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Submitting Missions - Preperation

All Fan Missions submitted to this site must be correctly structured so as to be compatible with either ThiefLoader (Thief/TG) or DarkLoader (Thief/TG/T2). These Loaders require the mission to be contained with in a zip file, with the files set out with the following structure (as they are in your Thief Directory)Variables in yellow:

  • \yourmisnumber.mis - Your missions file. Eg miss19.mis, miss20.mis etc
  • \yourmisname.gam - Your custom gamesys file (if you have one. Eg. Dark.gam
  • \Yourmisname.txt - This is the readme file required in all FMs (example below)
  • \books\yourbooks.str - these are the string files for all books in your FM
  • \fam\familyname\texturename.pcx - This is where any of your custom textures should be stored
  • \intrface\miss##\goals.str - with ## being the number of your mission
  • \intrface\miss##\Pagexx.pcx - with ## being the number of your mission and xx being the map page number
  • \mesh\txt\skinname.gif - These are where the skins used by Thief 1 & TG are stored.
  • \mesh\txt16\skinname.gif - These are the 16bit skins used in Thief 2 are stored. T1 has a txt16 folder, but those skins are not used at all.
  • \obj\name.bin - bin files for custom objects
  • \obj\name.gif/pcx - Place custom action icons (eg carrying unconscious body) here.
  • \obj\txt\objname.gif/pcx - This are where all the the object skins are to be placed.
  • \obj\txt16\objname.gif - This is where the skins for the new objects in T2 are kept.
  • \strings\Missflag.str - Tells the game which mission to load when "Start New Game" is selected. Also contains instructions about briefings etc
  • \strings\Objnames.str - Needed if you've added your own custom names to objects
  • \strings\Titles.str - Lists all the mission titles
  • \bitmap\name.pcx/tga - Where altered particle affect bitmaps go
  • \bitmap\txt\name.gif/pcx/tga - As above
  • \snd\creaturename\language\name.wav - This is where custom voices should go
  • \snd\objname\name.wav - Where custom sfx/object sounds go

Please note: If supplying multi-language support you will need to place the language folders in both books and strings folders. The Thief Mission Zipper will perform either all or part of this process for you (depending on just how customized your mission is).

The Readme File

Every mission must be accompanied with a readme text file (in the form yourmisname.txt) The readme serves two purposes 1) Legal issues (copyrights and stuff) 2) Information - Tells the player what to expect generally. The readme should be set out as follows:

Author: (yourname)
Contact info: (you@yourplace.com)
Homepage: (optional)
Date of release: (Date)

Description: (Several sentences to describe your mission in a nutshell. This is what will be used to describe your mission on the download page.)

Briefing: (yes or no)

* Play Information *

Game: (Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold/Thief 2)
Mission Title: (Title)
File name: (filename.mis)
Difficulty Settings: (yes or no)
Equipment store: (yes or no)
Map / automap: (yes or no)
New graphics: (yes or no)
New sounds: (yes or no)
Multi language support: (yes or no)

Briefing : (yes or no) Total length / size: (if yes, state the filesize and length in seconds)

Difficulty level info: (Names of difficulty levels)

* Construction *

Base: (If you started building this mission from another mission, give the name of the old mission here)
Build Time: (How long it took you to make it)

* Loading information *

(Instructions in how to run this mission. Files should be set up in the zip to make them work with either ThiefLoader or DarkLoader. If it is a Demo Mission meant for Dromed only say so here)

* Copyright *

This level is (c) by (yourname & date)

(example copywrite info:) Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. (Note that this part is up to you, just make it clear)

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

Alternatively you may use the Mission Text File Wizard v1.0 (mtfw.zip) - (22 K) to generate your readme file based upon your input


If you have built your mission using Thief Gold: It would be highly advisable to use the Thief Gold Patch (tgpatch_basic.exe) - (6.4 Meg) to make your mission compatible with Thief: The Dark Project so non-Gold owners may also enjoy your mission.

If you have Thief 2: The Metal Age: Please ensure that you have built your mission using a patched copy of T2 and the updated DromED as the original CD version had a pathfinding problem. (this only applies to making missions, not playing them)

Hosting Policy:

At the moment, TEG will be hosting all submitted missions.

Mission Briefing Movies

If you have been ambitious enough to create your own mission briefing, please either submit it separately or provide a zip file that includes both mission and briefing and one that contains only the mission.

Getting It To Us

Have a mission all ready to send? Send an email to Master Nightfall (Dan), ensure him that you have read this page and understood everything you have read. He will then give you the info you need to upload your mission to the FTP server. It is also very important that you inform him of the file-name you gave the mission. If you have no way to FTP the files, email will work. Email attachments in excess of 3 or 4 megs will cause his little email server to die a horrible death. If your mission is indeed larger then that, be prepared to discuss alternate methods of getting it to him.

Reviewing Criteria

The first thing to decide is read the How We Rate page for an explanation of the hammer ratings system. Once you are happy with this scoring criteria you can begin your review. The review should then be presented in the following manor:

Mission Name:
Mission Type: (Neutrals / Hammerites / Undead / Monster ) {e.g. Cragscleft = Hammerite / Undead }
Map Size: {e.g. GatB = Tiny. The Lost City = Massive }
Difficulty: (a general feel of the overall toughness of the mission) {e.g. Undercover = easy. RTC = Hard. }

Screenshots plus captions (up to 5)

Brief description: Give an overview of the mission without giving away spoilers.

The Good Stuff: A few paragraphs to describe the areas the reviewer considers to be good about the mission (no spoilers). Do not imply opnion as fact: ie. I think that the wallpaper would look better is acceptable, but The wallpaper should be blue! Is not

The Not So Good Stuff: A few paragraphs detailing the elements the reviewer feels has let the mission down. Again do not mistake opinion for fact. And NEVER directly insult the author.

Pros: A summary of the good stuff

Cons: A summary of the poor stuff

Bottom Line: A few sentences to sum up the review

Mission Score (on scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest):

  • Architecture: (the impression of the level design, & texture layout)
  • Atmosphere: (hard to describe, but you know what it means)
  • Story: (how good is the plot?)
  • Gameplay: (how fun is it?)
  • Optional - Sound: (how well is the Music/EAX done?)
  • Optional - Completeness: (How polished is it? Lack of bugs?)

    Bonus Points:

  • Creativity: (Does it bring anything new to Thief?)
  • Eyecandy: (Was there any point where your jaw gaped in marvel?)
  • Plagiarism penalty: (Does the mission really rip-off another fan-made or official Thief mission?)
  • Irritation penalty: (Did anything in the mission really suck hard?)
  • Reviewer's bias: (Optional additional bonus or penalty applied to reflect the reviewer's personal prefferences.)

    Final Score: The following calculation should be used to determine the final score:

    Total mission score + Total bonus score
    Number of Mission Scores used (4-6)

    This will give a score out of ten. If the bonus points push the final score higher then 10 the mission will be nominated for a gold hammer. The mission will then be played by three TTLG staff. If two of those staff agree with the reviewer, the mission will be awarded a gold hammer.

    When two or more people review the mission, then both scores are shown.