'll have to traverse the mysterious sewer systems to get to the Watch House. Then you'll have to lift the hotel key from the unsuspecting Watch members and finally enter the hotel at which Benny was murdered.
The full review of Benny's Dead is right here. :)
Anyhow, the mission itself. It's pretty simplistic, actually, which is a bit of a let down. Find Lazarius and give the taffer a bonk on the noggin'. Find the evidence on who his creditors are (I won't say, play it for yourself) and quitely yoink the expensive antique. The mission plays well, kind of stacking up in difficulty as you progress further and further through the mansion. It's a big place, I must say. Search me why exactly there's a Hammerite church in the middle of a gambling den, but maybe gamblers need somewhere to pray too, hmm?
Likewise, clicking here shall take you to the Gambling Man Review.

I hope the authors of these missions are satisfied with the results. If I were in your shoes, I'd be so happy that the dad-gum mission is actually finished and being played by people you've never met before, that I wouldn't give a hootin-shinanny about what score it was given by said strangers. ;)

Stormseeker.Org Hosted FM Mirrors are in the Archive
- 2:40:56 PM - Continuity
The links to fan mission hosted at http://stormseeker.org/~thief/ are now entered into the downloads section. I started it, and someone finished it off for me. Onto the second one for me :)

          Monday, August 27, 2001

FM Hosts
- 2:38:20 PM - Continuity
There are two big archives of FMs at http://stormseeker.org/~thief/ and http://thief1.math.uh.edu/thief/missions/. Say thanks to Myk (Ryan Bringel) and Jason Tibbitts.

And yes, I will put them into the download database, but I'm a little slow and/or lazy, so it may take a bit :Ž (you just can't get the workers anymore, can you?)

Gambling Man Reviewed
- 6:15:34 AM - Elenkis
Frobber has done a review for Raynor's The Gambling Man. He has given the mission a score of 6 hammers.

Hammer Score: 6.0 of 10
Comments by Reviewer:
Review by frobber:

  • Pros: A workable mission that can be played without any major bugs or problems.
  • Cons: Nothing terribly new or compelling here. Only one difficulty level.
  • Bottom Line: A playable mission worth a shot.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • Fanfic: Gruesome Death
    - 1:38:25 AM - Elenkis
    Beholder has written Gruesome Death, chapter 2 of his Dire Accusations novel.
    Lieutenant Lair’s snored in his large wooden chair. A fire happily crackled in the background devouring the pine logs. The window of his second story office allowed the first rays of dawn to peek into the room. Lt. Lair slowly began to slide farther back. His feet seemed to be losing the traction on the desk. Suddenly, his clerk burst upon the shut door.

    "Sir!” he shouted.

    Lair woke startled, let out a sharp yelp. He tried frantically to grab onto something as he tipped over. He landed on the wooden floor with a dull thud- his legs standing awkwardly up in the air. He bolted up and screamed, "What is the meaning of this Torag! Damn you!”

              Sunday, August 26, 2001

    Washout Reviewed
    - 11:11:40 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Frobber has supplied us with a review for Raid on Washout Central. He's awarded belboz 9 hammers!

    Hammer Score: 9.0 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
    Review by frobber:

  • Pros: Outdoors -- A great soggy feeling with lots to explore.
  • Cons: Indoors -- A somewhat ordinary construction and fairly conventional gameplay with lots of keys.
  • Bottom Line: Overall -- A big, fun, challenging sloshing-around mission you should not miss.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • Fanfic: Orb of Quintus
    - 5:02:58 AM - Elenkis
    We have a great new fanfic for you. Orb of Quintus by Scott McCarty finds Garrett on a new adventure, set one year after the events at Soulforge.
    He beached the boat and dragged it into a small cove that led up to the manor and the basement which was going to be his way in. He pulled his cloak around him and dashed to a nearby torch which was out. He turned it and then a section of the wall made a sharp click and slid up to reveal a dark tunnel. He dashed in, to avoid any guard activity and began a steady jog down the tunnel until he came to the stairs and a locked metal door. He picked the lock and opened it, just a crack. A guard walked past him, and down the hall.

    Garrett quickly darted out and fired a rope arrow into the rafters and climbed up. He quickly made his way down the corridor via the rafters, until he came to an intersection. He heard angry voices coming from one room and the hum of the Mechanist Security Systems in the other. Garrett crawled into the room via the rafters, avoiding arousing the guards at the doors. He crept in, and saw to his astonishment, a meeting. Ramirez, Bafford, Gervasius and Demascus. What in the name of the Trickster where they all doing here?

