The Thief Bestiary

All the animals and monsters seen or mentioned in Thief TDP, Thief Gold, or Thief 2

Compiled by Diceman

Well, here's my little addition to the fan literature of the Thief world. This bestiary might be of use to authors of fan stories, but of course you can always introduce whatever creatures you want. I'm not out to crimp anyone's style. A bestiary is a list of the fauna of an area, so things like the Mechanists' robots are not covered here. I decided to include the undead, however, on the grounds that they're monsters, and because the bestiary from Ultima 7 included them . All information is gathered from game evidence such as books, scrolls, conversations, and direct observations. Some speculation is given when reasonable. Note that Thief Gold also covers all events in Thief: The Dark Project. Comments can be e-mailed to me (Diceman) at (no spam or flames, please). I may revise the list if I get time (and additions or corrections, of course), but no guarantees.

Created: April 2000
First major revision: July 2000

Special Thanks to:
Ishy, Lancer, greypatch3, Keeper Iggles, d0om, Grundbegriff, Valen, Sneaksie_Coward, flourish2, and everyone else at who helped me track down all of the more obscure stuff.

WARNING! This document may contain SPOILERS if you haven't played Thief and Thief 2. Don't say I didn't warn you...


Apparitions Apebeasts Bandersnatches
Bears Birds Bugbeasts
Burricks Camels Carrion Divers
Cats Cattle Chickens
Craymen Deer Elementals
Fire Shadows Fish Frogs
Goats Haunts Horses
Mice Rabbits Ratbeasts
Rats Sheep Spiders
Tree Beasts (Ents) Voles Will O' the Wisps

Appearance: A type of undead, apparitions are supernatural beings that take the form of ancient Hammerite priests. They are semi-transparent, like ghosts.
Habitat: Found in the Old Quarter of the City, they might also be in other areas where the undead roam.
Threats: Apparitions use a perverted form of the clerical magic that the Hammerites and Mechanists use. Instead of firing flaming hammers or gears, apparitions fire magically-created skulls, up to three at a time.
Behavior: Being undead, they have a dislike for all living creatures, especially including humans. Apparitions tend to patrol their territory, speaking in strange unearthly tones that sound like backward speech. They are quite tough, but are susceptible to all normal forms of damage and are especially vulnerable to holy water and flash bombs. When killed, they disappear completely.
Numbers: In Thief Gold, apparitions were scattered around the Old Quarter, but found in numbers around the Old Cathedral. They were not encountered in Thief 2.
Notes: Because the apparitions' existence seems to be centered around the Old Cathedral, their origins likely have something to do with the Eye and its powers.
References: Observations in "The Haunted Cathedral" and "Return to the Cathedral" levels of Thief Gold.


Appearance: These creatures look like apes or monkeys, and are covered with brown fur. They are about the size of a short human. They were given their current form by Viktoria after she took command of the Maw of Chaos. Originally, apebeasts were more rat-like in appearance (see Ratbeasts below).
Habitat: They are generally believed to come from whatever dimension/plane of being that the Trickster comes from. They can still be found in the Maw of Chaos.
Threats: Apebeasts fight with their claws or with blowguns.
Behavior: Apebeasts are sentient and act like primitive hunter-gatherers, living in huts and using simple tools and weapons. Like humans, they live in a social system, although the details and nuances of this system are unknown.
Numbers: In Thief 2, a tribe of apebeasts can be found in the Maw of Chaos. These are a remnant of the original ratbeast army, altered by Viktoria to suit her tastes.
Notes: With both Constantine and Viktoria dead, it's not clear if the ape/ratbeasts will survive into Thief 3. Apebeasts are supposed to be the same creatures that were encountered in Thief TDP and Thief Gold (i.e., the ratbeasts), but they are different enough that they are treated separately in this bestiary.
References: Observations "Blood Trail" in Thief 2.


