Q: Where is the Serpentile Torc?
A: At the south end of Market Street
is a steep hill and a draw bridge (you
can approach it from the north side
of DePerin as well). Mantle to the
top of the drawbridge wall and walk
across to the door (fig. 1). Eventually
you'll come to a large, well kept
house- the key is under the doormat
(fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Q: How do I kill those spirit things?
A: A good thief never kills anyone!
But if you must - they can be
dispatched with 3 or 4 flashbombs,
or 5 to 8 holy water arrows.
Q: I've found the Cathedral but can't
get in (?).
A: Go east (right) around to the back
of the cathedral. Climb the ledges to
the top window (fig. 3) and listen to
the eye. It essentially tells you what
to do to "learn the secret of the
talisman's" (and subsequently open
the Cathedral doors). You must:
1) Go to the Keeper's Grotto
2) Stand on the Pedestal (the metal
key shaped pedestal in the middle -
use a rope arrow to get across if
3) Illuminate the Statue with fire (fig.
4) - use two fire arrows to light the
torches flanking the statue.
This will open a door which leads to
a room with a locked gate. See the
next question for further details.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Q:How do I open the gate near these
broken statues?
A: Put a few pieces of the broken
statue on one of the pedestals to
open the door, then jump onto the
other to open the gate (fig. 5). You'll
need to let the gate open all the way-
it's timed to close very quickly, so
once it's open- run through it- but not
so quickly that you stumble down the
stairs and into the floor traps (fig. 6).
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Q: Where is the Keeper's Grave?
A: On Market Street, you can look
through the gate into the grave at the
back of a green stone building
(across from the red brick building) -
Look up for a wooden beam to
shoot a rope arrow into, then climb
up and jump across to the door (fig.
7). When you put the coins in the cup
on the headstone, nothing happens-
they simply disappear from your
inventory (fig. 8).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
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