    "I want the orb" said Gervasius.

              Thursday, August 23, 2001

    Shadow Textures in the Unreal Engine
    - 6:47:11 PM - Dan
    Big news for folks following the development of the Unreal Engine to be used in Thief 3 and Deus Ex 2. This time it's about something very important to both games ... shadows! Behold:
    Another stunning effect is projective textures. Projective textures are used to create, among other things, soft-edge ultra-detailed real-time shadows that cast on the world as well as the objects and characters within it. In the example shown here there is a fan with mesh blades. The intricate shadows not only render over the characters and the environments but also over the particles as those particles are blown around by things flying through the air! DE has also implemented detailed character shadows that grow and shrink realistically as characters move around within the world and had UC up and running on Xbox before released the first Unreal Engine build with Xbox support.
    While, granted, this is solely cosmetic, it's still rather nice looking. :) The entire post, as well as screenshots of the effect, is here. Furthermore, and something important to us:
    [Epic Games was] so impressed with DE's particle system we implemented similar features in our own particle system which shipped to licensees ...
    Meaning that this feature is indeed offered to Thief 3 and DX2. :)

    Fanfic: Hymn of the Thief
    - 1:20:08 AM - Elenkis
    Makaroto has written Hymn of the Thief, a new poem that takes the form of a hymn for all the thieves out there. Here's a part of it.
    Hammer, nor Keeper, nor Pagan am I
    Not Guard, or Noble, or Merchant at all
    In world of metal and of stone, I live
    To live, I'm forc’d to steal, and live I must

    I live in a time when metal is God
    And gold holds more worth than our human souls
    Their gold I take, their souls are left behind
    So blest they are, for them I do not kill

              Wednesday, August 22, 2001

    System Shock: A Digital Vision, Part 1
    - 6:38:13 PM - Dan
    Maybe you heard it whispered vaguely, or blared bluntly. Either way, it's no secret that I am no fan of System Shock 2. It is, in my eyes, an unacceptable sequel to one of the best games ever. Rather then just pipe off about it, and eventually soil everyone's innocent pristine view of this flawed rock er ... gem coughs, I've done something a little more constructive! ;)

    Today's Taffer's Post is the first part of a three part series, called System Shock: A Digital Vision. In it I revise the System Shock series into a trilogy, using ideas I have put together over the years. The first part of the series deals with System Shock 2, and the game it could have been.

    So, those of you who I have not alienated yet (brace yourselves ;), stroll on over to the Taffer's Post and take a look! (You have been warned.)

    Forum flavor, so you can post replies, is here.

              Tuesday, August 21, 2001

    Artwork from Demeter
    - 11:23:53 PM - Elenkis
    Demeter has sent us these two nice new pieces of artwork for the gallery. Thanks!

    Fanfic: Gods and Men
    - 10:02:21 PM - Elenkis
    The last piece of todays fiction is Gods and Men, part 4 of Xerczes' ongoing Feeling's Of A Thief novel.
    So I left that place cold of heart and soul, the only thing that filled my head was the determination to find my immortal brother. But he is a god and I am but a lonely thief, a man...can a man beat a god? So it is written that I have accomplished that task before on another world.

    It all still baffles me...the keepers, the trickster, the mage’s and the hammers all ancient peoples of this earth span back before time was recorded, were all in league once, watchers if you will upon the well being of other planets and civilisations, ever watching and recording events.

    Fanfic: Thief - Garrette's Story
    - 8:02:02 PM - Elenkis
    Rachel Ford has released chapter one of her new novel, Thief - Garrette's Story. The story focuses on a female taffer named Garrette and her effort to become recognised as a master thief.
    Garrette donned her cloak; tonight was going to be a big night, and she had to hurry. Some time ago, an old friend of her's (name of Rasso - good lock pick, TERRIBLE sneak) needed help with rescuing his sweetheart; instead of asking her, he asked some Taffer who had rescued him from a Hammerite prison. She didn't like that, but it was always the same. No one ever trusted her with an important mission - instead she always got the lame, simple jobs a ten year old could do; but now this would change!

    "This is my chance; I better not goof it up," she thought, as she packed several arrows, and a few flash bombs up. She didn't have a very good array of equipment - a sword, a blackjack, some arrows, and a few flash bombs; that, too, would change after this mission was over!!

