Don't say I didn't warn you...
By: Naks
Plot Description: Garrett is on his way to free his fiancée Lora from evil Lord G. Our hero can expect many surprises (not necessarily bad), this summer evening, on Richpoor’s streets. Let’s see...
By: Ravenhook
Plot Description: Your Landlord has been getting rather impatient at the 6 week overdraught you have with him. Still one more night won't have been invited to the local inn by a very pretty lady tonight, so he can wait till tomorrow.
By: Timon
Additional Comments: Note that this mission is entirely in Polish and contains a large amount of text to read. An English translation does not seem to be forthcoming.
By: MH.TheFreak
Plot Description: The landlord is gnashing his teeth, the old cheapskate.
Slowly, this is wearing me down. I had already resigned myself to going to the streets again when unhoped for - fate in form of an uninvited guest knocked at my door. The dagger ready, I eased open the door; but nobody was there. As I was turning back I noticed it.
Totally inconspicuous, a sealed envelope lay before me...
By: DrK
Plot Description: nightmare wakes him. What happened? And where is he? Blinded by candles, he slowly distinguishes a bedroom. His wounds are healed. But how, and who did it? Then he notices a man standing near him, a man who does not say a word. Still, he must have some explanation...
By: Spoonman
Plot Description: I got wind that one of the most important hammerite compounds of the city, Fort Neustadt, is about to celebrate its 100 anniversary.
Several of the most important nobles of The City have been invited, so it will be a perfect opportunity for me to get some quick cash...
By: Timon
Plot Description: This mission was made for the "Glyph of Hammer and Trowel" contest, December 2005.
By: The Pixie
Plot Description: Garrett,
A grave misfortune has befallen me and, although we have not spoken much in recent years, I hope you will find it in your heart to help me. I understand you would appreciate a more tangible reward, and though I am not a wealthy man, I can offer you 500 gold coins if you will find me darling daughter Jemola for me with all urgency.
She disappeared from her apartment last night, and Otis, a metalwright who has taken her as an apprentice, is convinced of foul play. Otis is, I think, an honest man, but you must of course use your judgement as you see fit.
Otis reported her disappearance to the watch, but I need not tell you how effective they are...
Please - find my daughter.
Other: Author's homepage
By: TheNightTerror
Plot Description: Garrett has been pulled out of retirement after a young woman, Elana, rescues him from a failed assassination attempt by the last remaining band of Mechanists. In return, she wants him to attempt a job previous thieves have failed, which involves robbing the prestigious Firwood Valley Hotel...
By: Paweuek
Plot Description: Sometimes you are in mystic places, full of ancient artifacts... places like the Citadel of Wrath-Amon, where you are heading now to sell food and alcohol to monks and guards. But, the times are unstable. The great black cloud is coming from the East...
By: DrK
Plot Description: With time on my hands, I explored Rocksbourg. I didn't enter the fortress heart of the city, where all the wealth is concentrated. The area is protected by high walls and guards. So I worked the outskirts. A few acquisitions, barely enough to pay for lodging and food, barely enough for my time. But those who keep their ears open on the street can hear curious things...
By: PinkDot
Plot Description: Garrett -- tired by many years of thieving, mysterious prophecies and Hammers -- decided to retire and settle down at a cosy cottage in some mountain valley. The house, where he's living with his quite eccentric wife, has quite a rich history.
Unfortunately, careless Garrett is not aware of either who the previous owner was, or what the local rumours say about this old house...
By: Bho
Plot Description: A simple mission that has Garrett breaking out of a rich nobleman's dungeon.
Expert Walkthrough
By: Gaëtane
Plot Description: When Garrett regains consciousness, beaten up by L’Arsene’s thugs, he finds out that he is locked up in a dark and stinking cell. He can hear the moans of other prisoners around him.
Raising his eyes he can make out on the opposite side of the bars a familiar proudly-smiling shape: L'Arsene, his implacable enemy. He seems to have been watching him sleep for some time. Beside him, a hooded man stands, La Bourrique undoubtedly, L'Arsene’s faithful lieutenant. They have both been waiting for their prisoner to wake up, to impose their humiliating victory on him.
Additional Comments: The fourth and final chapter in the series "L'Arsene"
Thief 1 / Gold Fan Mission
By: Philou
Thief 1 / Gold Fan Mission
By: BG Taffer
Plot Description: It's Christmas and Garrett is out of money. However, there is a newly-built Hammerite temple. Steal all valuables you can find!
