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          Monday, July 30, 2001

The Updates Are Coming
- 8:16:53 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
Appologies to everyone for not having gotten around to any updates yet. Unfortunately I am still waiting for my replacement monitor - it managed to get lost somewhere between manufacturer and courier so now it won't be here until tomorrow. So tomorrow (I hope) there'll be some new goodies for you.

          Saturday, July 28, 2001

Vote on Fan Missions
- 1:34:14 PM - Dan
Let your opinions be known. The Fan Missions user ranking system has been completed. Now, everyone may come and select what score you think each fan missions should be given. Please, go through the FM archive and vote for all the FMs you have played. If everyone does this, then we should have the place filled with votes in no time at all. Go at it!

Go Vote.

          Thursday, July 26, 2001

The Taffer's Post - Satirical Cybernetics
- 7:40:31 PM - Dan
The next Taffer's Post is here! (I decided that posting them on the weekends was a bad idea, since hits on weekends are low. So here it is, early. Most future Taffer's Posts will be put up late in the week, before the weekend. Well, that's that.)

The Taffer's Post this week is a break from the norm. I had tons of fun putting it together, and I hope everyone has tons of fun reading it, looking at the pictures, downloading the audio, and so on. This Taffer's Post is not for everyone though ... it has spoilers for nearly every LGS game, especially System Shock 1 and Deus Ex.

Ain't skeert? Good! Here is the column version of The Taffer's Post - Satirical Cybernetics, and here is the forum version. Please comment!

          Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Virus Alert
- 7:54:53 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
I normally wouldn't make a post like this, but I'm a little concerned that several of you who have sent me submissions over the last week may be infected by a virus. The virus goes by the name of "sircam" and full details on it can be found here. So, if you've sent a submission to me via either of my e-mail addies and I haven't answered, please scan your system. I can't e-mail you back directly as all suspect e-mails are deleted on reciept.

The name of the virus was pinned down by schwaa, over on the forums and he provided the above link too.

          Tuesday, July 24, 2001

Forced Break
- 6:56:03 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
As of yesterday evening my monitor has been on the blink - it's due to be sorted on Friday but until then I'm going to be out of commision. For those of you who've sent me e-mails today, please be patient - I'll get to them as soon as I have a working monitor again.

Plee to FM Authors - Host Your FMs!
- 8:14:41 AM - Dan
Attention FM authors:

Please, for the sake of all that is holy, try to find a place other then TTLG or Fileplanet to upload your Fan Mission to. Once this is done, or if it is already done, email that location (along with the FM title of course) to AlexTJyre@aol.com (That's Alexandria, the webmistress of The Circle). She will then list it as a mirror location from our download archive. If you wish that mirror link to lead to a webpage rather then a direct link to a zip file, then that is fine ... just make sure the FM -is- downloadable from the location you send to her.

Thank you!

          Saturday, July 21, 2001

The Taffer's Post - Business Not as Usual
- 6:41:23 PM - Dan
Taffer's Post Alert! Taffer's Post Alert! Clicketh here or here (for the forum version). Please enjoy ... :)

          Thursday, July 19, 2001

He Brings us Cathedrals and Screenshots
- 6:35:09 AM - Dan
Aha.. so! Randy Smith has snuck past the ISA guards with a sack in his pack, filled with Thief 3 secrets which shall make Imagine publishing green with envy! Well almost ... yes, there are new things to learn here. Behold, and blink with satisfaction of what you yet do not understand!
Well, the programming effort has long since switched from planning to implementing. In addition to the usual engine enhancements and tool modifications, we’ve made a ton of progress on interface, player movement, and AI. That’s right, Thief 3 already features guards who patrol, see and hear, search for you when they detect you, and say “must have been rats” afterwards. Paul, the AI guy, is clearly wasting no time. Furthermore, you can be Garrett in the game already; you can sneak him around, hide in shadows, and even shoot arrows. It’s not quite right yet, of course, but since we have so much of a headstart, we’ll be able to tune it to within an inch of its life before ship, which is great.
That's all. Actually no, that's not all. Go read more here. I mean here.

