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          Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Old Contest Missions Added
- 11:36:56 PM - Elenkis
Thanks to a list from Anarchic Fox I've updated the database with the seven entries for Komag's original small fan mission contest that took place back in September 2001. The six missions are:
  • Airship - Dave Angel
  • Escape from Blackstone Crypt - Hit Deity
  • Warehouse 51 - Kung Fu Gecko
  • Five Minute Thieves' Guild - William the Taffer
  • The Turtle on its Back - Gonchong
  • Dreamslide - Komag
  • Oswald's Patisserie - PMouse
  • This should mean the fan mission database is now pretty much complete. If you know of any missions that are still missing then please do contact us.

    FM's: Lord Ashton Series
    - 11:11:49 PM - Elenkis
    Christine Schneider has released The Secret of Sir Stefan and A Winter's Night, which make up parts six and seven of her highly acclaimed Lord Ashton series. To coincide with these a single campaign that contains all seven missions has also been released!

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    The Secret of Sir Stefan

    Filesize: 8.1 MB
    Released: 12/31/2002

    By: Christine Schneider

    Plot Description: The sixth mission out of my series of FMs for Thief II.
    You're in search of the 'Mystic's Soul', said to be somewhere in the City, and the 'Mystic's Heart', which is in the property of Sir Stefan.

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    A Winter's Night

    Filesize: 3.1 MB
    Released: 12/29/2002

    By: Christine Schneider

    Plot Description: The seventh mission out of my series of FMs for Thief II.
    You have arrived in a nice little town and you're looking for a weapons cache and a valuable diamond...

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    The Lord Ashton Series

    Filesize: 31.1 MB
    Released: 12/31/2002

    By: Christine Schneider

    Plot Description: The Lord Ashton Series includes the fanmissions: A visit to Lord Ashton's, A Night's Stroll, Escape, Revenge, In Search Leon, The Secret of Sir Stefan and A Winter's Night.

    Additional Comments: Multi Language Support: English and German.

              Monday, December 23, 2002

    Review: Lord Lomat's Flute
    - 2:33:03 AM - Elenkis
    We have another review from Eric D'Avignon! This time he puts Murray Lorden's Thief 2 fan mission, Lord Lomat's Flute to the test and awards it a score of 2.5 hammers.

    Hammer Score: 2.5 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:

    - Pros: Challenging guards.
    - Cons: The challenge of the guards comes from their preternatural eyesight. There also isn't much of a story, and the architecture sometimes tends toward the overly blocky or uniform.
    - Bottom Line: You might find it fun. But be aware that the guards have eyes in the backs of their heads.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

    Thanks Eric!

    Artwork from John Castiello
    - 2:18:01 AM - Elenkis
    Talented artist John Castiello has sent us this new drawing entitled, "Alternate Rope Arrow Uses":

    Well that's certainly one way for Garrett to put all those spare rope arrows to good use... Thanks John!

    Fanfic: Curse of Darkness
    - 1:54:32 AM - Elenkis
    Foxy has completed chapter 2 of his novel in development, The Curse of Darkness. As a reminder, the story takes place around mid-way into Thief 1 and the Thief universe tie-ins will become more apparent as the story progresses. Here's a peek at the new chapter:
    After quite a while the fox reached a more active region. He continued to walk calmly, feeling slightly freer from the disappearance of his cloak. Along the lit chambers now lay plants of indescribable variety. He paused to remove a pod-like bean from one plant, biting into it experimentally. His face showed approval on tasting, and he therefore took time to finish the rest of the bean. Afterwards, he took care to scatter the bean’s seeds into the undergrowth. More plants like that were no bad thing…

    As he took a step towards the un-trodden distance his foot was stopped by a creeper continuing to curl itself round it. Slightly annoyed, the fox turned round to face the mother plant. It screeched at him violently, but where the sound came from specifically he did not know.

    The fox hardened his brow further as the creeper tightened its grip. He took care to stamp hard on the most delicate part of the plant’s anatomy, giving a good kick and claw stab to its stalk to drive his point home. The plant screeched again, seemingly in agony, and retracted its creepers.

