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          Friday, October 29, 2004

Five new FMs
- 7:23:10 PM - Jenesis
New FMs, and another round of sequels appears.

First up is 'Bloody Ruins', by Christine Schneider and Dinksmallwood, which is the sequel to 'Coterie of Smokers' and 'Abysses'. Then we have 'Deep Trouble, Part 2' by John D. Head. Be warned that this is a large mission (31.4MB) owing to various textures and sounds taken from a bewildering variety of sources. 'The Waterway Tunnel, Part 1' is by Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík), and is the sequel to his mission 'Old Bad Fellows'.

The remaining two missions are the entertainingly named 'Ack! There's a Zombie in the Basement', by Polygon, and 'Having a Ball', by madwolf {Kevan Swain} and Callum. The latter is described as 'just a bit of fun for Halloween'.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bloody Ruins

 Filesize: 15.9 MB
 Released: 10/29/2004

By: Christine Schneider, Dinksmallwood

Plot Description: After his 'clearing' of Lord J's estate and his adventures in the great outdoors, Garrett has now ended up in the ruins. What awaits him here? Will he find a way out?

Additional Comments: Sequel to 'Coterie of Smokers' and 'Abysses'.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Deep Trouble Pt 2

 Filesize: 31.4 MB
 Released: 10/29/2004

By: John D. Head (John D.)

Plot Description: A simple job gone horribly wrong......now you've got problems. Having stowed away in a crate in order to infiltrate the castle of a local despot, you instead got shipped straight into the hold of the Swordfish-the Mechansits newest and most advanced undersea vessel. Finding yourself deep in it's hold, it took all your stealthy skills to make your way through the vessel trying to find a way out. (more)

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Waterway Tunnel, The Pt 1

 Filesize: 2.67 MB
 Released: 10/29/2004

By: Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík)

Plot Description: Garrett Junior found in Monastery secret way from diving room. It is time to proceed to the other end of the tunnel. There is a second station of his way to his father - Mansion of Lord Ezechiel.

Additional Comments: Sequel to 'Old Bad Fellows'.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Ack! There's a Zombie in the Basement

 Filesize: 4.48 MB
 Released: 10/29/2004

By: Polygon

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Having a Ball

 Filesize: 6.84 MB
 Released: 10/29/2004

By: madwolf {Kevan Swain} and Callum

Plot Description: Get your ball back. Get out alive.

Many thanks to all of you for your efforts.

          Thursday, October 28, 2004

Create a Thief 1/2 DVD Case
- 2:59:32 PM - Dan
BoneChill has sent in something he made for himself, and wanted to share with everyone else. How would you like for your Thief 1 & 2 CDs to fit on your shelf next to your Thief 3 DVD case? ... now you can.
This is a cover I created for my Thief 1 and 2 games. The original cardboard cases got trashed, so I now keep all six CDs (Install CDs, Game CDs, and Demo CDs) in an AlphaPak 6-Disc DVD Case. I made up this custom cover in Photoshop and I must admit it looks pretty sweet sitting next to my Thief 3 case. I've attached both the cover and a picture I took of the finished product. The picture just doesn't do it justice, though.

You can download the cover image here. It's quite high quality. If you're serious about this, you may want to throw a few pennies at it and get it printed professionally. I know my $99 printer would laugh at me if I tried to print that with any decent quality. So much black ink...

Chill also provided a link for Buying the DVD cases. The cover image was made to fit a 6-disc case. If you don't care about the demo discs (I think I lost those ages ago, personally) you can always fill up the empty slots with FM CDs or something. :)

          Monday, October 25, 2004

An Open Letter From Ion Storm
- 4:15:11 PM - Dave

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come bearing the gift of hope. As many of you know, the studio has been through a great deal recently, and we have been preoccupied with the processes of adaptation and renewal. And, of course, we've been nurturing our next project through its infancy.

Beyond own trials, the industry itself is changing rapidly, and we continue to seek the right balance between our core values and consumer demand. That said, I suspect you will be pleased to learn that we have not forgotten about our existing fan base.