Wait... but there's more. Randy also posted some images - including screenshots ... here. Oh, wait, that's not a link! Randy also deleted the post shortly after making it... promising to update it soon. In the meantime, the disgustingly despicable and utterly villainous Despot stole Randy's content and posted them underground, right here.

By the way... I just won Deus Ex... finally. Haha!

          Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Submissions by The Riddler
- 5:59:06 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
The Riddler has provided some rather unusual contributions in the form of a font he made and some pictures detailing a Garrett figure he made. As he has provided a lot of detail I have put it all in this text file. I highly recommend you take a few minutes to have a look.

  • Thief font - based on the box cover art. Preview
  • Garrett Figure: full picture in cloak with arrows equipped standing by T:tdp, T:G, and T2.
  • Garrett Figure 2: With cloak standing still (as he would be in shadows).
  • Compare: comparison of screenshot and figure
  • Bow: bow comparison mine vs. screenshot
  • Arrows: all the arrows
  • Money Pouch: the loot pouch

    The font has been housed in the Themes section whilst the pictures are in the Art area under "The Riddler".

  • Submissions by Xerxes
    - 5:10:01 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Regular contributor Xerxes has produced two more pieces of fiction for your enjoyment. First up is the poem I Dreamt I Was A Thief which is written to the rhythm of Daft Punk "Digital Love". Secondly we have A Thief’s Journey part three of his ongoing work The Feeling’s Of A Thief. If you want a peek at the latest part, you'll find it below.

    Where am I going? I cannot carry about my normal business whilst I have all these things on my mind.

    Unsheathes sword, and gazes upon its splendour This is nice.

    If only I knew what had just happened in the last few day's, what it all means. I just don't no......i am confused and not for the first time in my life smacks head and rubs forehead

    Starts summarising what he has found out

    The voice said that I used to live here a long time ago but I have forgotten, and that I have forgotten an epic past on a place called earth. They must be linked somehow...but how??

    Maybe by Imogen...? This Imogen, I no her so well, yet no person of that name or fondness of me goes about these parts, so she must be on earth....?

              Tuesday, July 17, 2001

    Fic: The Builder's Guide
    - 6:30:54 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Zantie has given the fanfic The Builder's Guide a rewrite and update. It now comes in eight chapters, with more on the way! There follows a preview:

    From my perch in the alcove I watched the zombie stumble and fall in the large, quiet room. Silently the zombie got up again.

    Eight torches, two on every wall, lit the room. The dancing firelight masked over the dry bloodstains and gave the room a slight glow. On the wall across from where I sat a skeleton hung from a rope that was noosed tightly around its neck.

    Committed suicide I presume. Personally I wouldn’t recommend doing it. You would become a zombie, or something worse.

    I agreed with the little voice in my head. No one should want to die in here of all places.

    Rubbing my tired eyes I leaned back against the wall, using my cloak as a pillow and tried to think of a way to get out of this place. On the south wall of this room there was the only exit, a locked metal door. The lock was not the problem. It was the zombie preventing me from jumping down and getting enough time to unlock it.

              Monday, July 16, 2001

    Two New Fanworks
    - 8:57:36 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Added to the poetry area today are two new fanworks:

  • "Flower Power Mage Tower" - Xerczes
    An amusing take on the Mage's Tower Thief Gold mission.
  • "Burgler's Paradise" - Stapler Thief
    A poem/parody sung to the tune of Gangster's Paradise, by Coolio.

  •           Saturday, July 14, 2001

    New Mailing List
    - 12:55:20 PM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Kurgan has asked me to inform you of this mailing list. Here's the blurb, as he put it.:)

    A mailing list exclusively for fans of the new breed of intense "first person shooter" style games exemplified by the Thief & Deus Ex series. Discussion of strategies and FMs (fan made missions) is encouraged.

    This list was created because, of all the gaming lists out there, most of them tend to discuss other games of no interest to "our" crowd, so I thought this might be a nice way to keep the 1ps crowd happy. Every time I try to discuss a new FM no one seems to care about them and switches the talk back to Diablo or Baldur's Gate, which, after playing Thief, I find boring.