    Fanfic: Dire Accusations
    - 6:53:30 PM - Elenkis
    Beholder has written a new piece of fan fiction for you all to enjoy, entitled Dire Accusations.
    "Were is he, Lamon, as ye may know I don't enjoy these surroundings." The man gestured in a sweeping manner of the area. A woman stood in dim corner making provocative gestures to a man that was eyeing her eagerly. "Damnation, this is horrid… I don't know how thee convinced thyself to come here."

    Lamon was leaning against the post when he cracked a smirk. "Are ye scared Master; scared of a beaten hoar, scared of a drunken beggar? Master, be assured-ye have the best." He reached inside his cloak and pulled out large dagger. "I just don't pick my teeth with it". He turned and strode towards the street scum who by now had slipped farther into a darker part of the alley. Lamon trailed them but kept his Master in sight-he didn't want to lose his most valuable client.

    Brief Introduction
    - 6:46:56 PM - Elenkis
    Hey taffers.

    Some of you may already know me as the StygianAbyss.com webmaster. Now I am also over here with Continuity to help out with the community news on the Circle :)

    So without further ado, on with the updates!

              Monday, August 20, 2001

    Some New Things
    - 5:25:19 PM - Continuity
    My first Circle Post, woo :)

    Added a new movie, a new site link to the updated TLEG, and added an alternative download for these FMs:

  • Rescue

  • The Night I Ghosted Berkshead

  • A Noble Death

  • A Deceptive Scepter

  • Shadow Business

  • Gathering At The Bar

  • ESCAPE: The Bear Pits

  • Skull of Lysander

  • Autumn in Lampfire Hills

  • Death Of Garrett

  • Tower Of Illusion

  • Circle Of Strain 1

  • Circle Of Strain 2

  • Circle Of Strain 3

  • Lord Edmund Entertains!

  • Many thanks to Mike Eyre and SailorEagle for the hosting.

    I have some a link to a some missions which aren't labeled, so I'll have to figure out which ones are which later, probably tomorrow.

              Wednesday, August 15, 2001

    More Mirrors Up
    - 12:02:32 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    I have finally finished putting in the demo mission links in. Also, Barry has supllied another mirror site to host the two missing CC avis and these fileplanet only FMs:

  • Business at Midnight
  • Bloodsport
  • Calendra's Cistern (full version)
  • Inverted Manse
  • Lorgan's Web
  • Ranstall Keep (T2)
  • Silent Nightmares

    Thank you, Barry!

  •           Tuesday, August 14, 2001

    Biageo "Bee" Biondolillo
    - 11:42:43 PM - Dan
    As many of you who have been reading the Community Chat forum know, my Grandfather passed away Sunday morning. He and I were very close, we all were, and it's been a very difficult time for my family this past weekend and this week. His Obituary was published today in the Florida Today Newspaper, and I wanted to also publish it online here at TTLG.

    I invite you all to read it here.

    If any of you wish to send a message, please do so on this thread in the Comm Chat forum. I plan to print out and share this thread with my Grandmother next week after things have quieted down. It should make her smile to know that so many strangers all over the world have been thinking of us. Everyone's condolences and support has been deeply appreciated, and has helped me cope in this difficult time. Again, thank you.

              Monday, August 13, 2001

    Thank You to frobber!
    - 11:29:53 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    I would like to extend a big thank you to frobber for stepping in and offering all our orphaned missions a new home - both fan and demos. As well as hosting the FMs in the unhoused list, he has also offered homes to Bloodstone Prison, The Death of Garrett, Lord Edmund Entertains and The Vigil.

    Please be noting that I haven't finished putting in all the links yet, but I will get there soon! If you stumble across a link I managed to bodge, please e-mail one of the team and we'll get it fixed.

    The only remaining homeless files are the briefing and end avi's for Calendra's Cistern.

              Friday, August 10, 2001

    More FMs Hosted
    - 3:29:12 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Steven Hindley has provided links for his missions he has hosted on his website. The missions are:

  • Garrett's Revenge
  • DockLand
  • Breakout
  • TTGM:Errand Boy
  • WaterLogged
  • Raid on Washout Central
  • Teledemo

    Thanks Steven!

  •           Wednesday, August 08, 2001

    Fanfic: The Island
    - 10:29:04 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    The latest short story on offer to you taffers has just arrived. The Island comes to you from John D.

    I know it’s a risky job but the quite large sum of gold and silver that Edward, an old City Warden, offered me was just too alluring, so I decided to take the job. Normally I try to avoid Wardens and their entourages at all costs, but Old Edward was different, instead of trying to harass independent thieves like myself, he was simply content to manipulate city politics behind the scenes on his turf.

