This apprentice is wise to the ways of the Builder...
82 K - 800x600
Finnish flags -- can't quite recognize those heraldic crests, though.
75 K - 800x600
That's right, keep guarding the front entrance...someone bad might come in.
85 K - 800x600
Verily, the Builder has graced this apprentice with his hand...
82 K - 800x600
"Ever Vigilant. Ever Trusted. Ever Lasting." Must be the patron saint of guards.
75 K - 800x600
20 K - 640x480
30 K - 640x480
22 K - 640x480
A breath-taking offer.
60 K - 800x600
What's that I spy with my little eye?
70 K - 800x600
The vault closed...
50 K - 800x600
Sleeping on the job again...
60 K - 800x600
A key area.
70 K - 800x600
Not too pretty, not too proud.
44 K - 596x446
Mere sneaking isn't enough against these guys…
58 K - 596x446
If thieves hate light, where does that leave lighthouses?
42 K - 596x446
A house of... wares.
40 K - 596x446
This guard is already unconscious. He just doesn't know it yet.
40 K - 596x446
Loot! And a gas arrow!
80 K - 800x600
Your first objective is getting on the other side of this gate.
80 K - 800x600
For a cult that venerates someone called the Builder, you'd expect snazzier construction, especially in its houses of worship.
70 K - 800x600
Welcome to the pleasure dome (and the ticklish Jonquil).
70 K - 800x600
Er, nice...but what is it?
70 K - 800x600
The way in is up there. Too bad I'm down here...
45 K - 640x480
See what happens when a guard is too alert? He gets to die!
40 K - 640x480
This ship looks like it's about ready to leave port. Could this mean anything?
39 K - 640x480
The guards know who you are, so even on the streets you're unsafe.
67 K - 640x480
Ah, so this is what a non-haunted cathedral looks like!
78 K - 640x480
Status symbol in The City - cool looking stairs
50 K - 800x600
Fancy weapons in fancy patters = bored guards
51 K - 800x600
Front Door? - Bad Idea!
56 K - 800x600
Side Droor? - Good Idea!
40 K - 800x600
I Wonder if He Reads Them, or if...
52 K - 800x600
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