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          Thursday, May 30, 2002

Thinking about Thief 3 System Requirements
- 9:29:20 PM - Dan
This was posted up at TTLG.com the other day. Remember, this is purely based on speculation, and in no way should be considered 'official' or 'news' ... it's more like very interesting gossip. :)

To rip off GBM's post:

This from Grey Mouser over at Eidos. He was there, he asked questions. He tells this tale, verbatim. Well, okay, I corrected the spelling of Lulu's name because it's a Thing with me to get people's names right (no offence GM...)

There is not much to tell so I will keep it to the most important things that I can say for sure, based on talking with the team: [take with grain of salt until you have discs in hand]

GeForce 3 or Radeon 7500 (or equivalent) will be required to run it.

GeForce 4 or Radeon 8500 (or equivalent) -- or whatever top end vid card is out by then....VideoSmoker 3000 anyone? -- for full lighting support. They are planning on GeForce 4 (NOT the MX versions) as the standard.

It will of course share much of the Deus Ex 2 engine but will have some Thief-centric code, esp. Sound related. The teams are sharing stuff up to a point, but Deus Ex 2 is looking more Thief-like with the addition of shadowing and a "light gem" than the other way around.

and prolly most important...Lulu Lamer smiled and assured me...Thief III will be "******* AWESOME!!".

As always, we encourage discussion. This links directly to the forum thread.

Gone for a Week
- 8:30:33 AM - Elenkis
Just a note that I'll be out of town for a week (leaving tonight) and wont have internet access to update the site. So for the next week please send news to the thiefnews@ttlg.com address and not to me directly, else it will have to wait until I get back :)

So just a heads up that news might be slow. Until next week, later taffers!


          Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Fanfic: History of the Fourth Age
- 11:48:00 PM - Elenkis
Here's something a bit a different! The History of the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth is a new fanfic written by AJD that meshes together the world of Thief and Tolkien's Middle-Earth. Due to size we've put it up in RTF format, here's a snippet:
We now come to the year 1189, in which the White City of Minas Tirith has fallen, like it’s sister city, Minas Ithil/Gor-Lom, into corruption. Gondor is governed by greedy, fat nobles who prize their jeweled scepters in their hands more than the glory and goodness of their realm. Minas Ithil has fallen completely out of their notice and care, but it is much the same way, with riots, hangings and beheadings taking place every day, becoming almost a form of entertainment for those not in the noose.
Thanks AJD!

          Thursday, May 23, 2002

Artwork from Andrea Marchi
- 11:39:52 AM - Elenkis
Andrea Marchi has sent in another cool piece of art for us today. You can find Steal and Steal Again in the gallery with his other work!

Thanks Andrea!

Artwork from John Castiello
- 10:55:28 AM - Elenkis
John Castiello has been busy letting the creative juices flow and sends us his third drawing, this one named Adults Never Look Up. Touch-up work was again done thanks to Todd Schneider.

Thanks John!

          Tuesday, May 21, 2002

New Mission: Gheldorf's Towne House
- 4:30:10 PM - Dan
Devilock has sent in his first mission today. We don't know much about it... the readme is rather brief. Have a see for yourself.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Gheldorf's Towne House

 Filesize: 1.6 MB
 Released: 5/21/2002

By: Devilock

Additional Comments: This mission is my very first attempt.

Fanfic: Circle of Fate
- 3:36:38 PM - Elenkis
The Oracle of Wayside (formely Keeper Phineas) has completed the third chapter of Circle of Fate, as well as making some revisions to the first two chapters of the ongoing novel. Here's a snip from the new chapter:
“Tomas,” came a voice that was still remarkably young for a man that was nearing his seventieth year of life. “You knew that we would welcome you, I’m sure.” His head tilted up to look at Tomas, whom he had not seen for several years. The hood of his gray cloak hid, for the most part, the man’s silvery hair, although in some places it was still visible when it shone in the light. His face was hidden almost completely in shadow, with only a bit of skin visible near his left jaw. For such an ancient body, there were remarkably few wrinkles. The only clearly discernable feature of Aldon was his eyes, reflecting all light like that of the finest star-stone, and taking in every bit of movement, almost exactly like a hawk. “Why have you come back to us this day?”

