Sailor Thief's "T2HumansPack16bit
V1.00" "Modification
Package for Thief" This pack that I
have created allows the player/editor to place any T2 human model into DromEd
or Thief 1 (yes these models will work in DromEd! I will tell you how I did
this later on!) and also copy's over Garrett's Thief: The Dark Project inventory.
And as a goody I've added a Garrett skin for the editors.(And instruction on
putting Garrett in your level!!) 1: "Important you
must read this" These
models use 16bit textures so before you start you must make sure you've copied
over the old dark.cfg with the one provided in my zip. Or else they won't work.
BACKUP OF IT. You must have a 3d card like a voodoo, geforce or radeon to use
these 16bit textures. To use these models you must play Thief with character
detail on high.
2: "Installing" You can install
the mod using Thief Loader or Dark Loader, but if you do that than they will be
deleted when you load up a mission. If you’re planning to use this mod in any
way I suggest that you do it my way. Just right click my zip and click
"extract to" then extract it into your main Thief directory (for
example "C:\Games\Thief" or "C:\Thief" ) Once you've done
that it should make a new folder named "mesh" and in that folder
there should be a "hipoly" & a "txt16" folder. And also
in the main Thief directory there should be a folder called "motions"
filled with a bunch of "mi" and "mc" files. Those are
Garrett's Thief II motions. 3: "Game system file" I have worked
very hard to provide you with a game system file. If you are a dromed editor
and want to use these models I recommend you use this gamesys file that I have
provided, you'll find it in my zip. Its name is "Thief.gam". 4: "Using these models in DromEd" Once you've programmed your level to use
my .gam file Proceed to Object Hierarchy and click "physical" then "Creature"
now here is a list of where the T2 models is stored. Creature: T2 undeads: Undead+ T2 apebeast: Beast+ Human: T2 hammerites:
Hammerite+ T2 servants:
Bystander+ Servant+ T2 sword guards:
Guard+ Swordsman+ Grunts+ T2 bowmen: Guard+
Bowmen+ T2 policeman:
Policeman+ T2 Keeper
agent:Human+ T2 Mechanist
Guard/Priest: Mechanist+ T2 nobles: Nobles+ T2 pagans: Pagans+ T2 Thief: Human+ T2 unarmed Thief:
Human+ 5: "Putting Garrett in Thief" Say in your fan
mission you play somebody other that Garrett but you wish to put Garrett in it.
Say put him in a Bar drinking a beer or something? Well now you can and you can
even give him his pain sounds too!!! Here's how, first go to the mesh folder, then
to "txt16" then rename the Garrett.gif to ThiefS01.gif then open your
level using DromEd then make a T2 thief and put him in your level, and next
click on his properties then click add, schema, class tags and finally type in
"creaturetype player" then click done and get into game mode and
swing at him, cool huh? Oh yeah better be careful this might screw up your
level.. but I don't think so. 6: "How I made these models work in DromEd" Normally these
models would not work in DromEd because it would give you a error and then you
wouldn't be able to see your model, but I got them to work properly. Here's how
I did it. I downloaded meshbuild & meshscale and made totally new bin
files. That's it. If you wish to do some model making yourself then go to
www.Thief-thecircle.com and download it. Don't worry it has a tutorial packed
with it. 7: "Some stats" ·
This mod pack was created by Sailor Thief. ·
This pack took 5 days to complete. ·
I pity the fool who doesn't release this pack on www.thief-thecircle.com ·
If you have any questions about this pack reply to me on the
forums or talk to me live on AIM, my name is Garrett TTDP or you can email me
at Cody_b5@hotmail.com Coming Soon: Lord
Belfred ”Explore Belfred’s
huge 3 story high mansion find Belfred’s secret artroom, search around the haunted crypts and much, much more."
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