    He was also at odds with most of the other Wardens, due I suspect to jealousy of the fact that he was genuinely loved by the masses and his almost supernatural ability to escape any kind of prosecution.

    Additional FM Mirrors
    - 10:12:25 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    We have two new mirrors for FMs added today.

    The first is author hosting from gonchong for his FM Hammerhead.

    Secondly Ben Ramsey, AKA the Keeper of Metal and Gold has offered mirroring for several unhosted FMs via his site The Keep of Metal of Gold. These mirrors will take you to The Keep's homepage, where you can access all download's from the "ABC" page. The mirrored FMs are:

  • The Bath House
  • Breakout
  • Curse of the Carnival
  • Gervasius' Archery Tournament
  • LaFreneir, Real Criminal Boss
  • A Smuggler's Request
  • Squeeky's Secret
  • Virtual Asylum

    I've updated the list from yesterday to reflect this and also ammended it as some of the non-hosted files are briefings rather than the actual FMs.

    I'd also like to thank Jason, frobber and blackfriar for their hosting offers. I've passed all the details on to Dan and hopefully he'll get back to you soon.

  •           Tuesday, August 07, 2001

    FM Hosting Update
    - 10:56:33 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    First, a big thank you to schwaa for providing an alternate download to Jailbreak 2.0!

    Following the suspension of direct FM hosting we now have 35 unhoused FMs and a further 44 unhoused demo missions - a list of which can be found right here. If you are hosting any of the listed missions please could you e-mail me with a link to either the file itself or a web page linking to the file so that it can be added as a mirrior download.

    Fanfic: Hunter and Haunted
    - 9:16:51 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Demeter has released a chapter of a larger story he has written for publication on The Circle. The Hunter and The Hunted focuses on a new character, Warren.

    Like a black shadow he swept past the four guards dressed in green uniforms with blue stripes, standing before the gates. Unnoticed by the four men under the clear night sky. The black shadow hurled himself over the wall behind the guards and cursed himself for the thud when his feet touched the ground.

    "Jac, I thought I heard something", said one of the guards.

    "From where?", asked another.

    "Behind the wall", answered the first.

    "Wake up, Slein! It was just an animal. You should go to bed a little earlier, so you can handle the nightshift", said a third voice and gave a short laughter.

    The black shadow looked around. He noticed that he stood in a large garden with trees twice as high as any man. A carpet of grass covered the ground and a narrow path of gravel led from the gates to a mansion in the middle of the garden.

    Fanfic: Peasants Views
    - 8:57:00 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    We have a new piece of fiction from Xerxes for you all to enjoy. A Peasants Views On Thievery is a cross between a poem and a short fic.

    I awoke to a bright and cheery day. To such as all are. Though again I felt empty and cold as I have so many times before, as if I have to whim to go on about my daily duties, yet I get up, the sun proving a nuisance, hindering and impeding my cold aura. "Why am I hear"?

    To dwindle away the hours of the day wiping the excrement from the city streets again, and cleaning up after all those fat taffers! There is such a large margin between the nobles and the peasants, we are made feel like filth, and assigned to the duties that make us that, just to make money for ourselves.

    FM: Tears of Blood
    - 3:47:33 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Sperry has released his Thief 1 FM Tears of Blood. This mission replaces the "Journey" mission.

    Thief 1 / Gold Fan Mission
    Tears of Blood

     Filesize: 6.32 MB
     Released: 7/20/2000

    By: Sperry

    Plot Description: Well, this is just great. Here I am, in this putrid cell awaiting my so called redemption to the builder of these wretched lands. Down here, I'm rarely given enough light to see my own hands, and when a watchman does cometh along with his quaint lantern and trendy water pouch, revealed become the mawkish stones on the walls, shrouded with mold so thick that any horticulturalist would rank it healthier then I am.

              Monday, August 06, 2001

    Hrmph... Thievery UT, Taffers
    - 8:04:17 PM - Dan
    Thievery UT update alert! Everyone run for cover! They appear to be armed with a desktop background and a large rubber cat ... no, wait, that's just oRGY making funny faces at me. ;)


    Free the Objects! Tool Kit
    - 1:15:54 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Shadowspawn has released a new goodie for those of you who like playing with Thief's objects. Free the Objects! contains:
  • BintoE - converts Thief, Thief2, and SS2 .bin files into .e. Not all objects types (jointed objects, AI mesh) supported yet.
  • Eto3DS - converts .E files to .3ds
  • RTGto3DS - This is the tool I released before, but minor bug fixes are included. (For AI meshes)
    There are also some directions included in the package.
  • He also points out that most of the work for BintoE came originally from Colourless, he just added a few things.

