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          Saturday, November 27, 2004

FM: FBT - Meeting Updated
- 4:44:54 PM - Jenesis
The previous release of "Meeting" by Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) was buggy due to the inclusion of the wrong mission file in the zip. This has now been fixed, and the new version is available for download.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Meeting (v3)

 Filesize: 2.86 MB
 Released: 11/25/2004

By: Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík)

Plot Description: You are a young thief, your father is missing for more then a month. You are in your tower on the square and suddenly you hear knocking. Someone is behind the door...

Thanks for the swift update, Jan!

          Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thief 2X Officially Hits Beta
- 8:31:14 PM - Biohazard

Raen has announced that Thief 2x has reached beta after many years of hard work!

"Well folks, after several long and painstaking years in development, I'm really pleased to announce that today, Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age has reached an official beta. Thanks to Gonchong, the last of our 13 huge missions is all set for a final countdown of bugfixing. Most of the other 12 maps have undergone significant bugfixing and revision already, so it's only a matter of time before they're fully polished and ready to go." (More)

This announcement is great news to those of us that have been eagerly anticipating this moment. If you would like to know more about this FM campaign, check out their website at http://www.thief2x.com/.

FM: FBT - Meeting
- 7:29:21 PM - Jenesis
Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) has produced an introductory mission, "Meeting", for his planned "For Better Tomorrow" campaign.

Thief 2 Fan Mission

 Filesize: 2.76 MB
 Released: 11/25/2004

By: Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík)

Plot Description: You are a young man, your fatter is missiong for more then a month. You are in your tower on the square and at once you hear knocking. Someone is behind the door...

Thanks, Jan, both for this mission and in advance for the rest of the campaign :)

          Monday, November 22, 2004

FM: The Shadow of Lord Rothchest (T2 version)
- 10:35:11 AM - Jenesis
John D. has converted Purah's "The Shadow of Lord Rothchest" to work with Thief 2, and has even added difficulty levels to it, amongst other small tweaks. Enjoy!

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Shadow of Lord Rothchest, The (T2)

 Filesize: 4.47 MB
 Released: 11/22/2004

By: Anthony Huso (Purah), John D. Head (John D.)

Plot Description: It's been three weeks since you sold Constantine's Sword with the understanding that you could always steal it back. The idea was to pay off all your debts with the cash from the sale-which you've already accomplished. The pursuant intent, of course, was to get your weapon back plus interest from whoever was rich enough to buy it in the first place. That was then. (more)

Many thanks, John D., for updating this venerable mission.

          Friday, November 12, 2004

FM: Heist Society
- 2:13:28 PM - Jenesis
This FM is a collaborative effort between no less than five authors. The bulk of the work was undertaken by AsyluM (Mark Smith), and the mission was completed by Yandros, VladMidnight, Moghedian, and SlyFoxx. The final result weighs in at 15.7MB. Note that the readme is an .rtf file containing pictures, and is 1MB all by itself, so those on slow connections may wish to avoid downloading it separately.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Heist Society

 Filesize: 15.7 MB
 Released: 11/12/2004

By: AsyluM (Mark Smith) et al.

Plot Description: Sources have led you to believe that Lord Gellard, a noble renowned for his vicious competitiveness, has gathered an exquisite collection of valuable artifacts and rare gems in the enormous mansion on his sprawling estate in Hightowne. You're in need of a big job right now to meet certain expenses, so the Gellard Estate should fit the bill. (more)

Many thanks to AsyluM, and to the rest of you for coming together to finish the mission.

          Monday, November 08, 2004

Fan-site that's worth a look
- 7:55:37 PM - Dan
I was really impressed today when I was told about a Polish Thief-fan community site, as presented by Caer O'Laine:
It's a source of fanfiction, arts and music of Thief fans in Poland. Especially Library has many interesting novels, short stories and poetry. The site is made as if was the site of Guild of Enlightment (Gildia Oœwieconych in polish), group of mages who is living in Karath-din after the Garrett's journey to the Lost City. Unfortunatelly site is in polish. Maybe in future I'll create an english version. This is the address: http://gildiaoswieconych.w.interia.pl
I look forward to that English language version. It's work a look though, if only to poke at the neat main menu designed using the in-game map of The Lost City.

Spector Leaves Ion Storm
- 4:49:13 PM - Dave

Gamespot is reporting that Ion Storm's Warren Spector has quit the company to "to pursue personal interests". It is rumoured that he is in negotiations with Midway to head up an Austin based studio or work with Eidos as an IP consultant.

Good luck to Mr. Spector with whatever he chooses!

          Friday, November 05, 2004

Demo FM: The Sinking
- 8:44:59 PM - Jenesis
Gregorius (Grzegorz Lukawski) has produced a short demo mission of two effects: rising water and a complex lift. Hopefully these will prove useful to all the other FM authors out there.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Sinking Demo, The

 Filesize: 0.54 MB
 Released: 11/5/2004

By: Gregorius (Grzegorz Lukawski)

Plot Description: The Mechanists have built a really big luxurious ship named "Titanicus Maximus". It is about to set off on the first cruise. There will be many rich persons on board and a lot of loot to collect.

You've embarked on this vessel and are in hiding on the service deck. But... something goes wrong. Time to leave your hideout.

Additional Comments: Short demo mission showing two special effects:
- Raising Water
- Complex Elevator
Full tutorial included!

Many thanks, Gregorius!

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