Appearance: ???
Habitat: They live on the veldt.
Threats: Either very safe or very deadly!
Behavior: There are two types of bandersnatches. The frumious bandersnatch is a very vicious and deadly creature. Only the most experienced hunter should attempt to chase one. Its relative, the striped fromane bandersnatch is very docile by comparison.
Numbers: Unknown. Frumious bandersnatches are apparently very rare.
Notes: None.
References: The subject of a book in the "Casing the Joint" level of Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal bears.
Habitat: Deep forests. Several have been captured, and are fought against each other for sport in the Bear Pits.
Threats: Wild bears have sharp teeth and claws and are extremely dangerous. The captured sporting bears have had these surgically removed, and are fitted with combat harnesses before fights.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal bears. Check National Geographic or somesuch to learn more.
Numbers: Unknown.
Notes: None.
References: Conversation at beginning of "Lord Bafford's Manor" level of Thief Gold.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal birds.
Habitat: Found all over, from deep forests to the City.
Threats: They seldom watch where they crap.
Behavior: They sing cheerfully, and presumably do other typical bird-like activities.
Numbers: Once widespread, but by the time of Thief 2, those in the City are dying because of Mechanist pollution.
Notes: None.
References: Guard comments in the "Shipping...and Receiving" level in Thief 2.


Bugbeasts (Bugmen, Insect Beasts)
Appearance: They look like humanoid praying mantises. Green-skinned and man-sized.
Habitat: They are generally believed to come from whatever dimension/plane of being that the Trickster comes from. They are part of his army of chaos, and in Thief Gold they were found wherever the beastmen were found.
Threats: They can magically produce a swarm of biting insects that they spit at enemies like a missile. They fill a roll akin to the archer in a normal army.
Behavior: Bugbeasts communicate with a series of high-pitched noises, but the most noticeable thing about them is their walk. They move in a slow, tip-toeing manner that many people find annoying.
Numbers: In Thief Gold, they were found alongside the beastmen, but always in lesser numbers. They were apparently all killed off by Garrett and the Hammerites, because they are not seen in Thief 2.
Notes: If killed or knocked out, a bugbeast is too heavy for a single man to carry around.
References: Observations in "Escape!," "Strange Bedfellows," and "Into the Maw of Chaos" in Thief Gold.


Appearance: Tawny brown dinosaur-like beasts that look like the raptors from Jurassic Park. They are bipedal, and stand about 4-5 feet tall when mature.
Habitat: Subterranean. Burricks live in caves, which they extend by digging tunnels. They will also inhabit sewers, catacombs, and other human-made structures that have been abandoned.
Threats: They attack by belching out a vile mix of gastric juices that suffocates most creatures, including other burricks. This is their only attack; teeth and claws are not used as weapons.
Behavior: Social animals, they live in groups. They are known to react emotionally to deaths within their group. Being reptiles, burricks are carnivorous, but their exact diet is still the subject of much speculation. They are quite territorial, and seem to have a special hatred for the undead, to the point of attacking them preferentially to any other threat.
Numbers: They were quite common in Thief Gold, but by the time of Thief 2 they seem to have been driven away from populated areas.
Notes: Apparently some people keep burricks as exotic pets, and other people use them to pull carts. Presumably, in the latter case, the gas belching ability has been surgically removed, and/or the animal is highly trained to be tolerant of people.
References: Numerous. Seen and referred to throughout Thief Gold. Referred to in Numerous places in Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal camels.
Habitat: Native to arid regions, they probably do not live near the City.
Threats: Not very dangerous, (I think).
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal camels. They walk. They store water in their humps. They walk some more. They are used as transportation in the deserts.
Numbers: Unknown.
Notes: None.
References: Referred to on a scroll in the "Mages' Tower" level of Thief Gold.


Carrion Divers
Appearance: A type of insect..
Habitat: Garbage, rotting corpses.
Threats: They bite.
Behavior: These insects swarm around decomposing matter, biting anyone who disturbs them. Bugbeasts can create them magically and fire clouds of them as a weapon. These "swarm missiles" are quite dangerous, but a swarm quietly hovering is a minimal danger. In their natural setting, carrion divers live in hives, similar to hornets. A carrion diver swarm can be destroyed with water, fire, or gas. Bugbeast-fired swarms will usually disappear on their own after a while.
Numbers: Not seen commonly, at least not in the middle of the City. They do live in the Maw of Chaos, and probably in the forests.
Notes: This is the only type of insect that has been specifically named, though there are undoubtedly others.
References: Observations in "Escape!," "Strange Bedfellows," and "Into the Maw of Chaos" in Thief Gold, and "Blood Trail" in Thief 2. They are named in a book in "Life of the Party" in Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal cats.
Habitat: Live in and around humans, and are commonly kept as pets.
Threats: Not really harmful to humans, but can scratch with their claws if frightened or angered.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal cats. They seem to be highly effective at rodent control, since you never see rats in people's houses.
Numbers: Unknown, but since there's been no mention of dogs existing in the Thief world, one can presume that cats are the most popular pets.
Notes: Apparently cats dislike thieves, and will react violently if accidentally scuppered up with the money, jewelry and whatnot.
References: Conversation in "Thieves' Guild" level of Thief Gold.


