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Monday, December 31, 2001 |
'Mechanist' MP3 for download - 2:36:08 AM - Dan |
"Mechanist", an mp3 mix by Euji Acha, is now avaliable from our Fanworks: Movies & Audio section. It's spookey, cool, and good. :)
Thank you for the sbumission, Euji! :)
JailBreak version 3.0 - 1:54:07 AM - Elenkis |
JailBreak by Schwaa has been updated to version 3.0 - Check the readme for version changes.
Fishmonger version 2.0 - 1:07:33 AM - Dan |
Fishmonger, by Zail, has been re-released, and Zail is calling this re-release verion 2.0. Everything you need to know, is below. :)
Thief & Diablo Fansite - 12:43:49 AM - Dan |
DethWraith wishes for everyone to take a look at his Thief & Diablo fansite. :) (Go on, click the link.)
In it you will find ... This area will be devoted towards the Thief series of games by Looking Glass Studios. Each area will have information pertaining to that game. The Thief section will have info on Thief: The Dark Project and Thief Gold, including a section for our own Thief Fan Missions and a section for screenshots taken of our own Thief Fan Missions.Ah, yes. And in the Diablo section you will find Diablo ... stuff. :) Thanks, Deth! |
Guide to Downloading & Running Fan Missions - 12:39:22 AM - Dan |
Thanks to Peter Smith, The Circle now has an extensive guide to installing Thief 1, Gold, and 2 Fan Made Missions. You may find this new guide at the location of our old, brief guide, here.
A very warm thanks tp Peter for writing and allowing us to use this excellent guide. :) Thanks!
Sunday, December 30, 2001 |
Mokkis' Light Monument - 11:27:14 PM - Elenkis |
Mokkis is DromEd crazy, it must be in his blood: He has sent us a couple of screenshots taken from a mission that he has made for his school homework. His school yard is being renovated next fall and a contest was held to create a light monument for it. At the same time he needed to create a light monument for his art homework. So he did, using DromEd - And I must say that it looks great.
Ever wonder if Thief could help with your school work? Wonder no more - Very cool! |
Artwork from Kunstdieb - 10:13:59 PM - Elenkis |
Thanks to Kunstdieb we have another three new pieces of artwork for the gallery!
Eye of the Thunder Update - 9:33:59 PM - Elenkis |
BrotherZ brings us some unfortunate news about his upcoming mission Eye of the Thunder, here's the scope from the brother himself:
I regret to report that "Eye of the Thunder" will be out even later than normal now. My computer messed up and now I have to start all over again. I have made some good improvements, I think, to the church and the Hammerite shrine with Brother Turngear. I'll let you know more later.We're sorry to hear about the computer problems, BrotherZ (I've recently gone through a similar experience). Good luck with the mission! |
Artwork from Alexis - 9:25:15 PM - Elenkis |
Alexis has sent us a new drawing of Garrett for the gallery. Thanks!
Saturday, December 29, 2001 |
An FM Info Website - 8:57:11 PM - Dan |
The Author of the Old Quarter has let us know that the website is now back online. As stated on the front page:
Welcome to The Old Quarter Thief Editor's Guild. Here you can find updates on various fan missions, screenshots of them, hopefully some tutorials, info on FM authors and cool Thief stuff. Also, there is a section for fanworks, such as short stories, that people may view. Unlike many other FM sites, these screens aren't just of the site creator's FMs. These are any FMs DromEders send me information of.Furthermore, the author of the site says: Let em know that it is for those people who are designing fms but who have no time or web space to let anyone know via their own web page.Sounds good to me ... just remember to keep me informed. :) |
Thievery UT Update - 1:29:28 PM - Elenkis |
The guys over at Thievery have updated their site with a feature on one of their maps, Th-Grange by Ulukai. It's a good read with some nice screenshots of the map, go take a look!
Thanks Dalai!
Fanfic Update: Thief in the 30's - 12:41:16 PM - Elenkis |
Antonio Salazar has written the ninth chapter of A Thief in the 30's, his novel in development.
