
Official Addendums
Schema Files (schemas.zip) - (85 K)
For Thief 1 (non-gold) Dromeders only. This is the incomplete set of schema files which shipped with Thief Gold. For the complete set, download this and the file below.
Schema Update (schemas_update.zip) - (7 K)
For Thief 1 & Thief Gold Dromeders only. These are the two schema files which did not ship with Thief Gold. You must download these to have the complete set.
Unstripped Thief missions
These unstripped missions may be edited, examined, or converted into Thief 2 missions (with a great deal of effort). Thief Gold owners may find these on your game disc, and need not download them.
Miss1.zip - Training Mission
Miss2.zip - Lord Bafford's Scepter
Miss3.zip - Break From Cragscleft Prison
Miss4.zip - Down In The Bonehoard
Miss5.zip - Assassins
Miss6.zip - The Sword
Miss7.zip - The Haunted Cathedral
Miss9.zip - The Lost City
Miss10.zip - Undercover
Miss11.zip - Return to the Cathedral
Miss12.zip - Escape!
Miss13.zip - Strange Bedfellows
Miss14.zip - Into the Maw
Theiflev.zip - All the above mission files in one file (35.7 megs!)
Unstripped Thief 2 missions
These unstripped missions may be edited or examined. These are the missions as they are after the patch. Pre-patch unstripped missions are available on the Thief 2 CDs.
Miss1.zip - Running Interference
Miss2.zip - Shipping... and Receiving
Miss4.zip - Framed
Miss5.zip - Ambush!
Miss6.zip - Eavesdropping
Miss7.zip - First City Bank and Trust
Miss8.zip - Courier
Miss9.zip - Blackmail
Miss10.zip - Trail of Blood
Miss11.zip - Life of the Party
Miss12.zip - Casing the Joint
Miss13.zip - Masks
Miss14.zip - Precious Cargo
Miss15.zip - Kidnap
Miss16.zip - Sabotage at Soulforge
Missions.zip - All the above mission files in one file (51 megs!)
Fan-Made Addendums
Thief Gold Patch (tgpatch_basic.exe) - (6.4 Meg)
This patch has three purposes. On the one hand, it is meant for Thief Gold Dromeders to have a list of all Thief Gold only files, and then include them in his or her mission so that taffers without Thief Gold may play the mission. On the other hand, is it so that non Thief Gold dromeders have access to the new graphics and objects of Thief Gold for use in their missions. Finally, if a Thief Gold Dromeder did not make his or her mission non-Gold compliant, then a taffer may download this and install it into Thief 1 and the mission should work properly.
Official Companion Tools
Mapper Tools (mapper.zip) - (202 K) - view readme.txt
This pack of programs will assist Thief 1 & Thief Gold Dromeders in creating automaps - that is, a map that showes the player's location. It is unkown if these files will work with Thief 2.
Compound File Viewer (tagview.zip) - (470 K)
An executable that allows one to view the contents of files that are in our compound file format (.cow, .mis, .gam). Not all that useful, but you never know. Works with Thief 1, 2, & System Shock 2.
N3ds2e.zip - (51.9 K)
A newer version of 3ds2e.zip. It's used when working with 3d objects.
Fan-Made Companion Tools
DarkLoader v3.08 (darkloader.zip) - (359 K)
Based upon Thief Loader v1.5, DarkLoader is a Fan Mission loader for Thief, Thief Gold and Thief 2, allowing you to play missions for all versions from a single DarkLoader install. Click here for more information. Made by Bjφrn Henke.
DarkLoader Source - (537 K)
The source code to Darkloader. Made by Bjφrn Henke.
Thief Media Edit v1.0 (me100.zip) - (366 K)
A nice program that lets you easily browse, view, and replace files in the Thief *.crf archives. Made by Andrew Bednarz
Thief Mission Zipper v1.0 (tmz.zip) - (278 K)
TMZ is designed to convert your Thief mission into Thief-Loader format automaticly. Made by Andrew Bednarz
Mission Text File Wizard v1.0 (mtfw.zip) - (22 K)
A program that quickly and easily creates the mission text files to include with your mission package. Made by Matt "Matιo" Taylor
ThiefMapper v1.0 (tmap.zip) - (175 K)
This program is intended to facilitate the creation of Automaps for 'Thief: The Dark Project' by Looking Glass Studios. It allows easier placing of locations on a basic map. Made by Caeyr
Meshscale v2.0 (meshscale.zip) - (134 K)
This program is designed to resize meshes, allowing you to alter the size of the AIs in-game. Imagine a spider 4x the normal size! Includes instructions for use. Made by Randy Sybel
A Collection of Object Tools (object_tools.zip) - (578 K)
- View.exe - allows you to view objects (not AI), rotate them, move joints, etc. Somewhat easier than loading a custom object into Dromed. View -help gives you a list of the commands.