Cattle (cows)
Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal cattle.
Habitat: Domesticated animals, they are kept in barns or in grazing pastures.
Threats: Probably about the same as cattle on our world.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal cattle. Not that cows seem to have much of a personality.
Numbers: Unknown, but since beef appears to be an expensive luxury in the City, one can suppose that cattle are not extremely common there.
Notes: None.
References: Guards' comments in various levels.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal chickens.
Habitat: Domesticated animals, they are kept in chicken coops.
Threats: None to humans.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal chickens. They are raised for their eggs and meat.
Numbers: Unknown.
Notes: Evidently, alcoholic minor noblemen sometimes end up sleeping naked with them.
References: The famous scene in "Life of the Party" in Thief 2.


Appearance: They look like man-sized, humanoid crayfish. There are two varieties, the more common yellow crayman, and the rare blue crayman.
Habitat: Subterranean. They live in caves away from human contact. The blue craymen are believed to have been formed by the Trickster, and are seen as part of his army of chaos.
Threats: Craymen have sharp pincers on their forearms, which they can use like swords against enemies.
Behavior: They have been seen both alone and in groups. They are generally hostile to other creatures.
Numbers: They are relatively rare. A few yellow craymen were seen in the Old Quarter, with more in the caves beneath the City. The blue craymen were seen at the very end of Thief 1/Thief Gold as part of the Trickster's army. They are not seen in Thief 2.
Notes: Like bugbeasts, they are too heavy for a person to carry around.
References: Observations in various levels of Thief Gold.


Appearance: Only seen as legs of deer meat; presumably they look like normal deer.
Habitat: Wild animals, they live in areas of deep-to-marginal forest.
Threats: Almost none to humans, but deer do eat some crops in farmer's fields.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal deer. They usually run from any enemy.
Numbers: Unknown, but given the abundance of deer legs in the City, deer seems to be the primary meat source. Perhaps they have been domesticated, like cattle or horses.
Notes: None.
References: General observations in the games.


Appearance: Elementals are magical agglomerations of an element that have a limited degree of consciousness. Fire elementals look like floating fireballs; air elementals like a cloud of bubbles. Water elementals have been referred to but not seen. Presumably, earth elementals (a.k.a. golems) also exist.
Habitat: All elementals can be summoned by a mage trained in that particular element. Fire elementals are the only elemental known to occur naturally, in subterranean areas with large amounts of lava.
Threats: Fire elementals can burn living creatures to death, as well as shoot smaller fireballs at enemies. Air elementals, when created, shoot themselves at enemies like a toxic missile. Less is known about water and earth elementals, but presumably they can bring the dangers inherent in their elements (ie, drowning and crushing).
Behavior: All elementals seem to be aggressive by nature. Fire elementals move slowly, shooting fireballs at any living creature they encounter. They are susceptible to all normal forms of damage, but water is by far the most effective weapon against them. Air elementals move very quickly and strike their target with near-perfect precision. They have a very short lifespan, but since they are so accurate, this is rarely a factor. Little is known about water elementals, except that they can cause severe flooding if not handled carefully. Nothing is yet known about earth elementals.
Numbers: In Thief Gold, fire elementals occurred in large numbers in the Lost City, with one or two in Constantine's subterranean layer. These were wiped out by the time of Thief 2. The other elementals are not known to occur naturally.
Notes: None.
References: Observations in "The Lost City" and "Escape!" in Thief Gold.


Fire Shadows
Appearance: Looks like a person engulfed in flames.
Habitat: A very rare entity sometimes found around the undead.
Threats: Attacks with its bare (flaming) hands.
Behavior: The exact nature of fire shadows is unknown. It may be some type of undead mage, or a completely supernatural being like a demon. They don't speak, and will attack any humans who stumble upon them. They are susceptible to normal damage, but water is the most effective weapon against them. They are immortal, but if weakened enough a fire shadow will flee, leaving behind a fire crystal. It will soon return, however.
Numbers: They are extremely rare. Two are found in Thief Gold, and they are not seen in Thief 2.
Notes: None.
References: Observations in "Down into the Bonehoard" and "The Haunted Cathedral" in Thief Gold.


Appearance: The only fish seen so far is a small silver-gray species.
Habitat: Presumably the oceans.
Threats: None.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal fish.
Numbers: Unknown, but many have been seen both drying and frozen. Fish is probably a common food source in the City.
Notes: None.
References: General observations in the games.