Nor shall we.

In that vein, I’m pleased to announce that we have been (quietly, by necessity) working for several months on the process of releasing the Deadly Shadows editing toolset to the fan community. This is not a guarantee; there are numerous technical and policy-based obstacles that remain to be negotiated.

And if they come, there may be features that you will either have to jury-rig or do without – but believe me when I say that they remain incredibly powerful. On a personal level, I would love to see what you might achieve with them.

As a studio, we want you to know that we are doing our utmost to hand you the keys to The City. If we're able to make it happen, we’ll be as pleased as you are. Your continued interest and loyalty speak for themselves. These tools belong in your hands.

Regards and thanks,

Jordan Thomas


Check thread on out forums!

          Monday, October 18, 2004

New FMs and updates
- 8:57:35 PM - Jenesis
Today's FMs are brought to you after a brief hiatus, and by the letter 'D'. Two new FMs are here, as well as updates to two existing missions.

"Damsel in Distress" is a new mission by David Dyal (so many 'D's!) where, shortly after Basso introduces his sister to Garrett, she disappears. It's a fair-sized mission, coming in at a little over 15MB.
Turi Robert's "Dead Flower" is rather smaller, 2.4MB, and supports English and Hungarian.

Ottoj55's "A Debt Repaid" has received an update which has added Italian support as well as fixing a few bugs.
Also updated is "Moth to a Flame" by madwolf, again for the purpose of bug-fixing. Sadly, however, it is bereft of even a single 'D'.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Damsel in Distress (v2)

 Filesize: 15.2 MB
 Released: 10/18/2004

By: Dyald (David Dyal)

Plot Description: "After the fall of the Mechanists I became too well-known in town and decided to finally set down my lockpicks and retire. I know I have tried this before and it didn't work, but this time I don't really have a choice in the matter. Besides, Basso finally introduced me to his sister Elayne. (more)

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Dead Flower

 Filesize: 2.41 MB
 Released: 10/18/2004

By: Turi Robert

Additional Comments: English and Hungarian supported.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Debt Repaid, A (v2)

 Filesize: 14.3 MB
 Released: 10/18/2004

By: Ottoj55 (Jason Otto)

Plot Description: A few years ago Garrett broke me out of Cragscleft Prison, a couple years after that he helped me break Jenivere out of a rich noble's manor. Tonight Garrett is the one in need of a rescue. A job he was on didn't go to well and now the City Watch has him locked up. An average housebreaker would get a long stay in their dungeons for this, if they figure out that this is Garrett they'll execute him for sure. (more)

Additional Comments: English and Italian supported.

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Moth To A Flame (v1.1)

 Filesize: 13.5 MB
 Released: 10/18/2004

 Loot List

By: madwolf (Kevan Swain)

Plot Description: I recently came back from a short spell in the north where I'd gone until things calmed down in the City. I may as well not have bothered. Things are getting worse. (more)

Many thanks to all of you for your hard work :)

          Saturday, October 09, 2004

TTLG's BioShock Site Launched
- 11:37:48 AM - Dave

I'm pleased to announce that our very own BioShock site has been launched, and can be found here.

We'll have all the latest news on Irrational's BioShock, as well as screenshots, videos, exclusive interviews (hopefully), and much more, so visit back often!

          Thursday, October 07, 2004

CoSaS on Hold for 8 more months
- 11:08:34 AM - Dan
CoSaS has been and will be on hold until mid-Dec, at which point work will briefly resume until the start of the new year, after which it will be back on hold again until the following summer. The reason for this is that most of the CoSaS team is made up of full time college students, and we have found it impossible to continue work on the project while at the same time giving our school work the time it requires. We regret having to do this, but it's a juggling act we simply cannot manage.

We are all very pleased with the work we have done on CoSaS over the past year, and there is no intention to let the project die. That is why I am making this post, instead of just fading away.

If you have any questions or comments, please make them here.

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