    Thanks Foxy!

    Poem: The Cynical Smile
    - 1:33:26 AM - Elenkis
    The Cynical Smile is a short poem written and submitted by Runner.
    I enter your world, silent unseen
    you'll see no trace, of where i have been
    i pass your defences, i slip through your doors
    i'll take as my own, what once was called yours

    The ancient law of balance is held
    while every fat merchant's coffers are swelled
    i will be there to take it from you
    and there's not one thing, that you can do.

    Thanks Runner!

              Wednesday, December 18, 2002

    Six New Reviews
    - 1:26:37 AM - Elenkis
    Super reviewer Eric D'Avignon (Anarchic Fox) is back with another six of his informative fan mission reviews, including a huge review of Purah's epic Calendra's Legacy. The results? Read on:

    First up is Calendra's Legacy, by Purah and co. It becomes only the second mission to achieve the much coveted Golden hammer! A worthy mission if ever there was one, and a worthy review to match ;)

    Hammer Score: Gold
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Gameplay that is good in every way that Thief gameplay can be good, with very high replay value; beautiful visuals; an interesting and well-developed story; an overwhelming amount of extra detail.
  • Cons: Your system might not be up to playing it. Otherwise, there really aren't any major flaws in this mission pack.
  • Bottom Line: The best fan mission to date.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • Next up is the The Karrassinian Threat, by Paul Buckley.

    Hammer Score: 7.0 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Very creepy, interesting and unusual below-sea-level setting, very fun (though difficult) exploration.
  • Cons: The initial friendliness of most guards may make the level too easy, finding your way about Karrassina can be very confusing.
  • Bottom Line: A very good mission, with many surprises. Worth giving a look, at the very least.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • The third review is of Crom's Blade, by Schwaa.

    Hammer Score: 7.5 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Immersive ice/castle setting, fun loot-seeking and exploration, many unique elements.
  • Cons: A potentially frustrating main puzzle, a story with some unexplained aspects, and a mythos that you may find out-of-place in Thief.
  • Bottom Line: A great mission. This could be one of your favorites, especially if you enjoy the look and feel of a wintry setting.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • The fourth review is of Sammy Pays His Dues, by Jeff Byrd.

    Hammer Score: 5.5 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Attractive outdoors architecture, good story and solid gameplay.
  • Cons: Nonsensical mansion layout; the mission will probably be very easy for most players.
  • Bottom Line: A good, though not exceptional, mission in the mansion-looting genre.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • The fith is of Dyer's Eve, by Metalhead.

    Hammer Score: 6.0 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Creepy, dangerous custom haunts, good gameplay and setting.
  • Cons: Plain visuals, problematic story, potentially frustrating puzzles.
  • Bottom Line: A good, slightly unconventional undead mission... of course, you may or may not enjoy sneaking among the living dead.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • And finally the sixth is of Bassett's Keep, by Thorin Oakenshield.

    Hammer Score: 3.0 of 10
    Comments by Reviewer:
  • Pros: Some fun thieving, interesting exploration.
  • Cons: Plain visuals, disjointed construction, weak story.
  • Bottom Line: The mission can provide some nice gameplay, but is otherwise unattractive.

    - Full Review & Screenshots

  • That's the lot of them. Thanks again, Eric!

              Saturday, December 14, 2002

    Thief 3 Producer Leaves Ion Storm!
    - 4:41:20 AM - Dave
    Lula Lamer who worked on all three Thief games has decided to depart Ion Storm for a career focusing on Health Care. Here is what she had to say on our forums:
    Hi TTLG peeps, best fans ever:
    I'm writing to say bye, because today's my last day at Ion Storm. I've got a great replacement, Denise Fulton, who has been working with me, getting up to speed for several weeks. She's a big fan of Thief and of immersive sims in general, and I know she'll do a great job leading/supporting our kick-ass team.
    I'm not leaving for another game company (not sure there's a better one...), I'm making a big life/career change toward health care. Anyway, I just wanted to say an official goodbye, and to mention that the dedication of our fan base has always been touching (as well as helpful!). I'm sorry that the last 2 communiques y'all have had from the Thief team have been departures. Good new will come soon - all I can tell you now is that the game is looking unbelievably good.

