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"Orb of Quintus" by Scott McCarty Authors Note: The Chronicles of the Criminal Masterminds is a three part series, written by Lucas Wells. The First Chronicle is set within a year of the Inncident Soulforge. The City is recovering from the demise of the Mechanist Order, and are slowly starting to rebuild what they lost. And this brought, riches to the thieves of the City. 1. From the private texts of Lucas Wells Chronicles of the Criminal Masterminds of the City Garrett was a very sneaky yet mysterious type. Not at all a ladies man, by my own standards even though he has his share of "incidents" with Basso the Boxman's sister, Sophie. Sending him on a simple job like this one didn't seem much of a severe matter at the time. He was given his mission. An orb known as "The Orb of Quintus" was a very valuable piece which was the desires of a client in question. The client was willing to pay a sizable sum for its safe return from the home of Damascus, a Wealthy Count who lives on the outskirts of the Dayport in a large manor. Garrett rowed with his equipment in hand in a small row boat which he "borrowed" from the Dayport Shipping Company. It was a living, at least. This orb was also suppose to have powerful healing powers but had a mind of its own, and only when blood was shed upon it, would its healing be infinitive. He beached the boat and dragged it into a small cove that led up to the manor and the basement which was going to be his way in. He pulled his cloak around him and dashed to a nearby torch which was out. He turned it and then a section of the wall made a sharp click and slid up to reveal a dark tunnel. He dashed in, to avoid any guard activity and began a steady jog down the tunnel until he came to the stairs and a locked metal door. He picked the lock and opened it, just a crack. A guard walked past him, and down the hall. Garrett quickly darted out and fired a rope arrow into the rafters and climbed up. He quickly made his way down the corridor via the rafters, until he came to an intersection. He heard angry voices coming from one room and the hum of the Mechanist Security Systems in the other. Garrett crawled into the room via the rafters, avoiding arousing the guards at the doors. He crept in, and saw to his astonishment, a meeting. Ramirez, Bafford, Gervasius and Demascus. What in the name of the Trickster where they all doing here? "I want the orb" said Gervasius. "It's not for sale, Gervasius!" said the Count with an arrogance to his voice. "I'll pay you well for it" said Gervasius. "No!" said Demascus firmly. "Now, back to business" said Bafford. "I lost my scepter to this Garrett, at least a two years ago. And I've heard, Ramirez that you have it in your possession. Is this true?" he asked. "The Scepter was bought from an Antique Owner in Eastport. I didn't have Garrett steal it. I sent to of my best men after him. They thought they shot him, but they shot the damn clerk in the store instead. Garrett was supposedly killed by the City Watch, not by my hand" declared Ramirez. "I will pay you well for it" said Bafford. Garrett shook his head and crept back from the arguing men and into the security room. The hum of a Mechanist Eye moved under him. He jumped down onto the carpet and pulled the trigger, before the eye sounded an alarm. He went on about his business. He crept out of the room, braining anyone that came in his path and shoved their sleeping bodies into the shadows. He saw the room, where the orb was being held. This was almost too easy. He jogged down the hall on the soft carpet and came to the door. He picked the lock and entered, closing the door behind him. He stepped into the room. A painting, the size of a narrow portion of the wall was standing out. A window, looking out onto the ocean and a desk in the corner. Garrett moved to the painting and opened it, a secret stairwell of marble led upstairs, to the top floor. Garrett darted swiftly up the stairs, being sure to close the portrait behind him. He came into a dark room, a light switch was next to him and he flicked it on. The orb was standing on a pedestal, the electric eye was silent from its perch above the orb. He darted to the orb and placed his gloved hand on it, it felt warm to the touch. He wrapped it in some heavy cloth to protect it and quickly went through the other valuables. A healing potion stood on a table along with a box full of jewelry, most likely belong to the Countess Demascus. He took everything that was valuable including a valuable painting he noticed on the wall, he deposited it in a water proof container and put it in his pack. He heard the steps of someone darting up the curved stairwell. He flipped the switch and the room was filled in darkness. He got into a corner and put his hand on a dagger just in case he had to take care of this fool. The light didn't come on as he saw someone slink over to where the orb was suppose to be. He brought out a flare and the room around him came into a green glow. Garrett was behind him in a minuet and grabbed him by the throat and forced him against the wall. Whoever this was, struggled violently and kicked. Garrett was stronger though and brought the knife against the throat of the thief. "Who the hell are you?" he asked. He pulled the hood of the cloak away to reveal a woman of un-earthly beauty. She looked at him a long moment before she tried to kick again, Garrett threw her to the floor. One thing he didn't like was competition. "I was just about to ask you the same thing!" she growled. She brought the hood back up over her face and glared at him. "What guild are you in?" he asked. "I'm Independent" she said. Garrett looked at her, there were not too many independents in the City. He fingered a flash bomb under his cloak, he wasn't really sure if he should use it. "Your Garrett, aren't you" she declared. "Yeah, so what if I am. You got a problem with that??" he barked, "No" she said as she stood up. He saw that she had what looked like an expensive sword on her right thigh, a blackjack, and a crossbow on her other side. He also so her exposed breasts which distracted him somewhat. "I've been studying your thieving activities for some time now. Trying to do what you couldn't. I was once apart of the Order of the Vine, you know." "No, I didn't know" said Garrett. "I need that Orb" she said. "You think I'm going give it to you? I'm a bloody thief!" he barked. He then heard hurried words outside and foots pounding on the marble stairs. He saw only one place where he could hide, a small wardrobe in the corner, in the shadows. He pushed her into the corner, opened the wardrobe and pushed her in, he got in after her and locked the door behind him. He saw a light come on from under the door and words of the guards. "Da orbs gone, captain!" said one voice. "Damn them!" he cursed. "The thief must still be in the building, sound the alarm, get help!" yelled the Captain. A loud alarm sounded as the entire estate was alerted. The woman thief named Natalie was in the corner, on her rear trying to blend in with the clothes that were being hanged here. Garrett was fingering a flash bomb in his right hand just in case they opened the door. Natalie had her crossbow, loaded with Broadhead Arrows and ready to be fired. He heard cursing and yelling becoming distant from down the stairs and he silently opened the door. The lights where still on, and a few red lights where turned to red. Natalie turned around and pointed the crossbow at Garrett. "I'll take my orb now, Garrett!" she barked. Garrett gave her a low look and brought up his leg hitting the crossbow, and sending the arrow into a nearby beam. Garrett picked up the crossbow and put it at his side, it hitched in very neatly with his belt. Natalie glared at him. "I'm not giving you the orb, and we're about to be found out so why don't we find a way out of here before we're mounted above Damascus's fireplace." Natalie looked at him and nodded. Garrett opened a nearby window, a small ledge was all the separated them from a most long fall. Garrett looked out. The manor was on a cliff, if they jumped far enough. He stood on the ledge, Natalie joined him. "What are we going to do?" she asked. "Shut up, I'm trying to think!" he cursed. He looked around, there was no other way, but down. He looked over at her. Her brown hair was a whirl in the winds. He could hear the returning footsteps of what must of been, many guards. "Can you swim?" he asked. "Well of course I can swim, if this situation calls for it!" she said. Garrett put his hand on her back. "Trust me, this calls for it" he pushed her. She screamed as she fell, Garrett jumped down after her. They fell down toward the dark ocean below them. Garrett dove toward Natalie and grabbed a hold of her. He grabbed a slow-fall potion from his belt and drank it. Instantly, he began to slow down. He grabbed Natalie by her belt and she slowed too, but not by much. Soon, the affect wore off and they again free falling. Garrett grabbed hold of her as they pierced the cold water of the ocean. Garrett grabbed her and pulled her up with him. His lungs exploded with air as they reached the surface. He gasped and choked with water in their mouths. Garrett pulled her ashore onto the sandy beach and fell on to the dry grass, Natalie next to him. He turned over on his back and looked up at the window where they just fell from. A guard's head looked out and he heard him cursing. He heard the distant alarm bell ringing, and knew that they had to get moving. Natalie got up as Garrett did, and looked around. They were on the other side of the estate. Garret's boat was on the other side, which would take them an hour to swim to because of the tide and current and the estate would be filling with guards. Garrett looked over at Natalie, and began to walk down a gravel path heading back to the City. "Hey" she called. Garrett turned around and saw her walking after him. Her black tunic was dry again and she looked at him with a look of earnestness. "Yeah?" he asked. "Since you did save my life and all, Why not I buy you a drink. The Barons Inn is only a three mile hike from here." "Thanks, but no thanks" said Garrett. He turned and was about to disappear into the shadows when she put a hand on his shoulder. "Please. It would be nice to have a drink with the master thief that I've heard so much about" she said. Garrett looked at her, thought about it and then nodded. She grinned and led the way to Inn. The Baron's Pride, which was an Inn and Pub was a wealthy establishment where people could put their feet up and rest, and of course enjoy a glass of ale. A place of rest for a weary traveler or thief as the case was. Garrett noticed that the Pub was packed the brim. Natalie got a table in a dark corner, and the waiter brought two glasses of the Baron's Ale on the house, Natalie must of known the owners. "I'm impressed that you knew what to do in that type of situation..." declared Natalie as she finished her ale, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "I've been in plenty of tight sports before. This wasn't any different" said Garrett. "Well, you didn't have to push me off. You could of asked you to jump!" she laughed. "I wasn't sure if you would of and plus I wanted to get even with you for trying to finch my prize" he declared. "You know, I've been reading that there is a large bounty on your head. Sheriff Mosley wants you dead or alive. What's the prize for bringing you in?" asked Natalie. Garrett looked at her a long moment. His dark eyes watching her every move. "Your threats, won't get far you know that" exclaimed Garrett. " I wasn't threatening you, Garrett. I was asking you a question!" " Well, I just am having a bad day right now. The rent is due. Thats why stole this little gem." "Yes. The Orb of Quintus is really interesting. I read that it has enigmatic healing powers, the ability to sense the minds of those around you and invisibility" she said. "Thats why I was trying to get it. It would make me a better thief because I wouldn't be injured nor could anyone see me." "I'm sure" said Garrett as he had a piece of cheese. He got up and started to gather his things. "Where are you going?" she asked. "Home. I have to turn this in, and stop by at the local Pawn shops to sell some of my loot. Thanks for the drink" he said. "Garrett, its late. It's about midnight and most likely if you did go home, you would need a better way of transportation because Damascus's guards are most likely watching the roads carefully" she said. "I'll take that chance!" he mumbled as he was about to turn from the table. "Garrett, stay here for the night. I can put you up in my room. I promise I won't steal anything" she pleaded. Garrett turned to her and looked her straight in the eyes. He could tell that she was telling the truth, an old Keeper trick that he had. "Fine" he said. "But no tricks, or your going out the window." Garrett followed Natalie up the stairs. He could hear the noises of someone taking a bath, snoring and even a prostitute doing her job with her customer. She opened her door which was the farthest down the hall, and let him in. She flicked on the lights to reveal a large king size bed, a couch, desk, vanity, table, chairs and window looking out on to the