The two thieves approached the seaside bar, the Norlafish Tavern, with care. Drunken sailors were said to have ambushed many unwary people and to have thrown them in the sea. Norlafish, the sea animals that the tavern was named after, did not have much of a better reputation than those sailor murderers. The animals were sleek, with a body that started and ended in a point. At the back was a powerful tail that propelled the animal through the waters and high speeds. The front comprised of a small hole through which the animals somehow obtained food. The greatest danger of the Norlafish, however, was their sheer dimensions. They were large and fast and stupid enough to collide with ships and cause great, and sometimes irreparable, damage to their hull. |
Monday, December 24, 2001 |
A Merry CoSaS Christmas :) - 1:56:14 PM - Dan |
Merry Christmas. It's been a long hard year for us ... a year of much great progress and more chilling setbacks then I care to remember. We still have a long way to go, but we wanted to give a little something to say 'Thank You' for all of your support and your patience.
I'd like to humbly present a simple Trailer we put together just for the occasion. I hope you all like it. :) And then there is this nice preview of Contravention of Thieves, which I hope many COT fans will be anxious to read. It does not give too much away, but is a rather exciting chapter from around the middle of the novel. Again, this is our way of saying ‘thanks’. :)
P.S. If you can mirror this trailer, please do, and let me know.
Friday, December 21, 2001 |
Fan Mission Contest! - 1:19:10 AM - Elenkis |
For good taffers Christmas comes early over at the Keep of Metal and Gold, as no less than 16 fine new contest missions have been released for your inspection and enjoyment!
As the list is fairly lengthy I think it's best we just let you head to the Keep and view the latest missions list. Once you have played all the missions be sure to submit your votes for the contest, the deadline is set to Jan 31st. It's going to be one taffing good Christmas!
Thanks to Komag and good luck to all the mission authors!
Thursday, December 20, 2001 |
Arx Fatalis Hands-On Preview - 12:24:28 AM - Dan |
Arx Fatalis anticipators, this is a moment you have been waiting for. We have two new and extensive hands-on previews of the game to show you.
The first, a TTLG exclusive, is penned by a beta tester of the game. In it, s/he explains the game's interface and how it all comes together, describing the gameplay and the systems involved in making the game work. Because this is written from a beta-testers point of view, you will also get an idea of how far along the game is to completion, as the author of the report made note of several aspects of the game which are currently under construction. It's a look at the game from the perspective of a person who went from knowing nothing about the interface, to writing the book on the interface, all with very little instruction from the developers themselves. The second, a much shorter read, is from the Portuguese website Portal Jogos. Those who fear spoilers must beware, for this preview will detail quite a bit of what the player will experience in the start of the game. Rather then look at the interface, this preview focuses on the sights and experiences of the environment and the story. Both previews contain screenshots snapped by the authors. Since this is the same game, there will inevitably be some favorite visuals, so there are some duplicate snapshots. Overall, you'll looking at about 50 screenshots prepared for your viewing pleasure, between the two articles. Enjoy. :)
I expect we will be seeing much more press about Arx Fatalis in the coming months. :) Oh, and hey ... do us all a favor and join in with the discussions. :)
Monday, December 17, 2001 |
Fanfic: Circle of Fate - 12:33:51 AM - Elenkis |
Looking for a good read? Phineas Riebe (a.k.a. Keeper Phineas) has sent us the first chapter of his novel in development. Circle of Fate tells the story of a thief trying to find out about his past.
Winter has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The days are darker, the nights longer, and the upper classes of the City are as stupid as ever. With the winter holidays and some of the wealthiest, most powerful men in town having some type of celebration or another, a skilled thief can make a killing, almost like the bonuses some honest men get. Of course, in my line of work, I just take whatever catches my fancy. Some of the more daring, or perhaps just stupider, of my kin will take the chance of working in the day. That’s fine for them; I’m better than most and could easily get away with it, but I prefer to work at night, during hours that any sane creature would be asleep, and even the undead seem to have retired for the night. |
Sunday, December 16, 2001 |
FM: The Art of Thievery - 11:59:10 PM - Elenkis |
New mission time! The Art of Thievery is the latest Thief 2 fan mission to enter our database, this one comes from Richard Cull.