- Md2Txt.exe - opens a .bin file (objects, AI?) and dumps everything about it to a text file.
- Anim2Mot.exe - The elusive program which supposedly converts some kind of animation file to motions! I have no idea how it works.
- Mottwist.exe - Modifies motions somehow? (Try mottwist -help). As arguments, it takes a motion name, a cal file, a joint id, and an angle. I have no more info than that.
Collected by Shadowspawn.
Thief Objective Wizard v1.02 (Tow102.zip) - (169 K) - Readme.txt
The purpose of Thief Objective Wizard is to simplify the process of creating objectives for your mission, both for Thief 1 and Thief 2. Instead of spending an hour typing your objectives into the Dromed Console, you can spend a minute hitting buttons and be done with it. Made by Avalon
Free the Objects! Tool Kit(freeobj.zip) - (144 K) - Readme.txt
BintoE - converts Thief, Thief2, and SS2 .bin files into .e. Eto3DS - converts .E files to .3ds. RTGto3DS converts RTG to 3DS. Made by Shadowspawn and Colourless
Thief Book Wizard 2b (tbw.zip) - (130 K)
A simple and easy way to create books in your Fan Missions. Made by Mike. Download with vB5 Runtimes - 1.7 Meg
Rust Gas Bomb Object (vbr) (rustbombvbr.zip) - (56 K)
This is a Rust Gas Bomb multibrushed object for Thief 2. It's experamental, and comes with documentation. Made by J Taylor.
Balatro's Texture Pack 1 (bctp1.zip) - (1.2 Meg)
Made by Balatro
Balatro's Texture Pack 2 (bctp2.zip) - (1.0 Meg)
Made by Balatro
Balatro's Texture Pack 3 (bctp3.zip) - (1.0 Meg)
Made by Balatro
Balatro's Gamesys for Texture Packs (bctpsys.zip) - (180 K)
Made by Balatro
Piano Multibrush (piano.zip) - (38 K)
Made by Kevin Telford
Spiral Stair Multibrush (spiral.zip) - (39 K)
Made by Eric Ladd
Winged Staincase Multibrush (wingedstaircase.zip) - (50 K)
Made by Da_Masta_Thief MicahGee
Combination Doors Multibrush (combo_doors.zip) - (114 K)
This is a pair of multibrushes which make it a lot easier to make combo doors as all the buttons and the odometer have the right properties. All the number buttons are the right colour.. Made by dOom
Custom Dromed Menu (almmenus.zip) - (3 K)
Made by A Little Mouse
Added Access Dromed Menu (menus2.zip) - (3 K)
This small file will add easier access to the functionality of the Dromed Editor. Simply replace the original menus.cfg in the Dromed folder with this file (back up the original if you're the careful type). It adds several useful commands in the 'misc' menu (ie. Light bright, pathfinding displays, editor cam, etc) and Easy access to all the Thief II texture families. No more having to remember arcane texture names! by James (Gonchong)
Added Access Dromed Menu for T1 (menus4.zip) - (3 K)
A modified version of the previous custom menu, this time providing access to all Thief 1 textures by Gamophyte
Custom Dromed 2 Menu (menus3.zip) - (2 K)
by Rob $ Caminos
Custom Dromed 2 Menu (menus5.zip) - (2 K)
by Gonchong
Custom Dromed 2 Keybinds (default.zip) - (2 K)
by Rob $ Caminos
Reskinable Humans Pack (reskinable_human.zip) - (202 K) - view readme.txt
It is quick and easy to add new skins without having to override existing ones.
Reskinable Paintings Pack (reskinable_paintings.zip) - (202 K) - view readme.txt
It is quick and easy to add new paintings without having to override existing ones.
22 New Objects for DromEd. (new-o-pu.zip) - (494 K) - view readme.txt by von.Eins
Knife Throwing characture. (knifethrower.zip) - (41.7 K) - view readme.txt by The_Thief
Thief 1 Modification Package. (t2models16bit.zip) - (3.58 Megs) - view readme.txt by Cody Bedingfield aka Sailor Thief
Thief 2 Textures Index. (t2tex.zip) - (16 Megs) by Wes Morrison
Thief AI 3D meshes. (Mesh-TG-gif.zip) - (0.5 Megs) The Thief Gold RTG format AI meshes converted
into 3DSby Shadowspawn
Thief AI 3D meshes - bmp version. (Mesh-TG-bmp.zip) - (1.6 Megs) The Thief Gold RTG format AI meshes converted
into 3DS by Shadowspawn
Thief 2 AI 3D meshes - gif version. (Mesh-TG-bmp.zip) - (1.6 Megs) The Thief 2 RTG format AI meshes converted
into 3DS by Shadowspawn