Appearance: They look like normal frogs.
Habitat: These frogs have been created by the Trickster and Viktoria, and are found where Pagan influence is strong.
Threats: These frogs are biological weapons that explode when near an enemy.
Behavior: These frogs hatch out of eggs fully grown, and when they see an enemy, they hop over to it and explode.
Numbers: In Thief Gold, they are encountered as part of the Trickster's army. In Thief 2, Garrett gets the ability to use them himself.
Notes: Although extremely difficult, frogs can be blackjacked. In Thief 2, enemies killed with frog eggs do not count against Garrett.
References: Observations in various levels of Thief Gold and Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal goats.
Habitat: Native to mountainous regions, they are also domesticated.
Threats: Probably about the same as cattle on our world. They do bite!
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal goats.
Numbers: Unknown.
Notes: None.
References: Referred to on a scroll in the "Mages' Tower" level of Thief Gold.


Appearance: A type of undead, haunts are supernatural beings that inhabit the bodies of ancient Hammerite warriors.
Habitat: They might be found wherever Hammerite warriors are buried.
Threats: In Thief Gold, haunts used swords. In Thief 2 they wield war hammers. In both cases, they are very skilled and dangerous.!
Behavior: Being undead, they have a dislike for all living creatures, especially including humans. Haunts are much quicker and smarter than zombies, and speak in ghostly tones. They are susceptible to all normal forms of damage, but are especially vulnerable to holy water and flash bombs. When killed, they leave a normal corpse behind.
Numbers: They are less common than zombies, but are encountered in the Old Quarter and Old Cathedral in Thief Gold (and in the Bonehoard on expert difficulty), and in a couple of crypts in Thief 2.
Notes: None.
References: Observations in various levels of Thief Gold and Thief 2.


Appearance: Glimpsed only briefly, but they seem to be normal horses.
Habitat: Domesticated animals, they are kept in barns or stables.
Threats: Probably about the same as horses on our world.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal horses. They are used for transportation.
Numbers: They seem to be quite rare in the City, given the lack of evidence for them.
Notes: Given the scant evidence, one might conclude that only a few nobles own horses. Or perhaps horses are not allowed on the streets after nightfall.
References: Observed in the introduction to "Lord Bafford's Manor" in Thief Gold, and referred to in books in "Framed" and "Casing the Joint" in Thief 2.


Insects: See Carrion Divers

Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal mice.
Habitat: Forests, fields.
Threats: None, but they can eat foodstuffs.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal mice.
Numbers: Unknown.
Notes: Ratmen apparently don't think very highly of mice. One of the insults they can hurl at Garrett is "Thiefsie mousie".
References: Comments by Ratmen in "Escape!," "Strange Bedfellows," and "Into the Maw of Chaos" in Thief Gold.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal rabbits.
Habitat: Forests, fields.
Threats: None, but they can eat plants in gardens.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal rabbits.
Numbers: Apparently common in the forests.
Notes: The Pagans had some trouble keeping them out of their gardens.
References: Referred to in a scroll in "Blood Trail" in Thief 2.


Appearance: These creatures look like a kind of humanoid rat. They usually wear some clothing in the form of a vest. By the time of Thief 2, however, their appearance had been greatly altered (see Apebeasts above).
Habitat: They are generally believed to come from whatever dimension/plane of being that the Trickster comes from. They could be found in the Maw of Chaos, and in other areas where Pagan influence is strong.
Threats: The ratbeasts carried swords and served Constantine as his army.
Behavior: Ratbeasts are sentient and act like primitive hunter-gatherers, living in huts and using simple tools and weapons. Like humans, they live in a social system, although the details and nuances of this system are unknown.
Numbers: Near the end of Thief Gold, an army of them invaded this world. These were mostly killed off by Garrett and the Hammerites, and the portal that brought them into our world was closed. Later, the remnant ratbeasts were transformed into the apebeasts by Viktoria.
Notes: With both Constantine and Viktoria dead, it's not clear if the ape/ratbeasts will survive into Thief 3. Apebeasts are supposed to be the same creatures that were encountered in Thief TDP and Thief Gold (i.e., the ratbeasts), but they are different enough that they are treated separately in this bestiary.
References: Observations in "Escape!," "Strange Bedfellows," and "Into the Maw of Chaos" in Thief Gold.