gravel road. He could make out the lights of the City, a few distant estates, isolated from the rest of the metropolis and the street lights; and the Bulldogs making their rounds up and down the street in pairs. Natalie took off her cloak and hung it up on a hook in her closet. She wore a single piece jump suit made out of smooth leather, that made no sound when she moved. She went behind a tapestry to change. She came out, in regular evening clothes, with a white brodice, slacks, and black leather boots. Her hair was done up in a single braid. Garrett took off his hood, and had managed to stash his things up on a beam when she wasn't looking, he still wasn't going to completely trust her. "Mind if I change?" he asked. "Sure, go right ahead" she said. Natalie walked over to a nearby table and poured a glass of bourbon and handed it to him. Garrett took off his cloak, and laid it on the coach. He took of his black tunic, to reveal a white shirt. He took that off to reveal a muscular chest with broad arms, and well defined stomach. Garrett then began to check for any injuries, which was a regular ritual of his after a job. Natalie turned away from his in embarrassment because she noticed that she was starring at him. "So how long have you been a thief?" asked Garrett. "For about three years now. My brother was a thief, sort of got me into the hang o things when I helped him out on a job" she replied. She looked back to him, he was looking at her. "I later found out that my entire family where con-artists and then on my birthday, the City Watch stormed the manor that we lived in and killed my parents and brother. I was able to escape through a secret passage to the gardens, and then to Eastport. I was just 19. Five years later, I got into the swing of things, I guess it was in my blood. I retrieved my parents equipment and started to rob the rich. I got some good jobs too, and some well paying clients." "I bet" he replied. "I never have rent problems though" she said. Garrett glared at her, then turned around and downed the entire glass of bourbon. He sat down on the couch. "The Keeper's train you well?" she asked. "Well enough. I had a "gift" so they said. I was a promising keeper for about five years, then one day I just had enough. I grabbed about 3000 gold, broke a window and climbed out and have been on my own ever since. Had run in with the Trickster, Hammers, Mechanists, Order of the Vine, Viktoria, City Watch...." "You've had your share of encounters and enemies" she smiled at him. "You can say that" he said. "Mosley has a large price on your head. 7,000 Gold Dead or alive" she declared. "Yeah, I saw the wanted posters" replied Garrett. Natalie looked at him a long moment, seeming to take his full form in. She got up and walked around the table and sat next to him. "You know, I've been following your activities ever since I became a thief. And I knew that I didn't just want to be like you, but I wanted to be with you." Garrett looked at her a moment. "You know, I've never had a good relationship with woman" he said. Natalie began to trace the six pack on his stomach. "No problem there" she said. She turned his head and kissed him on the lips, very lightly. Garrett didn't really know what to make of it, but let it happen. She pulled back slightly, he looked at her and then drew her close and kissed her again. He usually never did this sort of thing before. Natalie began to un-do the strap on Garret's pants, and she achieved her goal and slipped them down and off his body, and he stood before her naked. She followed quickly, shedding her clothes off. He then embraced her with all his power, and they joined on the bed. Moving in perfect motion together, joining and of course to brake it down better, having lustful sex.
Garrett awoke from a blissful sleep. He had a headache from the amount of scotch that he had. He turned over to put his arm around Natalie, only to meet the sheets and a matted pillow. He frowned. He looked at the clock in the corner. Quarter past seven. He wondered where she was. He got up, and dressed into his pants and white shirt. Then headed downstairs. He looked down to see Natalie sitting at a table with some guy, and in her hand was the Orb of Quintus. How the hell did she get that?? He scowled as he noticed that he was being played for a fool. He rushed back into the room, and dressed in his full gear. The last shadows where being destroyed by the mist. He saw the man come out of establishment, ad get into a carriage, and placing the Orb in the carriage with him. Garrett noticed the crest on the top of the carriage. The Lady Valivictor, the richest woman in all of the City. He heard the door open, and Natalie come in. "Hey there, sleepy head. How did you sleep?" Garrett turned around, slowly. He lanced out with his foot and Natalie was struck in the stomach. "What the hel...." she yelled. Garrett grabbed her by the hair and plopped her down on the bed. He tied her hands and feet. "You cheated me, and now I have to think about what to do with you. Kill you, or take out you heart with my dagger!" "You don't understand.." she yelled. "I of course understand, you suckered me into coming to the Inn; then you screwed my brains out, then when I was sleeping; you took the Orb and gave it to the god damn man that just left in the Lady's carriage" declared Garrett through gritted teeth. "No, you don't understand. I needed the Orb so that I could get the money I needed to save my uncle from prison. They're going to kill him if I don't get them the money" she cried. "Bull" he growled. "I swear, I mean it. He threatened me, and said that they would torture me if I didn't get the Orb to them. It was my only option." "And my only option is to kill you!" he yelled. "Please Garrett, I planned on getting the Orb back tonight once I was going to be paid the money!" "I can tell why your parents, were killed!" he growled. He gagged her mouth, and opened the window, and jumped onto the lamp post and shimmied down. He hit the gravel pavement and began to sprint madly toward the carriage which was in a steady trot for the other side of the City. The mist and fog began to get so heavy that it seemed eerie. He sprinted as fast as fast as he could, until he got right up to the back of the carriage. He hopped on the back. And the carriage disappeared into the mists.
Natalie struggled with the bonds that bound her. She was twisting and turning until finally she was able to get the gag off and grab hold of her knife which was under the pillow. The cut herself free, and got up. She heard yelling downstairs, and she dashed over to the door that overlooked the balcony. She peeked over to see the main room of the establishment, the Pub; filled with Damascus's guards and City Watch. "Where you hiding the thief's taffer?" barked the Lieutenant, grabbing hold of the shirt of the Barkeeper and throwing him to the floor. "I don't know?" he yelled. "Have the Inn searched. Seal off all the exits. No one gets in, no one comes out, you hear me!" "Sir!" yelled officers. Natalie heard pounding on the stairs and things breaking. She was in her things in a minuet. She pulled her pack over her shoulder and was just about to jump out the window when she heard banging coming from her door. She didn't have any time, she grabbed the nearest thing she had in reach and threw it in front of the door. It was an Explosive Mine. She had one leg out the window and she threw an in-expensive vase at the mine, it detonated and caused havoc as she jumped off her perch and on to the gravel path. She noticed how thick the fog was. She heard yelling coming from her room, she dashed into the mist, disappearing as if it en-gulfed her.
Garrett was invisible in the combination of fog and mist. The carriage trotted through the outskirts of the metropolis, then heading towards the Valavictor Estate and Manor House. He speculated on what he was going to do. He could give up and head home, kill the man inside and grab the orb, kill the coachmen, knock him out or something. Garrett knew that if he tried to grab the orb while the rider was inside, then no dought he would make a big fuss and Garrett would be forced to silence him. He mapped out his plan, they were approaching a grove of bushes and tree's. He crawled on top of the carriage, brought out his blackjack and hit the coachmen on the head. The coachmen sagged in his seat. While the carriage was still moving, Garrett quickly stripped and got into the coachmen's uniform. Garrett dumped the naked man into the bushes, making a loud crash of bush. Garrett sat down and as the horses followed the road, Garrett rolled his cloak, tunic and gear into a leather bag and tucked it under the seat. He took up the reigns and drove on until they came to the Valavictor Estate. A large manor house stood in the fog, windows filled with light, and several carriages going slowly toward the stables behind the manor. The man pocked his head out, he must of never laid eyes on the coachmen because he didn't even react when he saw Garrett. "Bring me to the front entrance, driver" he said arrogantly. He stopped in front of a large Cloister gate where two guards stood on either side, a Mechanical Eye moving above the arch and two Turret's and one Bow Guard standing watch above in the tower. The man spoke to the guard who raised the gate and pointed to the main entrance. Garrett slapped the reigns and the horse began a brisk canter to the main entrance, where two servants stood ready. Garrett brought the carriage to a stop and the man got out with the Orb wrapped in cloth in his hand. Garrett watched him walk in and up the stairs, most likely to the Lady's Chambers. Garrett snapped the reigns again, and he followed the line of carriages to the stables and parked in front of the horse stable where the stable lads would take care of the rest. He retrieved his bundle and casually walked into a side door, leading into the kitchen. He threw his bundle into thick fur bushes just to be safe. The kitchen was bustling with servants, the housekeeper, butler and others trying to get ready for the amount of guests that the Lady was expecting. Garrett retreated down the hall, careful not to attract attention and passed through the Servants wing of the house. The fine wood floor creaking under his hard leather soles of his boots. He needed to find a map of this place, and get back the Orb. "The lady says that this new treasure will go nicely with the new blue/diamond necklace she got" came a voice. It was a guard checkpoint; Garrett walked past the two guards and disappeared into a dark corner; where he could over-hear without ease. "You mean that "Diamond of the Ocean?" asked the female guard. "Yeah, that taffer of the Captain is making us guard it twice as much now. We have double patrol time now, no sleep. Why can't the lady get those Mechanist Beast or something?!" "He's an ass in more ways then one. He gets paid twice as much with these new adornments in the house. We only get a small cut in the profits of this. That's why all these nobility are coming to see her collection. If it wasn't for this collection and the people and funding that she attracted, then she would just be a poor Countess. But luckily the City pays for her. The Mayor has some secrets with her.." A diamond necklace? Collection and the Orb?? Sounded like a good idea to Garrett. He had known since the Incident at Soulforge, the Mechanist had lost wide amounts of popularity within the City, after the Servants started going hay-wire and even killing three nobles; funding for their Builder had fallen into the hole. Now they were a small religious sect of the Hammers. The Hammer's had risen again to a religious power but not as the Police. The City Watch was still in power as the Law Enforcement in town. The Mechanist still were popular among many, but now they where just what the Hammer's where last year; a collapsing religion of the Master Builder. Garrett moved slightly to the side, and by accident tipped over a nearby crate marked with a Red Hammer. The top popped off and out fell, dozens of arrows. Gas Arrows, Fire Arrows and others in the crates. He noticed more crates marked with the red hammer of the Hammerites. He grabbed his dagger from under his belt and sprung the nails on the next crate. The crate was opened to reveal flash bombs and flash mines, gas mines, mines, potions and several small Golden Hammers. The Lady was obviously a supporter of the Hammers. He pocketed a few of the golden hammer's just in case he had to bail out and wouldn't of bailed out in vain. He thought about Natalie for a minuet as he collected as many of the supplies as he could. She had double-crossed him but he somehow still trusted her. He was wondering as he stood up and walked further down the fall if she was telling the truth and the Lady Valavictor was really trying to hold her uncle ransom. He passed by many servants and guard posts. The place seemed like a fortress from the inside with the amount of guards. Most likely as Garrett observed them, they where the guards of nobles who had come with their lords and ladies to protect them. And everywhere he walked, there was an Hammer Eye starring at him or the people around him. He didn't even want to think about what the Collection Chambers looked like.