It took considerable willpower to keep from laughing outright; however, nothing could hide the movement of his shoulders. Tomas had to hand it to the old man, he did sound sincere. “You don’t know? Maybe I should just leave right now then.”

Thanks Oracle!

Skeleton FM/DM for Thief 2
- 1:20:05 PM - Dan
This gem of a FM/DM (that is, a Fan mission which acts as a demo, or rather, a Demo mission which can be played like a Fan mission) was missed when it was new. But I'm glad to be presenting it here, now. The Thief 2 family of undead has grown larger with the addition of the skeleton. Thank you very much, Schwaa. :)

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Three Mages Tomb (Skully Demo)

 Filesize: 1.8 MB
 Released: 5/21/2002

  • Author's Homepage.

  • By: Schwaa

    Additional Comments: This mission was created to show you how to use the Skully Bros. AI pack in Thief II.

    Demo: New Critters 2
    - 3:41:09 AM - Elenkis
    New Critters 2 is the new demo from Yametha that shows off some cool new AI for use in your Thief 2 fan missions.

    As always you can find it with the other demos in Dromed Central or click here to download directly.

    Thanks Yametha!

              Saturday, May 18, 2002

    Thievery UT is getting closer...
    - 8:23:30 PM - Hanse
    Those guys over at Thievery UT sure have been hard at work. The website has been updated again, this time with a bit of a guide to Thievery, as well as the latest map list, complete with screen shots of the maps that will be available when Thievery is released. And they look fantastic, I don't mind saying... there are some talented mappers working hard on that project.

    Head on over to the Thievery website to take a look at everything new and exciting, and be sure to stop by and offer your opinions at the forums.

    Smells like Thievery is getting closer by the minute... thanks for the update, Dalai!

    Ultimate Difficulty Mod
    - 3:49:40 AM - Elenkis
    Here's something new to play with. James Martens has created a custom gamesys for Thief 1 and Thief Gold that makes a bunch of complex modifications (involving over 50+ receptrons and dozens of new meta-properties), for the purposes of increased realism and difficulty. The full list of changes is too long to post here, so be sure to check out the readme (which also contains instructions for use).
  • Thief 1 Ultimate Difficulty Mod - 0.20 Megs - Readme.txt
    A custom gamesys for Thief 1/G that makes some very complex modifications for the purposes of increased realism and difficulty. Made by James Martens.
  • I've not yet had a chance to try it myself, but it makes some cool changes and will certainly add a lot of challenge to the game (faster zombies scare me). Nice work, James!

    Artwork from John Castiello
    - 3:19:46 AM - Elenkis
    John Castiello has sent us another great drawing for the gallery! This one is suitably entitled Correcting Undead, touch-up work was done by Todd Schneider.

    Thanks John!

              Tuesday, May 14, 2002

    Fanfic: A Thief in the 30's
    - 9:24:46 AM - Elenkis
    The adventures of Garrett and Mercury continue in chapters Ten and Eleven of Antonio Salazar's novel in development, A Thief in the 30's. Antonio also adds a new author's note to the index to let us know that he already has up to chapter 19 on paper and they will be coming soon. Looking forward to it! :) In the meantime, here is a snippet from one of the new chapters:
    Around them was an office with a desk on one side and a table on the other.
    "Please, sit," the Mage said, gesturing to the table and its invitingly soft chairs. They gratefully placed themselves on the chairs, as they had been awake, and mostly standing, all night. The Master Mage sat at the chair at the head of the table and took a few breaths.
    "You do not know," he began, "how much… how long… let me start over. You cannot possibly fathom how long the people of Kunath-Loch have been awaiting this encounter. The Keepers have long been one of the most revered sects of the City, for you are concerned with not repeating the errors of the Karath-Dinians. We have long been expecting you, and your arrival here is quite overdue. Think of this as an encounter with a family member you've never known. One who saw your birth but whom you've never seen since and don't remember."
    Thanks Antonio!