              Friday, July 13, 2001

    COT: Print Friendly Version
    - 9:26:10 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    One of first fanfics, Correspondance of Thieves Has recieved an update in the form of this printer friendly copy (1.97 MB).

    Fanfic: Feelings Pt 2
    - 9:12:57 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Xerczes has released the second part of his ongoing thiefesque story, The Feelings Of A Thief, A New Day Dawns A New Night Follows. You can get a taste of this uniquely styled fanfic below:
    Well I'm glad I'm outta that place, it gave me the willie's. Dammed statue, dammed voice, and this dammed sword, which I might add is getting heavier and heavier.

    Well gotta put up with it if I wanna get to my apartment!

    Walks through lonely streets lulling over what just happened

    Well thinking about it wont help, it seems the memory's come back spurred by a familiar voice, scene, smell. Whatever those memory's are I don't want them, I have a living to make as thief, if I let my senses go ill lose work and get myself killed. The last thing I want is to end up in that damn "Cragsleft" prison with a bunch O lunatic fanatic's guarding my ass! I hear they search you in the region's where u'd only let toilet paper reach!

    FM Update: Ruthaford
    - 9:07:22 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Following hot in the heals of yesterday's update, William The Taffer has released version 3 of The Eye of Ruthaford. He cites changes as:

    This updated mission contains more Garrett voice-overs, some cosmetic changes, etc

              Thursday, July 12, 2001

    Shipping ... & Receiving In-Jokes
    - 10:32:13 PM - Dan
    I won't bother to summarize ... just go check it out here. I think it's pretty cool. :)

    And for those of you who are not keeping track, Songs of the Caverns has loads of Phantom of the Opera references, and Precious Cargo has stuff from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. ;)

    Digi's Screenshography Contest
    - 10:16:57 PM - Dan
    Speaking of screenshots, just for shits & giggles, I shot off a little Screenshography contest on the Thief General Forum. Sound interesting? I'm giving real award this time! Check it out, you may want to enter.

    Hallucination, by frobber
    - 10:14:01 PM - Dan
    Speaking of the Underground, they've posted up a small preview and screenshots of the fascenating looking fan mission, Hallucination, by frobber. It's caught my eye! Good luck with it, frobber!

    Thief Underground Features Thievery
    - 10:09:44 PM - Dan
    Despot, of The Thief Underground scored an interview (not a hard thing to do ;) with oRGy of the Thievery MOD for Unreal Tornament.

    Read up on this project here, or visit the project's home site here, hosted at TTLG.

    Whoa... Custom AI for your FMs!
    - 10:04:19 PM - Dan
    It finally happened... someone converted a model from another game into Thief 2, and this is the result:

    Forum Thread.

    I had hoped it was only a matter of time. This shall pave the way for many more to come, I forsee!

    Egg Boy on Thief 3 AI
    - 9:50:47 PM - Dan
    Evening fair citizens. Eggboy, one of our resident ISAers, paid us a visit (he's been paying us lots of visits!) and uttered the following about AIs in Thief 3 and Deus Ex 2!
    >Originally posted by Digital Nightfall:
    > I snicker when I hear that they are redoing the AI from the ground up.

    > It uses the Unreal engine. Of COURSE they are redoing the AI from the
    > ground up! That's like saying "we are making all new missions from the
    > ground up!" Golly Mosses.

    Yes, a very astute observation. The Unreal Warfare AI is designed for a very different type of game -- one that involves a lot very fast-moving AIs brandishing futuristic, high-powered weapons. It's totally combat-centric, with no stealth, no bows or swords, minimal use of audio, and environments which, while exceedingly gorgeous, have very few objects you can interact with.

    I've always been an adherent of the theory that an AI has to evolve within the environment of the specific game you're creating, and quite often, even seemingly minor changes to the gameplay can have a dramatic effect on the way you architect and develop the AI.