    I can't wait to play Thief 3, can you!?!

    --Lulu LaMer
    ex-Producer, Thief 3
    Ion Storm Austin

    You can post your messages on a Thread in our forums

    Thanks for all your hard work Lulu and welcome to the Thief World, Denise!

              Thursday, December 12, 2002

    Contest 4 Well Underway
    - 7:40:22 PM - Elenkis
    In related news to the post below, Komag's 4th small mission contest got up and running last month (yeah, I'm not sure how we managed to miss this either).

    All authors wishing to enter the contest should head over to Komag's Contest 4 page for detailed rules and entry procedure. You have until January 15, 2003 to come up with the goods!

    Contest 3 Missions Added
    - 7:31:58 PM - Elenkis
    Finally gotten around to adding all 16 missions from Komag's 3rd small FM contest to the database. The contest took place over the summer and received a whole bunch of enjoyable entries.

    For a complete list of the contest missions, the scoring and the final results then head over to Komag's Contest 3 page.

    I know this is very late in coming, but congratulations to all those who entered - especially winners Bukary and Ernie!

              Tuesday, December 10, 2002

    Thief 3 News from Germany
    - 7:03:24 AM - Dan
    The following came from The Gamestar News Page, a German gaming news site. It was sent in and translated by Matt Kimmich / Thirith.
    On a visit to the Ion Storm offices in Austin/Texas we were allowed an - albeit very brief - look at Thief 3. The third installation in the thieving saga (better known in Germany as Dark Project) almost threw us off our feet due to the excellent graphics, fantastic shadow effects and extremely realistic NPC models. Talking of feet: While the jumping sequences in the first two games still were a nuisance since you never knew when Garret had actually reached the edge of a chasm, in part 3 you'll actually see the master thief's feet when you look down. This makes climbing passages so much easier. Another improvement: When picking locks there's a nice animation of Garrett's hands actually manipulating the lock. Unfortunately there are still no released screenshot.
    I wonder how showing hands while lockpicking will work. I mean, before we could pick locks from any position or angle as long as we were in range. In T3, will we only be able to pick the lock if we are directly in front of it so the animation can play? Hrm. Thanks, Matt!

              Thursday, December 05, 2002

    FM: Ravencourt's Mansion
    - 9:30:37 AM - Elenkis
    Ravencourt's Mansion is a new Thief 2 mission created by T. Nagy Levente.

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Ravencourt's Mansion (v1.4)

     Filesize: 0.4 MB
     Released: 12/5/2002

    By: T. Nagy Levente

    Plot Description: This mission played after 10 year's later the thief 2. Mr Ravencourt collaborate with the mechanist. Time in the Karras, Ravencourt send two servants to Karras. Karras Kill servants. Ravencourt's wife Emma explore this terrible secret. She told her husband.

    Mr Ravencourt want kill Emma. Garett explore, and stop him.

    FM: Creature Clash Gold
    - 9:27:21 AM - Elenkis
    This new mission by Philip M. Anderson is a remake of Kung Fu Gecko's three year old classic Creature Clash mission.

    Thief Gold Only Fan Mission
    Creature Clash Gold

     Filesize: 5.6 MB
     Released: 12/5/2002

    By: Weyoun (Philip M. Anderson)

    Plot Description: Update of Kung Fu Gecko's 'Creature Clash' for Thief: Gold. This mission is different from the previous Creature Clash missions in that creatures can be selected by the player.

    Artwork from John Castiello
    - 9:04:25 AM - Elenkis
    John Castiello has sent us another one of his superb drawings. This one is named Hammerfall and Todd Schneider again did the nice touch-up work.

    Thanks John!

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