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By: Gilbert (Master) Gradl Plot Description: Wachen von Lord Burkhard sind in Garrett´s Haus gestürmt. Lord Burkhard will alle Diebe in der Stadt fangen und in den Kerker werfen lassen. Außerdem wurde Garrett`s Freund schon gefasst. Additional Comments: German Version Only.
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4 of 10
-- 22 Vote(s)
By: Pinky and The Brain Plot Description: The autumn season of Ye Olde Lost City Playhouse is opening in a fortnight. Unfortunately, the director of this fine establishment, an old friend of mine, has some 'business' he needs me to attend to after hours. It seems he's having some difficulties with his actors. Should be interesting. After all, I've always tried to avoid the spotlight. . .
![]() Hammer Score: 1.5 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by David Riegel :
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4 of 10
-- 30 Vote(s)
Other: Mission's Homepage |
By: Ken Ramsley (frobber) Plot Description: The Trickster has been dead 30 days tonight, the world is still saved from his evil, and yet strangely I have grown darker these past weeks. But Why? Comfort from old wine cellars has been easy enough to find, and loot at the expense of my rich neighbors still pays the bills. Is this not the easy life I always wanted with no world in need of rescue? Lisha says this darkness descended on me when my old Hammer eye gave out. But what good is the new mechanical eye the Hammers have waiting for me? Even when I had two perfectly normal human eyes I wasn't any richer than I am tonight!
Yet, as I write this, I am beginning to feel a shift in the air ...and not simply the early Autumn wind I hear blowing like it can't wait to get home to Old Man Winter. Perhaps it's just another crazy dream, but something keeps saying that my fortunes are about to change ...that the BIG one is just around the corner ...where I'll finally know the true comfort and peace of mind that comes with becoming a genuinely wealthy man!
![]() Hammer Score: 8.5 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Review by Spitter:
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7 of 10
-- 46 Vote(s)
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By: Robin G. Plot Description: That man was suffering such desperation that I finally decided help him. Apparently his wife had been kidnaped by Sir Terence´s men and now he has constrained to sell his lands by a ridiculous price. If it would not be enough, Lady Whitman, since that was the name of the lady, was afflicted by a rare disease and if she does not was taking her medication soon would die without solution. Due to the threats, Lord Whitman had discarded from the beginning the possibility of attending the authorities, therefore distress and urgency had obligated him, according he said me, to appeal a thief like me.
Sir Terence´s gardener, man who Lord Whitman was relying, would be the only one help I would have to break into the building. Whitman indicated me his address and gave me the key of his house where he said I would find more instructions for the quest.
![]() Hammer Score: 4.0 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by Marecki : The Thief 2 version of "Lady Whitman's Disease" is almost exactly the same as the original. Of course it now looks a bit better thanks to improved Dark Engine, but that is generally the truth for every case of such conversion. There are however some changes, or at least these are the ones I've managed to spot:
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6 of 10
-- 33 Vote(s)
By: Nirvana_Thief Plot Description: A local rich man, Bruno, has kidnapped one of the areas X Military heros who recently upset him. He has a history of 'inviting' those who have annoyed him to stay, and you have been contacted to get him out. Additional Comments: This is my first try at making a Thief mission. After many problems and infuriating mistakes, its finally ready. It's probably imperfect in many places, but hey, I think its a good first go. If you're bored, you might as well try it.I apologise for the awful name, I hate trying to think things like that up :)
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6 of 10
-- 10 Vote(s)
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By: Jeremy D. Mitchell (Feanor) Plot Description: Garrett must sneak, fight, and backstab his way through Baron Bisfult's keep in order to earn his money. 'Hard Luck' is a straight-out burglary of a noble's house; nothing complicated, but you will soon find out that life is not so simple within the walls of this keep. Just jump in and have fun thwarting the less-than-motivated guards and stealing another unworthy noble's treasure.
![]() Hammer Score: 6.0 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by David Riegel:
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7 of 10
-- 14 Vote(s)
By: Alan Miles (Rugball) Plot Description: Footsteps approach, you hear a futile plea for help and a brutal murder occurs just a heartbeat away. Thus begins your adventure in the Thieves Quarter, a decidedly bad neighborhood.
The slain man has information about the Mage's Medallion that was stolen from Ramirez.
The thief responsible has been taken into custody by the Sheriff whose rise to power can be
traced to his relationship to Ramirez. You must locate the medallion and take it the owner of
the Laughing Skull Tavern, Bartok, twin brother of Farkus, your supplier.
You will be rewarded for your trouble but another favor will be asked -- recover the
Builder's Chisel. You, of course, cannot allow Ramirez to use his influence to run this part of
town. Teach him a lesson by helping yourself to the contents of his treasury...
![]() Hammer Score: 6.5 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by David Riegel:
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6 of 10
-- 19 Vote(s)
By: Sperry Plot Description: Ramirez is running for Mayor! I'd be in big trouble if he gets in such a position. I'm planing to raid his conference center to get his speeches and valubles so he wouldn't have a chance at getting the deputies' trust.
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6 of 10
-- 2 Vote(s)
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By: Gonchong (James D. Roberts) Plot Description: Willow Island is the home to several wealthy art collectors who relish the isolation and quiet, but is mainly a rural farming community. The Order of The Hammer is known to have a small compound on the Eastern shore - most likely where this vessel is bound. You've an appointment with Merion Taskrod, an appriciator of the fine goods you've aquired on mainland. Hopefully this meeting will be a profitable one.
