README.TXT (Hardware patch version) I assume you've read the instructions on how to install this texture patch on Anyway, in this texture file there should be 562 textures, arranged like so: \ancient (Thief II high colour versions of the textures used mainly in the Lost City) \city (Thief II high colour city textures - ie windows, walls, doors) \concastle (new black marble) \core (Thief II versions of core textures like walls, woods, flagstones, and so on, formatted to the Thief I palette) \lostcty (Thief II high colour versions of textures used mainly in the Lost City) \mech (Thief II high colour versions of metals, dials, and some machines) \Ramirez (Slightly better versions of a column and wall texture) \Rescore (Subtly improved versions of interior/misc textures) \Temple (Improved hammerite temple blue stone wall) \Waterhw (Improved lava) These should all be unzipped automatically under a \fam\ folder under your main Thief folder. Eg, (assuming your thief folder is located in c:\games\thief\ ) Your directory structure would look like this: c:\games\thief\fam >c:\games\thief\fam\ancient >c:\games\thief\fam\city >c:\games\thief\fam\core >c:\games\thief\fam\lostcty >c:\games\thief\fam\mech >c:\games\thief\fam\Ramirez >c:\games\thief\fam\Rescore >c:\games\thief\fam\Temple >c:\games\thief\fam\Waterhw Oh, switch to software mode after installing the patch if you want a funky psychedelic effect ;) Anyway, Enjoy.. -oRGy This patch was not made and is not supported by Eidos Interactive, Ion Storm Austin or Looking Glass Studios (RIP)