    Which is not to say you can't share AI between different games. We're trying as much as possible to share AI code between Thief 3 and Deus Ex 2, for example. We're building a (currently unnamed) shared AI engine that currently supports the AI needs of both games.

    But of course, that's only possible because the games themselves have so much in common -- I'd have a hard time imagining that you could ever share code between, say, an action game and an RTS. What the term "AI" means is totally different from one genre to another.

    Also, we expect to build a lot of game-specific AI stuff on top of the engine as the games themselves grow and evolve and we come up with Thief-related AI features that DX2 doesn't need or want, and vice versa.

    Keep on taffin',

    Fanfic: Feeling's o/a Thief
    - 9:21:38 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Xerczes has written a short story for the enjoyment of all you taffers out there. Here's a peek at The Feeling's Of A Thief.

    Tonight's going to be a hard job, I feel slightly anxious towards it. Something doesn't feel right! Anyway I need's the money, gotta go for it' even if it does get me killed. Stupid Taffer guards! Had a lil' scrape with one O em last night, bastard cut my leg, its still hurting, but I'm tough', il get through tonight.

    O Imogen can't I see you again? Your my love, you thought I died, but I'm here. Alive. I saw you in my dreams, with another. Who is he? My tear fell as I missed you and you fell into the arms of another, then my tear fell to your face and absorbed in. That's my love, keep it well.

    WIND WHISTLES PAST Daydreaming again! that'll get me killed! The icy wind awoke me from my heartache now I must go, a thief is called by the wind, the night and the dawning of the shadows.

    jumps of a rooftop, lands in a alley The air is wet, the clouds have let go they're water, I look up and see the large white mansion, the moon glaring as bright as the sun behind it. The stars like little dots of white paint on black canvas, shining and applauding me. I feel brave and exited. The mystical chimes of the pagans can be heard from the nearby woods. This fills me with strength.

    FM Update: Ruthaford
    - 8:58:09 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    William The Taffer has updated his mission The Eye of Ruthaford. Here's what he had to say about it:

    I've finally updated the mission The Eye of Ruthaford V2.0 using the Thief2 patched dromed.

              Monday, July 09, 2001

    Russian Thief Site
    - 10:35:23 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Voron has asked me to let you know that NuKlear Alex of the "Russian Thieves-Guild" has produced a Thief Fan-Site for all the russian speaking taffers out there. It looks to be a well constructed site and well worth a visit.

              Saturday, July 07, 2001

    Lazarus Makes Briefings, Ya Know
    - 8:32:03 AM - Dan
    Most of you know Lazarus for the work-for-hire briefings he has done for various fan missions. Well, Lazarus would like -all- of you to know him for that.

    Lazarus has offered his video production talents to the Dromedite community (in the past and still now). He wishes it to be known that he is avaliable to create a briefing for anyone who wants to spruce up their FM. His services are free (as long as you are patient and give him adiquete time; he's quite in demand), and he works closely with the FM designer (you) on storyline, narrative text for the Garrett voiceover (usually done by Loanstar), and any screen shots/artwork needed for the completion of the briefing. It takes 1 to 2 months to complete a briefing (gathering elements and schedule purposes), so, if you want a briefing made, give yourself ample time to get on Laz's schedule.

    He's done briefings for Apache, Sledge, AZ Metalhead, and many more. He is also lending his talents to T2X as well as CoSaS as the Briefings Producer (truly an ambitious role). Laz encourages you to visit his website, where he has some samples for viewing.

    Lazarus can be reached via Email (lazarus@charter.net) , or ICQ # 55645024.

              Friday, July 06, 2001

    More Thief 3 and Deux Ex 2 Press - Update
    - 4:40:00 PM - Dan
    -= Update =-

    Sorry Lassies and Gents. Posting material from magazines which are still on sale is a break of copyright (we are such crooks! ;). The scans from PCGUK will be taken down until August, when the mag will no longer be up for sale. Thanks for understanding.