Saturday, December 15, 2001 |
Thievery Beta - Got UT? - 8:20:40 AM - Dan |
Thievery UT is looking for beta testers to play enjoy and love (etc) their Thief-based MOD for Unreal Tournament.
Folks who don't have UT (a shame, since even if you hate UT, you may love Thievery) and don't like Dr. Pepper need not apply (damn, that DQ's me ... I hate that yucky crap ;). I should also mention that beta testing is a serious job, and if you apply just to get a sneak peak, you are a dirty rotten scum bag and need to eat burruck dung. Beta testing is hard work, and not a job to be taken lightly.
Digi gets off his soap box and goes looking for some root beer.
Friday, December 14, 2001 |
Eye of the Thunder Update - 12:46:48 PM - Elenkis |
BrotherZ has sent us an update on his upcoming mission, Eye of the Thunder. Here's what he has to say:
I have decided upon the storyline for Eye of the Thunder. It will be based in a Mechanist church and the surrounding City (I have said this already, but oh well!).Thanks for the update BrotherZ, looking forward to seeing more! |
Artwork from Michael Kimoto - 12:37:44 PM - Elenkis |
A Taffer's Fate is a new piece of artwork in the gallery and was created by Michael Kimoto. Thanks Michael!
Tuesday, December 11, 2001 |
New Demos - 4:38:30 AM - Elenkis |
We have three new demos that may be of interest to some of you DromEders out there. They've been added to the fan mission database and you can find them all right here.
Fanfic Update: Thief in the 30's - 3:25:01 AM - Elenkis |
Antonio Salazar sure has been busy! As well as preparing the beta for his upcoming fan mission he has written the eighth chapter of his novel in development A Thief in the 30's.
Garrett pulled out a long broadsword and gestured the others to do the same. The Keeper removed from his sheath a long, thin, beautiful black sword. Etched within the hilt and blade were the ancient symbols of the Keepers. Marco and Mercury each pulled out their two belt daggers and prepared to spar with the apemen. |
Keeper Compound Beta - 3:00:48 AM - Elenkis |
Antonio sends word that the beta for The Keeper Compound is now available (click link for more info on the mission)!
If you're interesting in testing this mission then please respond to Antonio's The Keeper Compound beta thread in our forums! Hopefully I'll even get a chance to test this one myself ;)
Thanks for the update Antonio!
Upcoming: Eye of the Thunder - 2:40:03 AM - Elenkis |
BrotherZ has written to inform us of his upcoming mission Eye of Thunder. Here's some info and a screen:
Thief 2 Mission: Eye of the Thunder |
Fanfic: Three Greek Merchants - 2:29:53 AM - Elenkis |
Three Greek Merchants is a new novel in development by Aubie Merrylees. Based on the events that happen to Garrett after Thief II: The Metal Age, here's a peek:
Beloreth grabbed the man by the back of the neck and squeezed as hard as he could. The guard gagged and sputtered as he tried to sound the alarm, but no sound could be heard more than three feet away. In moments, Beloreth was dragging the cold and lifeless body into the next room. He dropped the man in the adjoining closet and closed and locked the door. |
Saturday, December 08, 2001 |
The Keeper Compound - 8:23:19 PM - Elenkis |
Antonio Salazar writes to inform us of his website The Keeper Compound, dedicated to his upcomming fanmission of the same name. It appears that the mission will be taking place in the Keeper Compound (not surprising given the title) that gave Garrett much of his training and is the first in a four part series. Should be an interesting mission and definitely one to watch out for.
His latest update to the page states that a beta will be released once some finishing touches are added to the map, so keep checking the site for updates (and we will of course announce any news here at the Circle)!
Now go visit the site to read the complete update and drool over the eight screenshots of the mission!