Natalie pulled her pack over her shoulder and walked slowly into the misty section of Eastport. It had been hours since Garrett had escaped with the Chief Steward, Syril; who was representing the Lady Valavictor. She was sorry to have betrayed Garrett and it was an accident that she found it, it wasn't her fault that he left it on the rafter. She walked the cobblestone streets of late afternoon. The fog and mist had lifted, but in the outskirts of the City, the mist remained. Shielding the rich and powerful of the City from the rogues like her. Natalie needed a drink. Some brandy, burrick steak and mashed garlic potatoes would do nicely. And maybe a nice, hot bath at the "Brill's Baths" a local yet extremely fancy bathhouse in the ritzy section of Eastport. Natalie walked the sun-setting streets of cobblestone. In the central market place, merchants where closing down their stands and people were settling down for the evening. Natalie walked across the bridge and down a well-lit alley. She nodded to two of her friends Rachell and Darvin who where members of the City Watch standing outside the blue coat station on guard. She had known them since they where kids. She motioned for them to follow her. "We'll meet you at "The Lighthouse Watch" in ten minuets. We have to finish our shift" exclaimed Darvin. Natalie nodded and melted into the shadows. Darvin and Rachell where ex-assassins. Working for the Downwinder Thieves Guild for a short time then getting caught by the Hammers. They where given the option of converting to the Hammerite cause or the City Watch. Now that the Hammerites where admitting woman to their ranks, Rachell was able to join. But both didn't wish to convert. Even though, Darvin was religious and went to the Hammer sermons every Sunday with his family, he still offered Natalie inside information on jobs, and other types of information needed to an independent thief. The Lighthouse Watch was a ten-minuet walk from Old Town City Watch Station. Natalie changed into some more comfortable clothes in a nearby alley then entered the elegant establishment. The Lighthouse Watch was an Inn and Pub looking out on to the harbor and the dark ocean. It was also one of the wealthiest establishments in the City, with marble busts, potted plants and paintings on the walls. Outside tables with tree's and lights decorated the outside of the establishment. People where seated at tables and chairs in front of the Pub and outside on a marble deck looking out onto the harbor and the Eastport Lighthouse. The fog had lifted revealing a starry night and an amber moon through a few clouds. Since she was paid by Syril for the Orb, she had a large sum of money on her hands. She could buy what she wanted and relax for the night and perhaps have a nice bath. Natalie got a table from the host and waited in a nearby lounge as Rachell and Darvin walked in, with their helmets under their arms and swords on they're thighs. All smiling, Darvin and Rachell gave Natalie a hug and sat down at the lounge. They ordered scotch and brandy for them and they relaxed for the time. "So how are you doing, Natalie?" asked Rachell as she sipped her scotch. Ever since Darvin and Rachell hooked up, they came into large sums of money. Most likely from pick-pocketing the people around them, and after frisking criminals, they would take the money pouches on their persons and put them in their own belts. It was a living to go on the income they were receiving from the City Watch. "Fine, I guess. I had a job last night," she muttered. "What kind of job?" asked Darvin . "Steal the Orb of Quintus" declared Natalie as she slumped back into the cozy chair near the roaring fire. Rachell coughed on her drink. She starred at her for a long moment. "That was you?" she asked. "No it was Gorman Truart back from the grave. Of course it was me" she cried. Darvin looked at Rachell, then back at Natalie. Natalie looked at both of them. They had a fearful look on their faces. "What?" she asked. "That means that the City Watch is looking for you. Didn't you see the wanted signs all over the place??!!" asked Darvin. "No. It's dark out. I'm tired, sore and moody. I didn't see much but the cobblestones" she pointed out. "They know what you look like. The guard says that you and another thief where jumped out of a window. He saw your face. Who else was with you, not Herald again?" asked Rachell. "No, actually, it was Garrett" she said. They both looked at her. "Garrett?" exclaimed Darvin. "Yes, Garrett. He already had the Orb when I got to Demascus Display Room, an alarm went off and we jumped out a window. We were okay, I guess and I took him to the Barons Pride for a drink. Then one thing led to another and....." "You didn't!" cried Rachell with an astonished look on her face. "There was something about him that just drove me crazy. I mean, Garrett, and a few other people including me are the only Independent's in the City. But I found the Orb and I gave it to Syril. He said he would contact me when my uncle was released from Cragscleft" she said. The waiter came to them and informed them that their table was ready. They sat down and placed their orders. Natalie ordering Burrick Steak tips, with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes with Rachell and Darvin getting the Fish. "You double crossed him?! Garrett doesn't take it kindly to be lied to, he goes crazy!" "You don't think I noticed. He was so pissed that he threatened to kill me. He tied me up and jumped out the window and ran after the Valavictor cab. I haven't seen him since" she sighed as their food came. She dove into it and speared some asparagus and meat on her fork and shoving it into her mouth. "Listen, I think you better get out of town or something. The Watch has been looking for you all day long. It's a big award too, Demascus is offering 2,500 gold to whoever brings you in with the Orb!" cautioned Darvin. "Don't worry. I've been in bad times before. I was planning on moving anyway, to Northport in a month or two. They won't find me" she said as she sipped her drink. "Just to be safe, I'll put you up at my place tonight. I have night duty so I'm going in. I'll see if any Division is staking out your apartment" said Darvin. Natalie sighed and continued eating.
Garrett ate with the servants that night for dinner. The meal was roasted duck, with vegetables and ale. Not bad a meal then he had lately. He wolfed down his food easily and after taking a hunk of cheese, red wine and bread; left the Servants Dining Room, and went to his room which was given to him. He told the Butler that he was with Lord Belleington, a fat nobleman who owned a large estate in Dayport. He collected neck-pieces and fancy gold attire. He mapped out his plan, as he sat in a chair with his feet propped up on the windowsill that looked out onto the City, and the setting sun. Soon, his own world would come to pass and night would be upon them. But first, before he could do anything he had to go see the Lady of the House begin her presentation of her collection, and get information on the exhibit, security systems, offices and of course any secret passages. The Valavictor family was one of the oldest, richest and most corrupt families in the City, they where bound to have secret passages around the top floor where the display rooms where held. Only access was from an elevator controlled from the top floor. Completely air tight, but there had to be a way into the top floor by way of the Ladies Chambers. He knew that the Manor house had gone over significant changes when the Lady inherited her father's money, it was said from an old servant, that the Lady had secret escape passages as well as tunnels throughout out the hollow walls of the Manor House. Garrett needed to get to the Captain of the Guards office and get this information and turn off the security systems before he brought forth his daring heist. He stood up, stretched and walked out of his door. Garrett followed a group of nobles up to the second floor, who got into a elevator watched by one Hammer eye and two turrets. The guard at the elevator door, pushed a button to let the control system operator at the top floor let them know that people were waiting to enter the lift. Garrett had slipped into a Lord's bedroom and 'borrowed' some fine clothes. The Lord would not miss them, most likely he only wore them once. Garrett adjusted his tunic and fine polished black boots. He was in deep right now, no going back. He needed the Orb, there was nothing else but the Orb. And if he could get his hands on just a small portion of the Lady's collection, he could me comfortable for a few years at best. If not a few months. "Step lightly, m'lord" said the guard at the checkpoint. She smiled at him, Garrett grinned back. "M'lord" he said to himself as he and a couple more Lords, Counts, Ladies, and Nobles crowded into the cramped elevator and closed the door. The grinding of gears began to sound as the elevator pad began to rise. The red light at the top of the roof turned green as they stopped and the metal door slid open. A guard posted at a viewpoint with four turrets and eyes watching every move they made. Garrett loved not having to dodge into the shadows, but instead mingled with the crowd. They where escorted by servants into a large ballroom by the looks of it. On every rafter, there was an eye watching his every move. He knew that he was safe, for the moment. "So, who are you?" asked a young man that came over to him. Garrett turned to him, acting normal. The man was about his age, his height with a dark complexion. He was dressed in a dark tunic and pants, with a cap and feather sticking out of it. "Mr. Gregory Thyme, Curator of the Thyme Art Gallery, and you?" he asked as he stretched his hand out. The man took it, and nodded friendly enough to recognize a gold tooth in the back of his mouth. Very badly stuffed with gold. Garrett knew that this was no ordinary lord. "Mr. Relland Bellows, Antique Dealer for Dayport Royal Displays" the man said. Garrett looked at him a good long moment and then he recognized him. It was Lucas Wells, a master forger, confidence trickster, aristocrat, blackmailer and amateur art and jewelry thief. Garrett had not seen him in two years. Garrett guessed that Lucas recognized him too. "By, god. Garrett, what the hell are you doing here! And in fancy clothes too, I might add!" he exclaimed. "Shhh" silenced Garrett. He ushered him to the back of the crowd and away from the commotion. A servant handed them two glasses of fine red wine, which Lucas and Garrett both took. "I was about to ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?" he asked harshly. Garrett and Lucas had been partners for a short time when different paths led them in different directions. Lucas was a man who wanted money and power. Garrett just wanted money. They where good friends but a couple years back, they lost communication and it was said in the Criminal Underworld that the Cities greatest con-artist was found out by the Bulldogs and killed, found in the river canal near Shalebridge Station.