    FM Update: Mage's Area
    - 10:43:48 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Mage's Area, mad god's Thief 1 FM, has recieved an update. Of the update he says:

    Special thanks to Martin Hermansky (DEVIL) and Chrochy for making Mike's speech. This greatly improves mission, so I decided to make first (and the last) update.

  • Normal Version
  • Easy Version

  • Review: Mystery Man
    - 9:14:15 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Sharga has provided us with a review for the FM Mystery Man. Thanks Sharga!

    Hammer Score: 8.5 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
    Comments by Sharga:

  • Pros: Much originality—I saw no stolen ideas.
  • Cons: Not much sneaking, if that’s what you are looking for.
  • Download it this second, this mission’s size will not come between you and enjoyment of the game.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  •           Tuesday, July 03, 2001

    FM: Rescue!
    - 10:48:16 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    RicknMel has released his second mini-missions for Thief 2 - Rescue. Details follow:

    Thief 2 Fan Mission

     Filesize: 0.43 MB
     Released: 7/3/2001

    By: RicknMel

    Plot Description: "It's rumored that GumDrop was busted in an attempt to get into Binfords tool vault last night, and is being held captive in a back bedroom in Binfords Manor. I know you could care less about GumDrop as a fellow Thief, but it might be worth your while to help him escape. They say that he has a key that could be worth more than you could ever imagine. Binfords guards say they couldn't find it, but I know he has it. Why don't you pay him a visit. Theres no way you'll get through the front door, but I think you can get to him if you cross the bridge that leads to Binfords back gates."

    Additional Comments: This mission is my second effort at a Super Mini Fan Mission. It's quite better than my first, but I'm still learning. Have fun! :-)

              Monday, July 02, 2001

    Thief 3 Art
    - 8:34:10 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    The Thief 3 concept art featured in the recent PC Gamer US has been stolen from the pages and placed in our concept art section. Or you can peek at them in the table below.

    Thief 3 Concept Paintings
      83 K - 327x571

      The Pagans
      78 K - 552x480

      The Keepers
      73 K - 355x485
      Thief Room
      23 K - 252x189

      66 K - 397x463

    CoSaS in the Press
    - 8:31:48 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    PC Gamer UK published this article on CoSaS in the July issue of the magazine. Congratulations to the CoSaS team! Thanks to Tom B for the origina

    I was asked to tell you that the release date mentioned is, at best, inaccurate.l scan.

    Garrett's Voice in UT
    - 7:56:56 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    MsLedd has made a Garrett voice set for use with Unreal Tounrnament, which can be applied to either the player or the bots. It comes in two forms:

  • Without Umod
  • With Umod

    And if you're wondering where these hide, you can track them down in our themes area.

  • Two New FMs
    - 7:30:21 AM - Alex/Jyre/Dash
    Two new Thief 2 fan missions have been added to our archives today. They are:

    Thief 2 Fan Mission

     Filesize: 4.81 MB
     Released: 7/2/2001

    By: HipBreaker

    Plot Description: "You hear rumors of the Mechanists and the City Watch being seen together throughout the city lately. Then someone tells you they are planning to ally forces and become one stronghold and start finishing what Karras and Truart couldnt. They just started so take things slow. Just find proof of this alliance and then we'll take it from there. If there is an alliance happening, it looks like you'll be a bit busy for busy for a while."

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    The Night I Ghosted Berkshead

     Filesize: 0.7 MB
     Released: 7/2/2001

    By: GumDrop/Tim Murray

    Plot Description: "Kaplin-a lowly gutter snipe,requested a meeting with you regarding a hidden entrance into Crickhollow Church. The church had been abandoned for as long as you can remember, but now it is being occupied by a faction of Hammerites for some unknown reason. Upon arriving at the meeting place Kaplin arranged,you witnessed his arrest for attempting to pick the pocket of a rich nobleman and was forced to bride a local guard to arrest you aswell. The pair of you are now incarcerated in Berkshead Jail.The bribed watchman kindly unlocked your cell at the end of his shift. And now-as night falls,you have to find Kaplin and learn what he knows of Crickhollow,before escaping!"

    Travel to: Go Back / T-tc.com (home)