Artwork from Wight - 7:52:00 PM - Elenkis |
Andy (aka Wight) has sent us some new artwork that he has drawn of Garrett as he looks down at a coin on the ground.
Wednesday, December 05, 2001 |
Fanfic: A Thief in the 30's - 4:36:49 PM - Elenkis |
Antonio Salazar has completed the next three chapters (5 - 7) for his novel, A Thief in the 30's and the adventures of Mercury continue.
Seeing that the situation was fairly safe, Mercury got off the man. The man, in turn, struggled to his feet, moaning. He pulled off his hood and revealed a sharply angled face with hard edges and high cheekbones. His hair was brown, and his eyes were infinite pools of blackness. He stretched his limbs out, as if he had just woken up, and then looked at the two of them. |
Tuesday, December 04, 2001 |
Goodbye to a Friend - 4:34:45 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
Many of you will remember Andrew Dagilis, who for a long time was the main reviewer here at The Circle. In January I discovered that Andrew was seriously ill with a brain tumor. He had an operation and seemed to be in recovering. Unfortunately in August his condition deteriated and he has died.
He was a good man, a better friend and I just wanted to say goodbye.
If anyone wants to make a contribution to his upcoming memorial site, you can do so here.
Monday, December 03, 2001 |
FM: Lord Alan's Basement - 10:33:10 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
New author Andrea Aleotti has just released his first FM, Lord Alan's Basement, for Thief Gold:
A New Challenge Update - 10:23:27 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
Rob has sent in an edited version of his fanfic A New Challenge, so if you haven't read it already, now would be a good time to do so!
Saturday, December 01, 2001 |
Treatises Update - 8:13:20 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
Sneaksie Thiefsie has continued his efforts to revamp his Keeper's Treatises (formally the Keeper Theses), his latest update being The Dawn of the Metal Age. The treatises are well worth a read, so if you haven't done so already, go have a look!
Upcoming: Kalen's Tower - 7:20:58 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
Yandros has written in to let us know about his mission-in-progress Kalen's Tower. Expected release is sometime in March or April. Here's the info and the screens:
I'm working on a mission called "Kalen's Tower". It's actually based on an area I coded for a MUD several years ago, but I think it's cool to be able to bring to life in DromEd what before was limited to text-only decriptions. |
FM: Museum Heist - 7:14:08 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
I do smell a new mission, yes I do!Museum Heist is the latest Thief 2 mission to hit our downloads list. This little number was brought to us by Buglesoft.
I'd also like to extend my thanks to Holger for providing additional mirrors for our latest FMs.
Sites of Interest - 6:20:29 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash |
I'd like to apologise to all you taffers out there for being so sluggish. I'll try not to do it again :) But what you really wnat is some news, right? How about some new thiefy websites?
First we have Antonio Salazar's preview of his upcoming mission The Keeper Compound. Here's a small sample of his work:
Next up we have Hibix's Thief search page. The link was provided by Hibix himself. Guards vs Thieves is a website from the people of Valiant Systems detailing their upcoming Half-life multiplayer mod. Here's what founding member Josh Bush had to say about it: Though GvT is inspired by Thief, we are trying to take a new tangent with a plotline (yes, a multiplayer game with a plot line) that is unique and quite unrelated to Thief. Our goal is to capture the essence of what made Thief so much fun to play and put it into a new multiplayer game. The last of the bunch has been sitting in my inbox for a while now (sorry!). Thief Mapped was built by Ghandaiah to showcase his future work. Here's what he has to say on the site's intro: Thief: The Mapped Project is the ramshackle home of the Thiefy works of... me, Ghandaiah. My Thief life began when I rediscovered Thief Gold, and became furiously addicted. It wasn't long before I had shot through both Thief 1 and Thief 2. Of course, this wasn't enough; soon after, I created this site, as means of housing two things I'd like to do for the community: Create my own fan missions, and recreate the maps of the original missions for both Thief games.
Thanks to everyone for sending in their contributions. Keep them flowing guys!
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