Natalie walked with Rachell down a cobblestone street. Potted tree's lined the streets, lonely and disturbing compared to the large buildings around them. The new Mayor wanted to make the City more fertile and more comfortable to breath in and Natalie couldn't agree more, thats why she voted for him. All the heavy industrial factories had been done away with that the Mechanist had created. A minimal Hammer production of mechanical technology was in production, and already the air was much cleaner and easier to breath in. Rachell guided them through a lone alley towards an opening to an abandoned chapel. The chapel was Mechanist. The gear of the Mechanist that once moved, no longer did, and was on the verge of falling. The windows where broken from young boys throwing rocks. Such an action was well known because of the Servants going crazy, and the Incident at Soulforge. Statues, metal grillwork and everything else on the outside that was once Mechanist was vandalized. "Looks like the Hammer's are converting that place into a Chapel" muttered Rachell. She was right, crates marked with a large red hammer stood out along the cobblestone path. Hammer's, and other types of equipment where left outside. Natalie could see a flickering light from the inside of the Chapel's right window. Hammerites must be camping there for the night and continuing repairs in the morning. Darvin and Rachell's apartment was on the outskirts of the City, Overlooking a pleasant river and several estate properties. Since it was a Friday night, the lights where on and sound of music, and laughing could be heard from the Estates. Darvin had left for his night shift at Shalebridge after Dinner and Rachell had elected to take Natalie to their apartment for the night, while Darvin would find out in the Warden Affairs Division weather or not a stake out was being held at Natalie's apartment flat. Arriving in the cool night air, Rachell opened the door into a well furnished apartment. The money that they had which was in several banks including First City Bank and Trust was gaining interest and soon they wouldn't need to get the extra cash from the City Watch but simply settle for early retirement in a comfortable apartment. Natalie plunked herself down on a comfortable couch as Rachell went to dress out of her blue uniform and put her sword away. She came back in her evening dress with two drinks in her hands. She gave one to Natalie who simply held it and starring out the window at the houses. "I shouldn't have given that Orb to Syril" she finally said. "You did what you thought was right, even though you used the Master Thief!" Rachell responded. She got right to work getting a fire going. "Your not making things any easier, Rachell" Natalie retorted. "Well, you can't change the past. But you can change what happens to that Orb" said Rachell as she striked a match and the flames engulfed the logs and set a gentle glow over the room. She sat down next to Natalie. "Rachell, how far are we from the Valavictor Estate?" "By foot it would take you a good amount of time. But by taking a cab, you could be over there in less then thirty minuets" chimed Rachell as she sipped her drink. She passed some nuts over to Natalie who declined them. "I'm going to go and steal the Orb back!" said Natalie as she swirled her drink in her glass. "Are you crazy!" cried Rachell. "Even Darvin and I had the sense not to even go near that Estate. It's too well defended. There are Mechanical eyes everywhere, you couldn't go five feet before getting nailed in the back with a turret arrow!" "Where there's will, there's a way!" said Natalie. "Your insane. The Orb would be too well protected if you go there. The Manor House is almost completely air tight, you would be killed!" Rachell was up in a minuet. "Listen Rachell, I need to do this. Garrett is most likely there right now. If I get the Orb, I'll be able to give the Orb to him; allowing him to repair the ties that separated us" she sipped her scotch. "Your doing this all about a sixteen hour relationship?" "No, I'm doing it as a fellow thief. To make it up to him, and I swear on the Watchman's Grave to get that Orb and pay him back. He deserved it more then I did. Plus, I already received word that my uncle was released from Prison today. He's heading for Dayport to start his Banking business up again" exclaimed Natalie. "Your insane. You really are insane" said Rachell. She looked at her a long moment. She seemed to ponder something over in her head. "You know, Sheriff Mosley is at the Valavictor Estate tonight. There are a handful of guards with her since she is one of the most powerful people in the City. I can give you a uniform of mine and a bow with a few arrows but I don't know how long you can stay hidden." "Thanks alot, Rachell. I really mean it. Don't worry, I'll have a cab take me. Do you have any stripes to represent your rank at all?" asked Natalie. "I'm a Sergeant. Thats one below Lieutenant. You can get past most of the guards but Mosley will have her Lieutenant's with her all the time plus her bodyguards, so you can't get close to her." "I don't need to get close to her" declared Natalie. Rachell retreated into the closet near the end of the hall to retrieve the spare helmet, tunic, pants, boots and bow. Having lost her crossbow to Garrett, she would have to depend on her blackjack to do all the dirty work. She rolled her thieving equipment up in rolls around her cloak, then dressed into her City Watch disguise. She looked like a genuine female Blue-coat. Just as she was buttoning up her tunic, Darvin burst into the apartment's front door. He was off his night-shift at last. "They're all around your place, Nat. You better have a back up plan for this!" "Oh, I do. I'm going to go steal the Orb of Quintus from the Lady Valavictor" she smiled and finished dressing. Darvin looked at Rachell who only motioned for him to keep quite. "Well, Warden Affairs told me that a large number of us are at the Estate now along with Mechanists, Hammers, everyone. Even the Mayor is there. It's hell. "I'll manage. Could you call a cab for me. It would take me twice as long to get there by foot!" snapped Natalie. Darvin went outside and called a nearby cab that was passing the apartment. He gave the destination and the money to the driver. Natalie walked out of the apartment with Rachell. "You be careful all right. What your doing right now is crazy!" said Rachell as she hugged her friend. "I'll be fine. And when this is all over, I'm treating you two to the Opera, do you like Lady Valaruis?" Darvin nodded and smiled as he hugged her. Natalie broke the embrace and stood over to the cab, and got in, with a slap of the reigns, the horse broke into a brisk sprint through the empty avenue next to the river. Natalie watched as they made their way through the catwalks and saw the bright lights of the Estates and then Valavictor Estate.
"God damnit, I thought I was the only criminal mastermind here, Garrett!" said Lucas as he sipped his glass. "Why are you here, I thought you were dead!" "Was dead! Well, yes I guess you can say that. That guy that they found near Shalebridge was suppose to be me. Actually it was Relland Bellows, with a large amount of beer in his gut, and a knife wound straight to his heart. I found him in a nearby alley way so I got his things from his bag, put one of my distinguished marks on him, and set him down into Shalebridge Canal. And I've been him ever since, the fact is that no one ever laid eyes on him. He was an old guy, mean bastard. Very to himself. So I became him, and inherited a pretty small fortune, a Antique business in Dayport and a woman magnet" finished Lucas. "Good for you, I've been keeping a low profile from the Bulldogs, but still am the Master Thief. Why are you here, anyway?" asked Garrett. "For that.." pointed out Lucas. He pointed towards a woman in a elegant red dress with a valuable thiara on her head made out on gold and jewelry. "That little gem!" "You going steal it right off her head? I thought since you inherited a small fortune, that you wouldn't have to steal anymore." "Oh, I steal for the fun of it. That thing on her head will go nicely with my collection. Besides, some of her valuables here should be in my possession not hers! She steals from people all the time. Like this precious pagan wooden chest, lined with silver and gold. Plus, secret compartments all over the place with valuable spice, wines; you should keep it in mind" replied Lucas. "Wait a minuet, are you the Society Burglar?" asked Garrett. "Yes, thats me!" "The papers have been all over you. How you never have to search for the jewelry, and you only steal from the Upper Class. It's rather professional in my own opinion" said Garrett. "Your the pro, Garrett. I'm simply an amateur art and jewelry thief." Just then, Lady Valavictor; a woman of some attractiveness stepped onto the a small platform. The room went silent as she began her speech. "My dead friends, welcome to my home and to the Valavictor Noble Display Chambers. In the next few days, you will meet Nobles, Antique Dealers, Craftsman, Artists and Political Leaders to see for yourself the Valavictor Noble Collection. This includes the fabled Diamond of the Ocean, The Trickster's Box of Secrets, the Orb of Quintus and with special donation by the Order of the Hammer; the Builder's Stone; which was the first stone to be forged in the Age of Stone. I would like to introduce to you the ones that made this all possible; Gergans Illbar, the Captain of the Guards who will make your stay here at Valavictor Estate a pleasant and safe one. Yuril Jadar; Assistant High Priest of the Order of the Hammer for his wonderful donations the Security Systems that you see before you and the systems protecting the collection, and the High Priestess Velnia of the Order of the Mechanist for the generous donation of the Mechanist Workers and other Security systems that you see before you. Sheriff Sophia Mosley of the City Watch who made the generous donation of her guards and protection for the weekend activities and his noble self, the Mayor Jerak Hardenblow; who is gracing us with his presence this evening. Please give these fine people a round of applause." Garrett rolled his eyes, as he took a chunk of fruit from a nearby tray. Lucas turned to him as the room filled with applause as the Mechanist, Hammerites, and Political Leaders stood up on the stage and where applauded by the large crowd. The doors for the Display chambers swung open and guards at every access point guided the nobles, artists, craftsmen, and other important people through the rooms. Guides stood in every room next to every display; telling the people about the different types