Appearance: They look like normal rats.
Habitat: Garbage, food stores.
Threats: None directly, but they bring unsanitary conditions.
Behavior: They scurry around, eating whatever food they find. They generally avoid humans.
Numbers: Spoken of throughout Thief Gold but never seen. Rats are finally found in Thief 2. Maybe they should get more cats.
Notes: Rats are the bane of guards everywhere. The rats in Thief can douse torches, open doors, cause loud noises, and do other things that might make a guard think a thief is in the building.
References: Referred to throughout Thief Gold and Thief 2. Observed in "Framed" and "First City Bank and Trust" levels of Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal sheep.
Habitat: Domesticated animals, they are kept in barns or in grazing pastures.
Threats: Probably about the same as sheep on our world.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal sheep. They are used for food and they are shorn for their wool.
Numbers: Unknown, but they don't seem to be common in the City.
Notes: None.
References: Lamb and mutton are mentioned in notes in, respectively, "Assassins" in Thief Gold and "Precious Cargo" in Thief 2.


Appearance: Spiders in the Thief world are much larger than the ones in our world. There are three known types; the white spider is the size of a baseball, while the green and red spiders are about 1-2 feet tall.
Habitat: The first two types (white and green) live in subterranean and wooded areas. The red spiders are creations of the Trickster and are part of his army.
Threats: White and green spiders bite. White spiders are very weak, but are very quick and are good jumpers. Green spiders are tougher, but slower. The red spider can spit sticky webs to entangle its enemy, then spits poison at it. They are quite tough.
Behavior: All spiders are very aggressive. White spiders often attack in groups. They like to bite at an opponent's feet, then jump over its head to attack from behind. Green spiders use similar tactics, but are normally solitary. Red spiders are also usually solitary, and prefer frontal assaults.
Numbers: White and green spiders were quite common in Thief Gold, with red spiders appearing along with the Trickster's army. Spiders are less common in Thief 2, but still found in some places. The red spider is not seen in Thief 2.
Notes: It is not unheard for people to train spiders as pets.
References: Observations in various levels in Thief Gold, and "Shipping...and Receiving" and "Life of the Party" in Thief 2.


Tree Beasts (Ents)
Appearance: They look like dead trees -- until you get too close.
Habitat: The Maw of Chaos, as re-designed by Viktoria.
Threats: They relentlessly attack any invaders in the Maw.
Behavior: They stand completely still, and when an enemy get close, they charge at the opponent with disturbing speed. They are tough, but are susceptible to damage from the sword and fire arrows.
Numbers: Found only in Thief 2, after Viktoria has taken over the Maw of Chaos.
Notes: None.
References: Observations in "Blood Trail" in Thief 2.


Appearance: Only referred to; presumably they look like normal voles. (Voles are a member of the rodent family)
Habitat: Forests, fields.
Threats: None, but they can eat plants in gardens.
Behavior: Presumably they act like normal voles.
Numbers: Apparently common in the forests.
Notes: The Pagans had some trouble keeping them out of their gardens.
References: Referred to in a scroll in "Blood Trail" in Thief 2.


Will O' the Wisps
Appearance: A very small, brightly glowing ball of light.
Habitat: They can be found in the Maw of Chaos after Viktoria has taken it over. They might inhabit the forests naturally.
Threats: None directly, but their light can reveal intruders to Apebeasts or Treebeasts.
Behavior: They float around aimlessly, illuminating their surroundings and emitting an odd noise. They seem to be indestructible, but they are not aggressive.
Numbers: Four can be found in the Maw in Thief 2.
Notes: Try slashing or blackjacking one. Weird!
References: Observations in "Blood Trail" in Thief 2.


Appearance: A type of undead, zombies are the re-animated bodies of the dead.
Habitat: They might be found anywhere the dead are buried, such as cemeteries and catacombs.
Threats: Zombies use their fingernails like claws against their enemies.
Behavior: Being undead, they have a dislike for all living creatures, especially including humans. Zombies are slow and quite stupid, but they are immune to normal damage. If killed normally, they will rise again after a short time, but will not remember their last fight. They can be killed permanently with holy water, flash bombs, any fire damage (fire arrows, mines, fireball traps, explosives) and by drowning. When killed permanently, they explode into several pieces. The exception is drowning, where they leave a normal corpse behind.
Numbers: They are rather common in Thief Gold, and are encountered in a few places in Thief 2.
Notes: Hammerites and Mechanists can sometimes smash zombies permanently with their melee weapons. It pays to eat your Wheaties.
References: Observations in various levels of Thief Gold and Thief 2.


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