Other Level Resources:
Walkthrough - Go here for the complete level
Secrets & FAQ Page - Go here for pictures
of all the secrets in this level, as well as some frequently asked
Route Map - Go here for an overview of the
route that you will take through this level.

- Water arrows amongst plants
- [30 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 30 Total] - 1
Copper coin stack and 1 Golden cup upstairs upstairs
passage to Helena Way in street
- [200 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 230 Total] -
Purse in moat (underneath "W" torch
- (EASTER EGG - Click
Here for Details) Indestructible arrow
- [137 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 367 Total] - 1
Gold coin stack, 1 Silver coin stack and 5 lucky coins on grocery store
- Home - Secret stash in closet (including the total
loot obtained in the last mission)
- [0 Gold, 0 Gems, 50 Goods, 417 Total] -
Golden wine bottle at end of breezeway
on roof
- Water arrow in fountain
- [100 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 517 Total] - Purse on
guard's belt on bridge
- [25 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 542 Total] - Gold
coin stack on table, switch to south pub area bridge, key to Shalebridge
- [50 Gold, 0 Gems, 0 Goods, 592 Total] - Purse hidden
in doorway at top of stairs
- Shalebridge road doors
- Lieutenant Mosley's house
- The old Shalebrigde gate
Grand Totals = 542 Gold, 0 Gems, 50 Goods = 592 Total Loot + Loot obtained
in last mission
Maximum Possible Loot = 592 + 1378 (maximum loot amount from last mission) =
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