of artifacts that the Lady Valavictor had on display. Lucas and Garrett stood back, and waited for the crowd to die down. "Are you coming back here after everyone is in bed?" asked Lucas. Garrett nodded. "Listen, I need the Thiara, you need the Orb. Let's team up for this, that way we can exchange information more easily and get past these damn Security Systems!" declared Lucas. "I don't know man, I work better alone" exclaimed Garrett. "I've got information of Secret Tunnels..." Lucas went on. "All right, you got me. Let's just take a look that this collection of the Ladies then we'll head back to my room and map out our plan!" Garrett said finally. Garrett and Lucas followed a diminished crowd into a hallway, with six entrances to large rooms on each side of hallways. Security Eyes where installed at every other rafter, watching their every move. Garrett and Lucas turned into the first room to see what looked like a Hammer style shrine. Each room had a different theme. Garrett saw on a pedestal a large ruby vase that glimmered under the light. The assistant told how it was once owned by one of the first Barons of the City. On another pedestal was the First Forging Rock of the Hammerites. Two Hammerites stood on either side of the pedestal, obviously this was a valuable piece of Hammer history. "I wouldn't mind having that thing in my collection" muttered Lucas. "What a beautiful piece of history!" said Garrett, acting out being an Art dealer. "Thou are interested in thy order's history?" said one of the guards. His hammer rested on his thigh. "Oh yes, I believe that this stone is so very interesting that the people should know how the Order of the Hammer came to pass in the Age of the Stone..." "The Builder's Order treasures this stone. Tis the beginning of the Order's glorious history, this stone was the one stone to forge thine Order's mighty hammer against the hand of deceit, trickery and dis-purity" said the other guard. "Well thank you, my dear friends. I hope to be seeing you at the next Hammerite Sermon in the nearest Cathedral" Garrett turned his back to the guards and rolled his eyes at Lucas. Lucas smiled as he glanced over to see a beautiful Golden Hammer resting on the pedestal. Lined with Gold, gems and silver; the guide told how it was the Hammer of Truth; acquired from the First Valavictor Noble one hundred years ago. A gift from the Hammerites for their support of the Hammer faith. "Keep that in mind..." muttered Garrett under his breath to Lucas. Lucas nodded and they both exited the room. In the next rooms they saw different themes of Pagans, Mechanist, Royalty, Stone Age, Metal Age and of course the Private collection of the Lady Valavictor which was the final door where the hall ended. Two turret's mounted on either side, stood ready for any thieves, but the doors where opened and the Ladies Private Collection stood on six pedestals in a large wooden room, lined with portraits of ancestors, tapestries and expensive vases and marble busts. On each of the pedestal was a glass case protecting the item from the elements, and a Steward waiting to take questions about the different items in question. The Valavictor Private Collection was by far the most priced and most valuable of the entire Collection. And the most well protected. Lucas had moved to cover three of the items; and Garrett had moved for the other three. The first item was the 'Diamond of the Ocean' necklace. A large blue diamond cut very neatly, encrusted with white diamonds around the band and the blue diamond itself. Garrett had to control himself from braking the glass and taking the diamond. It was calling to him like it was a something out of a dream. "The Diamond of the Ocean was found on a expedition in the Northern Lands above the City. Found in a glass box in Icy cold waters, the necklace was brought back by Lord Wellruce Valavictor, grandfather of the Lady Valavictor. The necklace is said to hold mystical powers to anyone that touches it" explained the steward. The second item was a jewel scepter with gold, silver lining. Gems had been crusted into the scepter, and the silver lining seemed to glitter with want and desire. The scepter was called 'Scepter of Longing' with a large sapphire diamond on its tip, that reflected the light. The third item was the Orb of Quintus. The golden orb, with silver lining seemed to be screaming for Garrett to take her. The orb was lined in four different direction, encrusted with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. All four points leading to the top of the orb with a small golden hammer. "The Orb of Quintus is a new addition to the Valavictor Private Collection. Retrieved just today from a ship-wreck off the coast. The Quintus Family was said to have several types of objects like the Horn of Quintus or the Eye of Quintus. Each having a strange magical power like the power of healing, tranquillity or invisibility." Garrett looked at the Orb and came over to Lucas who was looking at a emerald amphora vase. With small dragons curling up to the rim as handles. "I like this one!" said Lucas. "I can tell that we're coming back here tonight!" declared Garrett. As they left the room, Garrett and Lucas passed the Lady. Her golden thiara shown brightly over the spot lights. They left via the elevator and returned to Lucas's chambers where they began to map out there plan. "We have to wait until the whole house is asleep before we do anything, then we can make out move" explained Lucas in his chambers. They sat at a desk with a gas lamp lit above them. "From what I could tell, the entire place is airtight. Except for a rumor of a secret passage leading from the ladies chambers to her private collection. But before we do any of this, we have to deactivate all the Security Systems on the top floor, or we're definitely dead" said Garrett. Looking over a map that Lucas had brought. They had a basic layout of the mansion. It was similar to Lord Gervasius's mansion, proubly designed by the same guy except that this manor was ten times larger and more elegant. And much more air tight. "There's a tunnel leading to the Security Office and the booth that will shut down all Security systems on the top floor but there are three other alarms that we have to be careful of. Not only will there be guards up there but there is also three alarms we have to deal with" chimed in Lucas. "There are three Security locks on the top floor controlled from the Security Office on the top floor. Once they are turned on, then anyone who steppes foot in any of the display rooms will be killed rather quickly by toxic gas that is emitted by two ducks from the ceiling. It's the same gas that the Burricks produce. Anyway, we have to deactivate this locks before anything happens." "I can take care of the Eyes, I know where the Security Department Office is" exclaimed Garrett. "Well, be careful. There are guards everywhere."
Natalie adjusted her cloak wrapped thieving materials as the cab swung around a sharp corner of the cobblestone streets of Northport. Natalie could see rain clouds moving in. Rain was going to pose a problem, but she would find a way around it. The cab crossed a stone arc bridge, and onto a smooth road leading to the homes of some of the wealthiest nobles in the City. Northport was by far, the wealthiest district of the City. The tree's rustled with the wind and Natalie couldn't help but shiver in the autumn night. They came around a bend, and there was the Cloister Arc. She could see the Mechanical Eyes, and Turrets. Four guards on the ground and two bow-man in two towers on each side. The primary entrance was well-defended. Since they were a good distance away still, Natalie got out and paid the driver. The cabby and his horse turned around and dashed down the road, and only the diminishing light of his lantern remained. Natalie put the bundle under her arm and dashed into the shadows. The light uniform of the City Watch had no insulation. It was clearly a summer uniform and not a winter one. She longed to put on her cloak and thieving attire but knew that she would have to wait until she got inside the mansion. She climbed a tree near the stone wall that was a good distance away from the Cloister, and landed in a small grove of fur tree's. She peeked out from under a fern plant and saw the Estate. Only a couple lights where on. The presentation must of been over by now. Her luck! Natalie noticed the slopping moor hill, if she could take a Speed Potion; she would be up at the estate in just a couple of minuets. But since the Lady valued privacy and the Estate was still a good five minuets away by foot, she would have to use the potion now while she was still in range of the Cloister Arc. She also had to watch for patrols on the slope as well, but knowing the Watch and the Estate Guards; they would stick to the path. She started a steady job toward the estate straight up the moor. Then she gulped down the sour tasting Speed potion. Tasted like mixed lemon juice and water, she began to move very quickly up the hill; past the guards on the road. Natalie soon began to slow down, and finally came to the top of the slopping more. She adjusted her helmet and began to act as if she was on her rounds. Rachell had given her a name to use in case she was questioned. Jenela Urban, a long since dead friend of hers that was once apart of the Watch. Except no one knew that she was dead except Rachell. She came up to the front road of the Estate. The place was huge, designed in several different wings. She opened the side door, most likely leading into the guard barracks; and stepped inside. Two electric lights filled the room, and she put her things under her arm; and began to act as if she was patrolling. She hated bows, too much work. She threw it into the corner; and retrieved a nearby sword on the Equipment table. She observed a map on a nearby hall. She was in the West Wing; which was reserved for the servants, guests and guards. She looked for any sign of a Security office to learn about the Security Systems. She heard rumblings in local Inn's that the Valavictor Estate was an air-tight manor house. The place was full of new and advanced security systems donated by the Hammerites. She walked up a flight of stairs, passing a Mechanist guard who simply ignored her. Natalie loved going under-cover. She passed a series of rooms, most likely guest chambers; and in a nearby broom closet; stuffed her things under a bucket and started her rounds. The house was very well displayed. The floor was laid with tile and a single carpet to walk on, just her luck. She observed her map and it told her to move south to get to the Security Office, she turned south and headed for the office.