![]() Hammer Score: 9.0 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by Digi:
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7 of 10
-- 111 Vote(s)
By: Apache Plot Description: Apache's Mission Pack: Ramirez's Revenge, Stowaway, Hunt for Montrose, The Keep
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7 of 10
-- 7 Vote(s)
Walkthrough (English) Walkthrough (German) |
By: Erik Svensson (Esemor) Plot Description: A Thief is captured that knows all about Garretts secret plans so you have to kill him before he gives them out to Loard Ganrish. The building is similar to lord baffords. A Lord Bafford type mission
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6 of 10
-- 13 Vote(s)
Other: |
By: Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep) Plot Description: This mission takes place around the start of Thief 2.
"Some days you just feel lucky. A local fence told me some homeless
guy stumbled on something very interesting. From the sound of it,
the bum found an entrance to a Keeper facility. Standard practice
for the Keepers would be to seal up the place after that, but I'm
hoping I might find some way in. I'd love a couple of hours inside
to catch up on old times, and maybe find put why the hell they're
so interested in me these days. "
![]() Hammer Score: 9.0 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by Frobber:
![]() Hammer Score: 10 of 10 |
Comments by Second Opinion Reviewer: Comments by Z:
![]() Hammer Score: 9.0 of 10 |
Comments by Third Opinion Reviewer: Comments by David Riegel:
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8 of 10
-- 181 Vote(s)
RitualWalk-Loot.rtf |
By: Twisty Plot Description: Prologue: When - Several months before the first event of Thief 2. Garret is confronted one morning by a messenger boy who has a letter for him. "Dear Garrett, It has in truth been years since we last met, yet sometimes when I cast my mind back to those days, it seems only minutes have passed when as children we played on those dirty streets and lightened the pockets of passer-bys. Although we have seldom crossed paths since your joining the keepers, I have often thought and asked after you. Though it with much unexpected pain that I seek an audience with you now.
As you may already know, I have been wed to Master Greaves, a successful trader
for some years now and have borne him a daughter, Merimee, who will turn eight
this year. So, as you can see, my life has indeed taken a more rewarding turn than
what I ever envisioned in my youth. That is, until recently.
When my mother became widowed all those years ago she found herself without
money enough to support me and sent me as a child to the city where I could work
in one of the many factories there. And yet poverty was not the only reason that I
was sent away it seems. Following the death of my Father, my mother turned to a
cult group there for support whose beliefs and identity were kept a closely
guarded secret. Heather Downs, having such a strong history of Hammer loyalists,
was no place to start joining other religions and yet in those dark times she felt
that she had nowhere else to turn.... (more)
![]() Hammer Score: 8.5 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Comments by Frobber:
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7 of 10
-- 76 Vote(s)
FAQ Other: |
By: Garett Choy (Kung Fo Gecko) Plot Description: I love stealing from that old goat Rumsford and generally being a major thorn in his side. But this time it wasn't easy getting this high priced trinket from his possession. I took a couple crossbow bolts in the process of fulfilling my fence's contract and have had to spend the last few days recovering from my wounds. But what pains me most is that the buyer can't pay the full amount. According to my fence, the buyer is Lord Montague and he won't be able to pay up until his next shipping convoy comes in at the end of the month. No other buyers are offering anything close to Montague's offer so it looks like I'm going to have to hold on to the thing for another few days. But if only things were that simple. I just got wind that someone's been hired to assassinate ol' Montague. If that happens, I'll never get paid and all my risk and wounds will be for naught. The assassin is Alex the Gray, another thief in town who's earned both my respect and a little resentment as he beat me to the job's prize a couple times before. To complicate matters even further, I can't just stop the assassination, I have to do it discretely. Alex is a member of the Black Scorpion Society, a triad that takes honor and revenge very seriously. If they found out it was me who spoiled their plans... well, let's just say I don't need people like Alex keeping me on the run. Montague's castle is built along the cliffs of the river bank just East of the city. I'll start in his vineyard and try to pick up Alex's trail so I can head him off before he hits Montague. When I find Alex, I'm going to have to incapacitate him somehow so he can't complete his mission.
This is more effort for my payment than I was expecting. Sorry Alex, but you are ruining my plans. Nothing personal, it's just business.
![]() Hammer Score: 9.5 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Review by frobber:
![]() Hammer Score: 7.0 of 10 |
Comments by Second Opinion Reviewer: Review by Marecki:
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8 of 10
-- 166 Vote(s)
By: Pseudonymouse (Chris Howcroft) Plot Description: The only thing greater than the wealth of Lord Calibrus is his reclusiveness. An influential benefactor of the Hammerites, he is also known for his amateur zoology. His home is a converted castle on the outskirts of the city, which he leaves only to attend the Hammerite temple or to acquire new books for his library. A rare exception was his attendance tonight at the birthday party of the Baron's nephew, held in the upstairs room of a hostelry known as much for its high prices as for its discretion. At this party, a disagreement with the equally paranoid Lady Mellisa about whose home was most impregnable resulted in Calibrus's boasting that "even Garrett himself couldn't evade my guards for longer than a taffer's heartbeat", which to your ears sounds like an invitation. And when a friend of yours with a debt collection agency tells you that one of his "customers" is Calibrus's head servant, and that he has chosen to settle his debts by stabbing himself in the back five times and jumping into the river, you realise that you have the perfect calling card...
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6 of 10
-- 10 Vote(s)
By: Steven Hindley Plot Description: You play Ryalla, you start in Ryalla's house, so read Ryalla's diary to find out what is going on. Additional Comments: This is my effort for the competition that ran on the circle but was scrapped because no-one finished in time.
Has not been beta tested.
Dropping a key will make one of the objectives not
completed so don't drop any of the keys.
This Level drips, so you might need a fast computer just
to play it.
There is no store, all the items you need are in a hidden
room in Ryalla's house.
![]() Hammer Score: 9.0 of 10 |
Comments by Reviewer: Review by frobber:
Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score:
7 of 10
-- 108 Vote(s)
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