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          Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New Dark Mod Video
- 12:17:29 AM - Biohazard
New Horizon posted this about a new video release for the Dark Mod.


Thought there might be some folks here who would enjoy this.

Before you watch, there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

1. This was an internal video made by Dram, but we decided to package it up and release it publicly.
2. Everything you see is a Work In Progress. Nothing has been completely tweaked or finalized.
3. You will notice plenty of glitches. (particle effect issues, some footstep sound problems) We’re aware of them. 4. The AI are nowhere near finished.

That being said, we wanted to show you how far we’ve come. It has been a very long journey thus far, and we still have a long way to go if we are to make our 1.0 release date of December 2008.

Could we use help? Yes. Do we hope this video will inspire those of you with the required skills to help. Yes, we hope it does.

Ideally, we could use help from some experienced programmers in getting the AI up to speed sooner than later. We certainly have people with the necessary skills to complete the task, but if we can get it done sooner, then we will have much more time for tweaking.

So, I'll shut up now. Here is a lower res version of the video. If anyone can host a higher res version, please le t me know. The high res version is around 50 megs. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=5042175509217811590&hl=en-CA

Higher Res version.




          Monday, October 29, 2007

Return of the Fan Mission Database
- 8:04:06 PM - Dan
Since before Thief's release this site in its various incarnations has been the place on the internet for all things Thief. In recent years however we have seen increasing delays and complete halts to the maintenance of this site, especially as it concerns to the hosting and archiving of the ever growing list of Fan Made Missions.

I am very pleased to say that a permanent solution has been found. Enter Pavlov's Cat. Certainly dependable as her namesake, this new staffer has brought the FM Database completely up to date, and shall now continue to do so on a day to day basis. It is her mission to provide the most thorough and accurate listing of every FM available, with multiple download locations for each, courtesy of Dennis Nixon, DarkLurker, ThiefMissions, SouthQuarter, and others.

Watch this news space for continuous updates and news concerning the FM database!

          Monday, October 15, 2007

Latest FM Update
- 1:40:37 PM - The Phantom
Latest news report from the thread List of Upcoming Fanmissions on the TTLG forums.

CrackedGear and Theker make an appearance in the list.

CrackedGear has a Thief 3 mission in development, called 'Silence'. It's around 85% complete and should be released pretty soon. The second author is Theker. He is busy working on 'Thief Trinity', which will become 3 mission campaign.

Mxleader has revealed the working title for his upcoming mission: United Bank of Auldale. Progress is going much more rapidly lately and if all goes well it should be ready around christmas.

First Snow, the first part of Nightstroll's Tears of the Trickster campaign, is around 80% done. New screenshots have been posted on the forums.

Ghost_in_the_shell's debut FM, The Box, is now under beta testing. No release date is given, but should be pretty soon.

After a year of absence, Gian reappeared and gave us a preview (several screens) of his great looking upcoming mission. Status nor release date are given, but at least it's still alive.

Finally some short news: Asgaroth's FM The Suffer Catalyst and Lady Rowena's The Seven Sisters are slowly moving near completion (both are over 90% complete).

The full list of changes can be found here.

Until next update,

The Phantom

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