Garrett sat on his haunches for the last five minuets. He was in extreme pain from just sitting there for the past five minuets with no movement. Guards had passed him all the time, but he couldn't risk being caught. He was in his thieving gear now, to make it easier to get to the Security Department Office. Then he spotted the metal plate that read: SECURITY DEPARTMENT OFFICE: CAPTAIN GERJANS ILLBAR; CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS OFFICE. Garrett noticed a lone guard standing down the hall, he darted down and hit him over the head with his blackjack within seconds and snatched the key from his belt. Garrett dragged the guard down the hall and into the Maids Closet. He stuffed him in, the changed into a Guard Uniform. He laid his things in a dark corner, leaving the nude guard in the dark closet. Garrett took the key and unlocked the door and slipped in. Being sure to lock it after him. The room was dark so he switched on a nearby light, the room was filled with a few desks, a back room with file cabinets, and another room, locked. A plaque next to the door read: Captain Gergans Illbar, Captain of the Guards. He slipped the key in and unlocked it. The door opened to reveal a finely furnished room with a desk, file cabinet and windows looking out on to the road and moor. A fireplace and couch where to the east of the room. He took of what was of value and observed the closet space room next to the Captain's desk. The door slid open to reveal a control room; most likely where the Security Eye's where controlled from. He observed the latches until he found the ones for master Control. He flicked the switch. The collection and the rest of the house was deactivated from the Eyes. He heard rumbling outside the nearby window. He looked out to see the High Priestess Valnia with four of her guards and ten Mech-Guards. "Oh, damn!" cursed Garrett. "Things just can't get any harder then this." Even though there was ten Mech-guards, it was a big mansion; and he and Lucas could find a way around them, if not destroy them. Garrett observed the Captain's desk, and found keys to the Armory and the Countess's Private Chambers. He slipped the keys and notes into his cloak just as he heard a click outside the main office door. The moon shown brightly in, and the door seemed to be moving carefully from someone...picking the lock. Garrett moved into position, he hoped it wasn't Lucas because whoever it was, they where going to get it right in the face. The lock clicked and the door moved slowly open. A female guard stepped in, Garrett un-sheathed his sword, but the guard must of heard it and brought up her sword as well. The sound of metal clanging could be heard. Garrett brought his favorite sword, the one that he stole from Constantine above his head, about to bring down a killing blow; but was struck in the stomach by a foot. He fell back against a desk and brought his sword up to protect against the incoming blow. He brought his fist out and punched her across the face. The guard moaned and fell over. Garrett brought his sword above his head and was ready to bring it down when he heard: "Stop!" That voice, it sounded familiar. Garrett sheathed his sword and pulled out a flare. The green glow showed a woman about his age, brown hair, dark eyes, a cracked lip. It was Natalie. "Garrett??" cried Natalie. Garrett didn't know what to say. His first response was to slug her again but he instead helped her up and into a chair. He closed the office door and locked it, he grabbed the Master Key from the table and pocketed it as well. "What the hell are you doing here?" he growled. "I came for the Orb. To get it for you and to pay you back for all the troubles I caused you...." came her reply. "You brought more then troubles" he said through gritted teeth. "Look, I'm sorry about that. But I kept my word, I said I would come and get the Orb after I sold it to Valavictor's Chief man, and then I would steal it again. It was just a steal, sell, steal game." Garrett looked at her a long moment. She un-did her helmet. Her brown hair was in perfect place. "Sorry for hitting you.." he muttered. "Well, you should be. That really hurt!" she replied. "Are you here too to steal back the Orb?" "Yeah, I'm with an old friend. We just met up!" "Mind if I join you?" she asked. "After all the trouble you caused me?! Hell no!" he replied. "Garrett, please. Three heads are better then two. I have a detailed account of the mansion plus I have a City Watch uniform. I can get us up there!" Garrett studied her a long moment, then finally gave in. "Fine, you can come. But don't get in our way, there is plenty to do up there; plus we have ten Mech-guards crawling through the house. You help us, and you can take whatever you want from the collection except the Orb, the Orb is mine and not yours!" "Fine. Agreed, I have a map of the house plus some information on secret passage locations!" "Do me a favor, change out of that dumb uniform. It bothers the hell out of me!" said Garrett. "All right, as long as you change out of that thing. It looks terrible on you!" she said with a wicked grin. Garrett nodded and walked out, Natalie following her. He quickly got naked and changed into his original clothes, then they headed north. Natalie stopped by a broom closet to change into her real clothes and merged from the darkness in her thieving gear. "Can I have my crossbow back?" asked Natalie. Garrett had totally forgot about it. He didn't really like it that much, it was simply too idiotic for his taste. He preferred his full-size bow and regular sized arrows for the job. They quickly made their way to Lucas's room. "Garrett! Your back! Who's this??" he asked as they walked in. He was looking over several maps of the place and what looked like a schematic for an electric eye. "Lucas this is Natalie. Natalie is an Independent Thief, like me. Natalie this is Lucas Wells. Also known as Lord Relland Bellows, an Antique Dealer and the Society Burglar!" "Charmed, I'm sure" said Natalie as she shook his hand. "Good to have you? What are you doing here anyway?" asked Lucas. "I came here to steal the Orb for Garrett. I owed him. But when I broke into the Security Office, he was already there!" "That reminds me Lucas, I got some things here that could help us with this job!" said Garrett. He threw a few keys, notes and information on the Security and passages for the house. "We also have another problem, the Mechanist have just brought in ten Mech-Guards. Most likely, three of them are on the top floor as we speak!" "That could pose a major problem, the Mechanist have enhanced the new guards with a sensor behind them, its like an Electric eye but with feet!" Lucas said as he began to dress into his thieving gear. Within a minuet, the three thieves where dressed. Garrett who was the tallest could see that they where all dressed the same way. "What's the best way to get to the Countess's Chambers?" asked Lucas, as he brought the hood over his head. They all gathered around the small table to observe the map. A detailed schematic showed guard stations and guard locations. Two guards along with an electric eye where stationed in front of the Ladies Bedroom Suite, making a direct assault virtually impossible. There where were thee other Guard Stations around the Ladies suite. The woman clearly valued her safety. "What about the roof?" asked Garrett. He looked up at them from under his cloak. "The roof?" repeated Lucas. He went through a few notes and came up with one slip of paper, some illegible hand writing was scratched on the slip, he mumbled something to himself and then read the contents: "The roof can be reached by the Secondary Escape Shaft. Through which is a plate glass window, looking directly bellow the Ladies Private Dining Room. The shaft is located on the Second floor via another Secret passage in the Music Library Room." "That must be our way in" chimed Natalie. "This is going to be a difficult job. Even with the Eyes deactivated, we still have to worry about the three Security locks on the top floor Display Chambers and the guards" declared Garrett. "Well, lets get started then. This is going to take us a while" exclaimed Lucas. They quickly dimmed the lights and exited the room. Moving quickly and silently down the hall; they moved through and around guards weather they had to knock them out or simply sneak past them. They did not however have an escape plan. Garrett was in the lead, having gone this way before. Soon the trio came to a wooden-glass door, and inside was a small library filled to the brim with books, several different rooms adjoining also filled with books. The moonlight shown in, making it feel might eerie. Garrett unlocked the door with the master key and they all quickly slipped inside, being sure to lock the door behind them. They started for the Music Library and found books on Opera's, old music and even a wax cylinder. Natalie pocketed the cylinder, would fetch a good price on the black market. "Did it say where the passage was in the Music room?" asked Natalie. Lucas shook his head. "No, didn't say anything. I wasn't able to get all the information needed for the job!" Natalie was looking through the books until she noticed one book that stood out from the others. A red book titled: Chronicles of the Smith in Exile. She pulled on it, and she heard a sharp click and a section of the wall opened to reveal an entrance to a long tunnel. "Bravo" muttered Garrett as he strode into the darkness of the stone passage. The door quickly closed behind them, and they where left in complete darkness. Garrett and Lucas each pulled out a flare. The green light blared down the stone hall. Pipes and stone arch ways sometimes blocked their paths but in the end they came to what they where looking for. "The Security Eyes are out!" cried a voice from behind the stone wall. Garrett did not recognize the voice, only that it was an arrogant one. "Yes, sir. All electric security systems are out. The only one that has the key to the office is the Captain, and the guards stationed there but no one has seen them" came the reply. "Break the damn door down!" cried the other voice. "Sir, the door is made out of metal. We can't break it down!" "Fine, you taffer. Report back to me. We have to find a way to get those Eye's working again, or else we're all dead in the morning!" "They'll be more then dead" whispered Lucas. They sneaked through the passage a little more until the came to a low metal door down bellow a nearby torch, which must of been the mechanism to open the door. Natalie pulled on the torch, shifting it sideways. A grinding of metal could he heard and the small section of metal slid away to reveal a cramped tunnel. The tunnel was leading up towards what must had been the roof. Why they created such an idiotic idea was beyond Garrett, but that was not the point. The point was to get to the Orb and the Private Displays. The cramped metal tunnel took them longer then expected. Because they carried equipment, they where forced to crawl with it in hand. Steam from the heating systems pipes crawled in from a fractured conduit, making the heat in the shaft incredibly un-bearable. But at last, with Garrett at the top of the slopping shaft, they came to the entrance. He observed for the opening mechanism and spotted a nearby loose pipe which he pushed forward, the hatch popped open and the cool breeze brushed against Natalie's enflamed cheeks. All three crawling out of the hatch which was positioned on a slanted roof, most likely belonging to some other apartments of little matter. Lucas had brought water from the room, and offered it both to them. Natalie accepted it gratefully, but Garrett refused. Lucas noticing that not a speck of sweat was on his forehead. Garrett surveyed the area around them, with his large robe flapping in the winds; he looked around. The Manor House was even larger then he first expected. It was in levels, making the roof a virtual slant. Luckily, the escape shaft was located on a flat plain on the roof, so that they would not fall from a most painful death. "We should get moving!" declared Natalie as she adjusted herself, then started to scout around the roof top for anything that looked like a plate-glass window. Lucas looked at his notes for a minuet then guided them north then south around the different levels and barriers. Finally they came to a large, triangle-shape raised window shield. It stood out very much, but was virtually un-noticeable from the road. Garrett searched for a lock of some sort on the window pain. He found on the side and he slipped one of his lockpicks in, and worked the lock until he heard the satisfying click of the lock releasing. He grabbed the handle, making sure there were no lights on in the apartment and opened up the heavy plate-glass window. Lucas had brought a rope and grapnel for this very occasion. He tied it around a lightning rod at the base; making sure it was fastened securely. He then tossed the long cord of rope down to the ground. Garrett was the first to go down. He shimmied down then landed on the cushions of a couch. Then Lucas, and finally Natalie. Natalie strung the rope around a nearby marble beam so to not attract attention and joined her comrades in the shadows. Lucas pointed to a double metal door with an electric eye moving above it. With the lights out, the eye was useless. Garrett silently opened the door and slipped in, to reveal a richly furnished Study. A large tapestry, with the