
Official Guides & Tutorials
Official DromEd Documentation (1634KB)
Zip file containing these documents.
Official Docs (946KB)
As above, without the optimization tutorial
Official Tutorial
This is the official tutoral document which comes with all versions of Dromed. Note that this tutorial is out of date reguarding Dromed 2.
Official Tutorial, Updated for Dromed 2
This is a version of the above tutorial with information injected to bring it up to date with Dromed 2. This tutorial is download only, in rich text format.
The Mods Document
A guide to making your Thief level playable by other thieves, written by our friends at Looking Glass.
The Convict Script
A guide to creating conditions of victory (convict), written by our friends at Looking Glass.
The Sky Guide
A guide to setting up the new sky in DromEd 2, written by our friends at Looking Glass.
The Weather Guide
A guide to setting up the new weather in DromEd 2, written by our friends at Looking Glass.
Fan-Made Guides
Major Guides
Compilation of Guides
- Troubleshooting - An F.A.Q. for those who cannot seem to get Dromed working.
- Basic Object Editing - A tutorial for creating special custom objects in Thief, written by The Blind Man.
- Placing an Object on a Guard's Belt - A tutorial for doing exactly what the title says, written by A Little Mouse.
- On ControlDevices - A guide to switches and triggers for experienced Dromed users, written by Trimfect.
- A Mouse Certified Alarm System - A guide to creating alarm systems, written by A Little Mouse.
- Creating Automaps - A guide to creating maps that show the players relative location, written by Caeyr.
- Pausing Guards and Secret Doors - A tutorial for making secret doors, and teaching your guards to pause in the middle of a patrol, written by Koobze.
- Making a Smelter - A tutorial for creating a smelter setup, like in RTC, written by A Little Mouse.
- Book Tutorial - This tutorial is intended to teach the basics of creating books and the required elements. It will also explain how to apply those concepts to arbitrary objects, enabling you to "read" a loaf of bread, for example. Written by Kevin Goodsell.
- Equipment Store - This is a tutorial for making a equipment store at the start of your mission. Written by Silver.
- Advanced Alarm System - A guide to making location based alarms. Written by MacNokker.
- Command List Maker - A guide to making a list of all Dromed commands. Written by A Little Mouse.
- Creating a Custom Mage - A tutorial on making a custom mage enemy, with intent to show the player how to make any type of custom enemy. Also includes a list of skin/character/voice. Written by The_Thief.
- Importing Custom Artwork - Importing your own art is easy - getting the pallet to match is not. This guide shows you the way. Also includes a list of painting names. Written by TH_THIF.
- How tweq Moves the Dial - What the title says. Written by Steven Hindley.
- Ambient Sound - Ambient sound is a very important topic which people should know about. Many people see it as the key to atmosphere in any level. It's by LiquidEgg.
- Sleeping Servants - How to create sleeping servants
- Colored Lighting Dromed 2 Only - A guide to making light in Thief 2 colored.
- Making a Custom Sky - A guide to making your own sky textures, by Zail.
- Combination Lock Dromed 2 Only - A guide to making one of those cool combo-locks used in the second mission of Thief 2.
- Creature Conversion T1 - T2 Dromed 2 Only - A guide for importing characters and enemies from Thief 1 into Thief 2.
- Particle Palette Color Key - A ref chart showing the numerical codes for the partical colors, by Zail.
- A List of Garrett's Comments in Thief 2 - by SilentButDeadly
- A guide to Locational Damage for both Thief 1 and 2 - by Avalon
- Basic Elements of a Level - by Master_Designer
- Introduction to Simple Devices - by Despot
- Archer - A guide to giving archers different types of arrow - by Avatar
- Thief 2 textures -A page showing all the Thief 2 textures, grouped by family. Quite useful! - by Jesse Adams
- Thief 2 ambients -A text file that lists all the Thief 2 ambient sounds, along with some explanations for the more obscure titles. - by Inkyape
- Walking Lamp Guard Tutorial - A more thorough and in-depth description of how to make one of these, for Thief 1 & Gold only - by Daniel "Sneaky Acolyte" Garcia and Dan "Thiefs_Pawn" Corder
- Double Door Tutorial - A description of how to make double doors open properly - by Imposter
- Objects from Thief 2 to One - A guide to porting objects from Thief 2 into Thief 1. Obveously, you need both games for this to be of any use. - by Sailor Thief
- Shock 2 Grav Shafts - Though this is ment for use in Shock 2, it -should- work in Thief 1/2 as well. - by Disenchanted
- Atmosphere Guide - This guide is not a tutorial, but rather a collection of suggestions and examples useful for making your mission 'scary' or have an otherwise tense atmosphere. (demo mission) - by Z
- Doors & Secret Doors - This is a guide to doors, locks, and secret doors - by St Patrick.
- Archer Tutorial - How to turn any enemy or NPC into an archer - by Owen McLaughlin
- Guard with Lantern Tutorial - How to make a guard hold a lantern - by Janne Kahkonen
- Floaters, and you - How to decrease the amount of polygons through unconventional means - by Camelhamemr
- Ambient Sound - How to add ambient sound to your missions - by Masterthief30
- Beginners Sources and Receptrons - A guide to S&Rs - by Sledge
- Editing Schemas - How to make custom schemas - by Sledge
- Ambient Sounds Tutorial - A guide to adding ambient sounds to a map - by Sledge
Tutorial Writers Guild
- Conversations Tutorial - This is an extensive and highly detailed guide and tutorial to makeing conversations, both from character to character, and garrett to character. It's by Deep Qantas.
- Sources and Receptrons, for teleporting and timing - This tutorial is intended to teach the basic of sources and receptrons, and to show what a nifty tool they can be. As well as showing basic implementation, it will also describe how to set up a system to teleport Garrett from place to place, without using TrigRoom Scripts.
- Sources and Receptrons 2, Temporary In Game Store - This tutorial intends to highlight the necessary steps to make an in-game store where the player can buy objects midgame at the cost of loosing some loot. Also, it is a learning tutorial, and will not tell you how to do the store straight off, 'mistakes' are made along the way as I felt it would be more logical this way. The end product will allow the purchasing of items until the player runs out of money, then the store has to shut. I already have worked out a better system that does not shut, but that is more complicated still.
- Sources and Receptrons 3, Permanant In Game Store - This tutorial intends to achieve a fully functional in-game permanent store, where you can come back later and continue to buy things if you want to.
- Sources and Receptrons 3, Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail - This is a short tutorial designed to relate how to get Garret to leave to start leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. Once Garrett has picked up the magic pouch it will drop glowing rocks at his current position while he has it selected. If Garret does not select the pouch, then it will drop rocks at its previous position, though this is addressed in the tutorial.
Fan Mission How To's
Here are links to off-site guides:
- Making a briefing - This is a small tutorial of how to make a briefing that feels like "Thief". Real Thief briefings have couple other animation styles, but I will not cover them here, since they are more advanced and require more work, but the basic elements that make a briefing are here. Written by Trimfect.
- List of Scripts - Here are possibly all the scripts that Thief uses. Now what most of the scripts do, I have no idea. Written by Trimfect.
- Garrett's Comments - A nearly complete list of Garrett's comments, by Trimfect & Elfiran.
- Hammer Comments - A nearly complete list of Hammerite comments, by Elfiran.
- Dromed Tid-Bits - Much like TEG's MMDR (below) this guide is a compilation of many little tid-bits of Dromed info, taken from TTLG's Thief Editors' Forum, by silver.
Follow the link below to visit the archive of Demo Missions and other fun stuff.