              Saturday, May 11, 2002

    Thievery site update!
    - 8:44:09 PM - Hanse
    Dalai has dropped us a note to let us know that the Thievery UT team has a new domain name. You can now find all your latest Thievery news over at www.thieveryut.com. In addition to some spiffy new graphics in the design of the page, there is now quite an extensive description of the features that Thievery UT will have.

    Looking good guys! Thanks Dalai!

              Tuesday, May 07, 2002

    Guards vs. Thieves Update
    - 7:44:13 PM - Elenkis
    The guys over at Valiant Systems have updated the website for their upcoming Guards vs. Thieves mod for Half-Life. The update includes a new production shot and a sample of the music that will be used. Both can be found in their Gallery section.

    Poem: Lucrative Vocation
    - 7:30:36 PM - Elenkis
    Now here's something we don't get enough of anymore! Lucrative Vocation is a new thiefsie poem written by Monkeyzerg. Here's a taste:
    I scan my target with my mechanical eye
    And choose a window, however high.
    Every wall I confront is permeable
    Through which I diffuse without a sigh.

    Darkness I wear as tight as skin.
    Shadows I keep as close as kin.
    Through the obscure I choose to swim
    To reach the object of my whim.

    On hostile grounds I employ friends against foes:
    There’s Jack the Black that deals blunting blows;
    The messy last resort, my bloodletting blade;
    And for range, a bow, with a family of arrows.

    Thanks Monkeyzerg!

    FM: Gauntlet 2
    - 7:10:46 PM - Elenkis
    Eek, here's one I missed. Gauntlet 2 - DromEd's Revenge is Apache's followup to his fun and quite popular Thief 1 mission (The Gauntlet). Enjoy!

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Gauntlet 2-DromEd's Revenge

     Filesize: 4.2 MB
     Released: 5/7/2002

    By: Apache

    Plot Description: Just another fun filled FM, where I try and kill Garrett as often as possible. Very simple. There are 3 keys to buy in the store..You only have enough money for 1 key and an item or two of equipment. Sections 1 - 3 are all played as separate games. You must start over buying a different key to play all the areas. Once in the game..Find and steal my computer. Yeah I know not very Thief like setting..but hey..I had fun making it.

    FM: Hell's Motel
    - 6:55:02 PM - Elenkis
    We have a new mission from amievil? for you all to check out and enjoy. Hell's Motel is the first in his upcoming series of Thief Gold fan missions.

    Thief Gold Only Fan Mission
    Hell's Motel 1

     Filesize: 5.1 MB
     Released: 5/7/2002

    By: amievil?

    Plot Description: "Hello, my name is Garrett. Welcome to my humble little home, here you will find various Art that I have collected over the years." I always told them that, careful not to ever mention where and how, exactly I had "collected" these various artifacts. And through the years, funny that not once had the visitors ever bothered to ask where I had acquired them...(more)

              Thursday, May 02, 2002

    Darkloader v4.1 Available,
    - 1:35:30 AM - Dave
    Well, the title says it all really!
    The excallent FM loader for the Thief series, DarkLoader is back with a new, improved version.
    A list of the improvements in this version:
  • DarkLoader is now delivered with an installer.
  • It's now possible to use RTF formated files (*.rtf) for the mission info text. This makes it possible to use fonts, colors, tables or even embedded OLE objects like images.
  • Added "custom scripts" to the quest info table.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused strange error messages and let DarkLoader act like crazy.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
  • Added dutch translation of the interface and the documentation (thanks to DR@GON).
  • Enhanced finnish translation (thanks to Zenmaster).
  • Enhanced russian translation (thanks to Talen).
  • Some minor changes.
  • You can grab DarkLoader here!
    Great work Bjoern!

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