letter "V" grasped by two snakes was behind a large oak desk, with bookshelves, plants and valuable adornments. All three pocketed something, but knowing that they would need as much as possible room to spare for the real treasure. Lucas peered behind the tapestry, and brought his head back. He nodded, the secret entrance was right behind the tapestry. But the job inside the Ladies Suite was not finished yet. Lucas had to get the thiara. He carefully slipped over to a nearby painting. He touched the frames bottom-left corner which pushed in, and the painting opened to reveal a large safe. He brought out his lock picks and began to fiddle with the lock until finally he got it. He opened it in triumph, and brought out the Thiara in all its glory. It was like starring at Viktoria again, for Garrett. Also inside were several bank notes, checks, bags of coins and jewel box which Lucas took. He would use the bank notes and checks to pay off his depts with First City Bank and Trust. Lucas closed the safe and the paint frame. And returned to his partners. Garrett inserted the master key into a fairly un-recognizable key hole and turned it. The wooden wall opened to reveal a stairwell leading up, most likely to the Private Collection. Leading the way in the dark and loud tile floor up toward the top floor, Garrett couldn't help but think that this job was worth it. That with the Orb, and some of these other valuables could pay handsomely for things to buy, maybe a nice meal and a nice hot bath at the local bathhouse, a visit to the Opera and a nice dinner. Maybe, these treasures could even force him into early retirement. But he knew that such an act was foolish. Thievery was rich in his veins. He needed to steal, it was the only way of life that Garrett knew and until he found a new road to walk; then he would stick with it. He approached a sliding door which opened to reveal....the Security Office! "Damn" whispered Natalie. Lucas brought out a flash bomb and threw it at the feet of the guard standing ready at the controls. They buried their eyes within the soothing blackness of their robes and the blinding white light appeared. The guard seemed frazzled, then Natalie swung her blackjack toward him and brought him down. Garrett and Natalie tossed him down the passage. The Security Locks for the Valavictor Collection Chambers looked like normal safety locks on the wall. Each represented by three colors. Blue, Red and Green. Garrett went up to each and inserted the Master Key, deactivated every single security defense. Now they just had to get past the guards. Lucas noticed the window, the half-opened glass panel let out a gust of cool air into the Office. It was refreshing. "Let's try the window.." exclaimed Lucas. He opened up the window pain and they got out onto the ledge. Garrett closed the window behind him. Natalie noticed that the windows for the Collection Chambers where very far away and that there was several amounts of gaps in the sill, and it posed a problem for them. "We can fly across" Garrett finally said. He took a Vine Arrow out of his bag and shot it into the Metal Grillwork of what was an eye. He grabbed hold of it, and so did the others lower then him and then let go. They flew through the air, holding tightly onto the Vine. Until Garrett grabbed hold of a nearby marble statue of an animal. Garrett, then Lucas and finally Natalie got up and retrieved the arrow. The window was not open, and Natalie peered in. The room was empty, the eye was off along with the turrets. The doors were sealed overnight. Lucas and Garrett pulled hard on the side of the windows opening, and ripped it off its hinges. They carefully crawled through. The First Display Room showed them the vase, First Stone or whatever it was called and other priceless pieces of work. Garrett took the Vase, but cautioned to not take the stone. Such an act would arouse un-wanted suspicion their way. Natalie found the "Tricksters Box of Secrets" which was a richly crafted box with jewels, gold and other types of priceless adornments. Lucas opted for a nicely carved Golden Hammer of Truth. Garrett punched in the code for the door and it slid open. The hall was empty and the doors sealed. Overnight, the doors including the primary ones to the collection would be sealed to prevent any theft. The eyes and Turrets where deactivated, preventing any kind of distraction or inconvenience. They quickly made their way through the different rooms and taking what was the most valuable. Lucas took priceless antiques of age, Natalie took objects of sheer beauty, and Garrett took what was of the most money. Soon they had very little room left in the packs that they carried on they're backs. One room remained, the Valavictor Private Collection Chamber. Garrett slipped in the Master Key and turned it, while punching the combination that he learned in the Captain of the Guards office. The room opened to reveal the dark room, an eerie glow of the moon outside cast a point of light on the nearby wall. Each of the display case's would have to be broken if not re-opened by some control nearby. The controls were on a nearby wall. A small code pad stuck out, a ticking alarm system. "Garrett! Do you know the code?" asked Garrett as the Master Thief joined him over at the control panel. Natalie was busily trying to make heads or tails of the glass. If they were not careful, they could set off any type of trap, or alarm. "Damn" cursed Garrett. He of them all did not know the code, and most likely would never know how to get pass the glass. If they shattered the glass, then it was all over, and who knew what would happen if they did break the glass. Natalie came up behind them and looked at the controls, she observed then grinned. "Your idiots. Both of you! Society Burglar and Master Thief! Can't you see that all you have to do is by-pass the wires!" she said. Garrett groaned and looked at the panel. Natalie drew her sword and scraped the blade under the indent of the controls. She pried off the metal to reveal a circuit maze, and Lucas nor Garrett could make heads or tails of it. Slipping a dagger from under her cloak she cut two wires, and tied them together; keeping to metallic ends together. She sparked them and then the glass cases slid down bellow the pedestal. The impressive treasures sat on display, just ripe for the picking. Garrett grabbed the Diamond of the Ocean and the Orb of Quintus. Putting them in a very safe part of his bag, and strapping them tightly within a protective seal. Lucas opted for an expensive Emerald vase supposedly owned by one of the First Barons of the City. The Mejar Family, or so it was called. Along with a silver bracelet which glittered with expensive sterling silver. Natalie took the Scepter and an impressive looking Mask with ruby eyes, and a gold face. Layered in only a few gems, the Mask was just begging to be taken. Everything had been taken, the room was empty with nothing of great value left. "That's all of it!" declared Lucas as he shouldered his pack, a jingling of priceless artifacts could be heard from it. The Lady Valavictor would have a fit in the morning. Garrett couldn't help but chuckle. He opened the door and walked out into the dim hall. The door closed behind and then, the terrible happened. The gentle hum of the eye above came to life and the first person it was Natalie. The turret came to life and shot a bolt at Natalie. The arrow knocked her shoulder as she cried in pain, and instantly a loud alarm sounded. "Damnit!" cried Lucas. "I thought you said that you took the key with you" shouted Lucas over the noise. "I did, the Chief guard must of had a spare!" replied Garrett. He grabbed Natalie by the other shoulder and pulled her down the hall, he had no idea what he was doing. Then the metal doors slid up to reveal two Mech-Guards. "Grace be the path of the Builder. Thou shall not escape, thief!" came the mechanical words of the Iron Beasts. "Shit!" cursed Natalie as she clutched her bloody shoulder. The turret's were now spinning with life, shooting at the trio; but luckily, Garrett ducked into a nearby display room dragging Lucas and Natalie with him. An explosion rocked the room as splinters flew all over the place as the Mech-Guards fired. Lucas sealed the door just as the Mech-Guards were upon them. He heard the cry's of the guards and the alerting of the entire Estate, guards would be getting out of bed and preparing for battle; and now every single person in the Manor House would be awake and ready to rid themselves of the thieves. There was virtually no way out, except through the window. Not the window again. Lucas brought his sword out and stabbed at the control pad for the door. Without the control pad, there was no way of the metal door opening. Then there was pounding on the door. The pounding of iron cannonballs pounding against it, then exploding. Dents in the massive door began to form, they didn't have much longer. "Take her for me!" yelled Garrett. He un-sheathed his Magical Sword that he stole from Constantine three years ago, and brought it down on the window. The glass crashed, making a terrible noise and mess. The pounding increased as the yells of guards and the exploding of cannon balls could be heard. They had to get out of here, soon. Garrett passed two Slow-Fall potions to Lucas and Natalie. Natalie had also drank a Healing Potion, her wound only half-healed. "This is the only way out! Once you land, sprint for the Forest!" he ordered. Natalie jumped first! She pulled out the cork of the flask and quickly drank the blue mixture. It tasted like water, pure water as she flew down, and landed safety on the grass and broke into a heavy sprint; and diving into the bushes of a small hollow. Lucas gave Garrett a pat on the back, then dove through the window like someone diving into water. He quaffed the potion and then landed, sprinting towards Natalie's position. Garrett was the last, the banging increased until finally the door was blown from its homes with a hail of fire power. The Mech-Guards rolled in, Garrett didn't have time to jump. Natalie watched the window, but didn't see Garrett. She clutched her shoulder which was still bleeding but not as severely as before. Then the entire Display room exploded, the windows, doors and walls creaked and gave way. "Damnit to hell!" she cried. Lucas gave her hand a squeeze. Luckily they had taken everything out of that room, so nothing of value was lost. A guard poked his head out the window, looking around and yelling to the other guards at the ground to call off the search, that the Thief was vaporized by the Mech-Guards hitting the gas for the fire place. Natalie cried and Lucas put her arm around her. He couldn't believe that his friend, the Master Thief; Garrett was dead. He sat down on the wet grass, tired from it all. "What are you two so gloomy about?" came a voice from behind them. It was Garrett, not hurt at all. His dark figure starring down at them through the moonlight. "Garrett!" cried Natalie. She jumped up to him and started to kiss him all over the place. Garrett welcomes it, with open arms. "Looks like the Master Thief got himself out of another jam" came Lucas as he gave his long lost friend a hug. "What the hell happened up there?" he asked. "When those Mech-Guards came in, they spotted me just as I downed a flask of that Invisibility crap. They fired and it the gas tank for the fireplace. I dove out, drank a flask of the Slow-fall and got over here" came his reply. Natalie sighed and hugged him again, very thankful that he was all right. He helped her up, and the three found a path, that led to the Main Cloister Entrance. They were tired, bleeding and rich at last. When they had scaled the wall of the Estate property, they began the long walk home. Lucas had his things stored in a nearby hollow away from the Estate and they were picked up by a four-wheeler and brought to his fancy apartment in the Old Quarter. The Old Quarter had since been cleaned out since the Eye was taken and destroyed by the Hammerites and Keepers. With the Eye's destruction, the undead ceased to be undead and just dead. The Old Quarter had become one of the richest districts of the City and the Hammerite Cathedral was restored to its former greatness just that year, and the homes and marketplace where again in their glory. The carriage came to a stop in front of a small yet comfortable looking apartment. A few lights were on and the sound of the Cathedral's bells striking the time of day which was about three o'clock in the morning. Garrett and Natalie were given comfortable beds for the night and in the morning, the butlers and housekeeper would make them breakfast. Lucas sat before his fireplace in the back sitting room with Garrett and Natalie. They had changed out of their thieving gear and into comfortable clothes that night. Garrett drank a glass of brandy, while Lucas had a glass of wine and Natalie a cup of hot herbal Pagan tea. The old yet comfortable couch was perfect for the occasion as Garrett, Natalie and Lucas looked over they're new treasures. "The amount that I stole should come to about 8,000 gold and 2,000 silver. But alot of it will have a new home in my Antique House. But from what I can tell you two, the bounty that you both collected came to about the same as mine. Natalie that Trickster Box and Scepter are going to fetch a tidy sum for your fence. You should get at least 7,500 for both of those and a couple silver to top it off" explained Lucas. "Garrett, your Orb and other objects should do nicely for Manny, I would say about 10,000 for everything you have there." Garrett knew what he was going to do with this money. He would fence the items that he got from the collection and give the Orb to his contact. He would have enough money to pay his rent, pay back some depts he had with a local bank, a warden and a gambling den in Dayport, and proubly have something else for himself. Like a nice bath in the local bathhouse, a nice meal at some fancy restraunt and a get-away at the Lehgham Hotel in Eastport, by far the nicest Hotel in the City. Natalie was going to use the cash she had to pay back a small dept., sell her apartment to Rameriz, then by a nice yet comfortable apartment in either Northport or Wayside. The amount of cash she had would make sure that she kept a low-profile for at least a couple of months and not having to steal for a while. Lucas would keep working at his Antique Gallery, maybe even sell something, write a little, and maybe go on vacation to a village down south. Even though war was still going on in the remote north, he wanted to leave the City for a while; maybe just squeeze in a two week vacation on some nice beach; maybe find a girl. But the Thiara would go nicely in his private collection, and have a place close to his heart. The three friends retired for the night, Lucas retiring to his Chambers up stairs while Natalie and Garrett shared a double bed. Garrett and Natalie made love that night, as two lovers should. Sweaty bodies against each other in a moon lit night, then falling asleep in each others arms. That morning, the newspaper was dropped on the steps of the apartment which was brought in to the Dining Room by Dudly, a middle aged butler of no emotion. He laid the newspaper on a tray and brought it out, Garrett, Lucas and Natalie sat in a comfortable dining room filled with plants and valuable silver, the sun beaming in. Garrett noticed a group of Hammerites heading to mass as the bells for service rang. He still couldn't believe the transformation of the Old Quarter. Lucas sipped some tea, and ate some meat patsy with cheese and bread as he opened up the morning paper and read the front page. He read the contents with a smile. "We're famous" he said with a mouth full of toast and jam. The Housekeeper, Mrs. Mimes came in with a gentle look as she laid down plates with eggs, toast, beef hash and coffee with liquor on plates. Natalie had to resist the urge to pocket the sterling silver forks, knives and spoons. Lucas handed the paper to Natalie and she read it. On it was a large print article on the terrible robbery at the Valavictor Estate, and the theft of the Private Collection of the Lady Ellyn Valavictor, and other priceless objects. Natalie smiled. She read it out loud so Garrett could hear: "The robbery took place around 2:30 in the morning under the cloud of darkness, the thief or thieves involved stole many priceless artifacts dating back to the early centuries of the City. One of which including was the fabled golden object known as the Orb of Quintus with its spectacular healing powers. The Lady Valavictor was un-able to continue the party and so it ended early. Hammerite, Mechanist and City Watch officials are listed below for comment..." she read. Garrett smirked, this was not' t the first time he was in the paper. He downed the last of his food, which was delicious. He wished he could live like this, but these types of views that Lucas up-held conflicted with his choice of life-style. He had to get going and pay the rent back home. And give the orb to his contact and collect his income. "Well, it was a real pleasure to see you in action, again Garrett" Lucas said outside his apartment. The beaming sun and clouds streaked down upon the City, ensuring a beautiful day was upon them. "You can say that" declared Garrett. A cab pulled up in front of the apartment which Lucas had sent for. "I'll be in contact with you in the future. Maybe we an go have a drink at the Hammerhead!" exclaimed Lucas. "That would be good" said Garrett. He said his good-bye's to Natalie and he was off, as the cab made its way across the City and to his apartment in Central City. "So what are you going to do?" said Lucas to Natalie as she put her things down on the cobblestone road. The sound of people heading to Saturday Morning mass at the Hammerite Temple and the Mechanist Chapel down the road could be heard. Her cab pulled up on Audale Street, which adjoined Cathedral street which lead to the Hammerite Cathedral. "Well, I think that when the Bulls get off my scent, think I'm dead or something then I'll head back home and get my things, leave and find a place in Wayside. I have some contacts there and with the money I have, and the selling of my apartment to Ramirez; then I'll have extra money to buy a comfortable place on the water or something like that. I mean, I am the Lady of the Shadows!" she replied. Lucas hugged her then helped her get her things into the baggage part of the buggy. He paid the driver and bid farewell to his new friend. "I'll be in touch" he said as the cabby whipped the reigns and the horse drove off down the arch and through the exit of the Old Quarter. Garrett arrived home late in the afternoon. He had delivered the Orb to his contact at an abandoned warehouse in Wayside, then taken his treasures to his fence's place on Taft Avenue in Shalebridge. Manny was happy to see Garrett delivered his prized. Garrett gave everything except the gold, keys, documents, bank notes and the Diamond of the Ocean to Manny. Manny gave him a good price for his efforts, and bid him farewell. He arrived home with the landlord waiting outside the apartment building. The fat, chubby man was angry with content. "You owe me big time, Garrett. You owe me for today, yesterday and the day before. Garrett brought out a pouch of gold and dropped it in the landlords hand. "That should cover everything, now get out of my way!" he growled. He walked up the stairs, unlocked his room and sat down in an arm chair next to his empty fireplace. He had a girlfriend now, he made good money to keep him off the streets, he had money to spare for a good while, so why not spoil himself. Garrett got up, put on some civilian clothes and went out to the Crippled Burrick Pub for a drink, lunch and then that night to the bathhouse for a soothing massage, hot bath, and maybe even see Natalie there. He left his apartment for that drink. Garrett ate with the servants that night for dinner. The meal was roasted duck, with vegetables and ale. Not bad a meal then he had lately. He wolfed down his food easily and after taking a hunk of cheese, red wine and bread; left the Servants Dining Room, and went to his room which was given to him. He told the Butler that he was with Lord Belleington, a fat nobleman who owned a large estate in Dayport. He collected neck-pieces and fancy gold attire. He mapped out his plan, as he sat in a chair with his feet propped up on the windowsill that looked out onto the City, and the setting sun. Soon, his own world would come to pass and night would be upon them. But first, before he could do anything he had to go see the Lady of the House begin her presentation of her collection, and get information on the exhibit, security systems, offices and of course any secret passages. The Valavictor family was one of the oldest, richest and most corrupt families in the City, they where bound to have secret passages around the top floor where the display rooms where held. Only access was from an elevator controlled from the top floor. Completely air tight, but there had to be a way into the top floor by way of the Ladies Chambers. He knew that the Manor house had gone over significant changes when the Lady inherited her father's money, it was said from an old servant, that the Lady had secret escape passages as well as tunnels throughout out the hollow walls of the Manor House. Garrett needed to get to the Captain of the Guards office and get this information and turn off the security systems before he brought forth his daring heist. He stood up, stretched and walked out of his door. Garrett followed a group of nobles up to the second floor, who got into a elevator watched by one Hammer eye and two turrets. The guard at the elevator door, pushed a button to let the control system operator at the top floor let them know that people were waiting to enter the lift. Garrett had slipped into a Lord's bedroom and 'borrowed' some fine clothes. The Lord would not miss them, most likely he only wore them once. Garrett adjusted his tunic and fine polished black boots. He was in deep right now, no going back. He needed the Orb, there was nothing else but the Orb. And if he could get his hands on just a small portion of the Lady's collection, he could me comfortable for a few years at best. If not a few months. "Step lightly, m'lord" said the guard at the checkpoint. She smiled at him, Garrett grinned back. "M'lord" he said to himself as he and a couple more Lords, Counts, Ladies, and Nobles crowded into the cramped elevator and closed the door. The grinding of gears began to sound as the elevator pad began to rise. The red light at the top of the roof turned green as they stopped and the metal door slid open. A guard posted at a viewpoint with four turrets and eyes watching every move they made. Garrett loved not having to dodge into the shadows, but instead mingled with the crowd. They where escorted by servants into a large ballroom by the looks of it. On every rafter, there was an eye watching his every move. He knew that he was safe, for the moment. "So, who are you?" asked a young man that came over to him. Garrett turned to him, acting normal. The man was about his age, his height with a dark complexion. He was dressed in a dark tunic and pants, with a cap and feather sticking out of it. "Mr. Gregory Thyme, Curator of the Thyme Art Gallery, and you?" he asked as he stretched his hand out. The man took it, and nodded friendly enough to recognize a gold tooth in the back of his mouth. Very badly stuffed with gold. Garrett knew that this was no ordinary lord. "Mr. Relland Bellows, Antique Dealer for Dayport Royal Displays" the man said. Garrett looked at him a good long moment and then he recognized him. It was Lucas Wells, a master forger, confidence trickster, aristocrat, blackmailer and amateur art and jewelry thief. Garrett had not seen him in two years. Garrett guessed that Lucas recognized him too. "By, god. Garrett, what the hell are you doing here! And in fancy clothes too, I might add!" he exclaimed. "Shhh" silenced Garrett. He ushered him to the back of the crowd and away from the commotion. A servant handed them two glasses of fine red wine, which Lucas and Garrett both took. "I was about to ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?" he asked harshly. Garrett and Lucas had been partners for a short time when different paths led them in different directions. Lucas was a man who wanted money and power. Garrett just wanted money. They where good friends but a couple years back, they lost communication and it was said in the Criminal Underworld that the Cities greatest con-artist was found out by the Bulldogs and killed, found in the river canal near Shalebridge Station.
Natalie walked with Rachell down a cobblestone street. Potted tree's lined the streets, lonely and disturbing compared to the large buildings around them. The new Mayor wanted to make the City more fertile and more comfortable to breath in and Natalie couldn't agree more, thats why she voted for him. All the heavy industrial factories had been done away with that the Mechanist had created. A minimal Hammer production of mechanical technology was in production, and already the air was much cleaner and easier to breath in. Rachell guided them through a lone alley towards an opening to an abandoned chapel. The chapel was Mechanist. The gear of the Mechanist that once moved, no longer did, and was on the verge of falling. The windows where broken from young boys throwing rocks. Such an action was well known because of the Servants going crazy, and the Incident at Soulforge. Statues, metal grillwork and everything else on the outside that was once Mechanist was vandalized. "Looks like the Hammer's are converting that place into a Chapel" muttered Rachell. She was right, crates marked with a large red hammer stood out along the cobblestone path. Hammer's, and other types of equipment where left outside. Natalie could see a flickering light from the inside of the Chapel's right window. Hammerites must be camping there for the night and continuing repairs in the morning. Darvin and Rachell's apartment was on the outskirts of the City, Overlooking a pleasant river and several estate properties. Since it was a Friday night, the lights where on and sound of music, and laughing could be heard from the Estates. Darvin had left for his night shift at Shalebridge after Dinner and Rachell had elected to take Natalie to their apartment for the night, while Darvin would find out in the Warden Affairs Division weather or not a stake out was being held at Natalie's apartment flat. Arriving in the cool night air, Rachell opened the door into a well furnished apartment. The money that they had which was in several banks including First City Bank and Trust was gaining interest and soon they wouldn't need to get the extra cash from the City Watch but simply settle for early retirement in a comfortable apartment. