Changing the Startup and Shutdown Images for Windows 9x By: <prot3us>_x1



This tutorial is meant to be a rough guide to teach you how to change those ugly startup and shutdown screens for Windows.  I should warn you that I am not very good at this whole tutorial thing, so just try to bear with me.  To properly use this guide you must have three things:  Corel Photo-Paint 8 (or equivalent), Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (don't know if anything else will work), and an IQ higher than that of a simian (although you probably could train a chimp to do this).



A Brief Statement

While I am sure that there are other (and better?) ways of creating your custom logos, but this is how I do it and I am stuck in my ways.



The Image:

Open Photo-Paint, and create a new image.  Enter these specifications:


Color Mode:  8bit palette

Paper Color:  whatever you want, but black seems to be the Thief standard

Size:  Custom

Width(in pixels):  320

Length(or Height I can't remember, in pixels):  400

Resolution:  72 (others may work, never tried it


Now choose the colors you want to use (not required, you can always do it later).  Now this is where your creativity comes into play.  You can import images or start from scratch it doesn't matter.  Important!!! When creating (or importing) your image you must stretch it vertically (can't remember how much) because Windows automatically changes the size to 320x320. I know what you are thinking, "<prot3us>_x1 why not just make the image that size to begin with?"  Simple, because there will be two bright white blocks (like letterbox for you movie fans) around it when you startup (or shutdown) your computer.  Trust me when I say it looks horrible.

Okay your image is done, now what?  Let us try exporting shall we?  File=>Export AS A WINDOWS BITMAP(BMP)!!! Save it as something exotic let's say Logo.bmp, yeah that'll work.



Converting to Logo.sys

Open C++, and open Logo.bmp.  Now File=>Saveas Logo.sys. That is it, you now have a Windows readable startup logo.




Open C:.  Copy your Logo.sys file and paste it here overwriting the old one.  Man, that was easy.



Shutdown Logos:

Everything is the same as the startup logo except that these are named as follows:


Logos.sys = "It is now safe..."

Logow.sys = "Pleas wait while..."


These files can be found in C:windows (not C: like the other one).




Download and it sequal made by Ghost as a referece.


Try to make your images as sharp as possible (you can try a higher resolution but I don't know if it'll work)


If you made and installed your new logo but it does show up when you start your computer that means your original image was not 8 bit paletted, go back and change it then re-export, etc., etc.


If you have anymore questions you can email me at:


I'll get back to you as soon as possible.




I am in now way responsible for any of your actions.  If you follow this guide and it formats your hard drive, well that's your problem.  This tutorial is not made by or supported by any of the following:


Looking Glass Studios (rip, we'll all miss you)

Eidos Interactive



Any other company anywhere ever


Feel free to reproduce, or add to this document as you see fit, just don't take my name off of it.


I am looking forward to what the creative genius that is Thief-The Circle and all its fans will accomplish with this guide.


For now,