              Sunday, August 05, 2001

    - 12:25:49 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    It would appear that, since the disabelling of direct FM downloads from TTLG (an occarance that snuck in on Friday when I wasn't looking), we have a LOT of broken links to readme files and reviews in the archive. Sorry!

    Great Tree Reviewed!
    - 11:54:52 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    frobber has sent in a review of The Great Tree by KoMaG.

    Comments by Reviewer:
    Review by frobber:

  • Pros: An original mission to be enjoyed by the vertically inclined.
  • Cons: Easy to get stuck in some places. Falling is routine. Plan on lots of reloads.
  • Bottom Line: Fun for those who like climbing around in trees.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • Thank you frobber! And congrats to KoMaG as well.

    TDP Walkthrough
    - 11:23:51 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Our friend Ghost (you remember Ghost, don't you?) has moved his TDP walkthrough to a new home.

              Wednesday, August 01, 2001

    News on FMs
    - 11:55:36 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Lee Roberson sent me this little tidbit yesterday:

    I was speaking to Kieron Gillen this evening and I asked him about a rumored Thief Fan Mission disc that had been briefly mentioned somewhere within our forums. He replied and said that it definitely was something they plan to do but that it won't be showing up for another two or three issues at the earliest. Still, I thought that this might be newsworthy :)

    The mag in question is PCGamer UK. He also reported a poll on voodooextreme but its already closed. Thanks Lee!

    FM: Great Tree
    - 11:43:09 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    It's a little late, I know, but KoMaG's FM The Great Tree is now available from the FM area.

    Thief 1 / Gold Fan Mission
    Great Tree

     Filesize: 3.9 MB
     Released: 8/1/2001

    By: Keeper of Metal and Gold (Ben Ramsey)

    Plot Description: A woman named Victoria has offered me a job to steal a sword from a nobleman named Constantine, but in my preparations for the hiest I heard word of a giant tree with valuable magical healing fruit which grows in Constantine's orchard. I've decided to put off the sword job for another night, and steal into the high wall orchard to grab some of the fruits for myself, as they will probably bring in a pretty penny on the street. Basso has supplied me with a basic map he drew from information he bribed from an old guard who somehow used to "work" there - in a tree? Anyway, since I've heard the tree is rather huge, I'm glad the Keepers made me master the art of the rope arrow, which should come in quite handy on this little heist.

    A reminder to all FM Authors - if you want your mission hosted on The Circle you must e-mail me with the details so that I know you accept both our reviewing and the voting system.

    Art from Shock Vs Thief
    - 11:14:37 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Shock Vs Thief has produced two pieces of artwork which he introduces as "An extraordinary master completed in under 3 minutes with nothing more than a single green pen and a piece of white paper."

    Thief Lego
    - 10:50:39 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Chris "Weasel" Edwards has written to let me know of his Thief Lego Collection. Here's what he has to say about it:

    When I saw a Thief doll that someone had made, I was inspired to make my favorite Thief characters with Legos. I have pictures at the site linked to above.

    Teleporter Demos
    - 10:44:49 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Steven Hindley has released a new demo for Thief 2.

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Teleport Demos

     Filesize: 0.1 MB
     Released: 8/1/2001

    By: Steven Hindley

    Plot Description: Three teleportation demos, Simple, Advanced, Exotic. Simple: Stand on metal box and frob switch. Advanced: Frob switch then stand on metal box Exotic: Use the coin you are carrying on the strange plaque.

    Additional Comments: To use, install with DarkLoader, but only run through dromed, it wont work through thief.

    Alternate FM Hosting
    - 10:26:49 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Following Dan's request, I have been supplied with alternate download sites from a number of authors. The missions that now have author hosting are:

  • Seeds of Doubt
  • Equilibrium
  • The Order of the Vine
  • Enterprise
  • Willow Island
  • The Alarus Extension
  • Rain Demo
  • Drunken (Demo)
  • Geller's Pride
  • Squeeky's Secret
  • Rescue

    Thanks to all the authors who have helped!

  • Thief 3 Portal
    - 4:34:54 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Greetings everyone! Today sees the launch of a new TTLG subsite Thief 3 Portal. The purpose of this site is to provide news and rumours about ISA's upcoming title Thief 3, the eagerly awaited sequel to LGS's Thief Series. So hop over there, take a look around and get comfortable.

    And now I have to go - my monitor is due to be replaced. Now where have I heard that before?

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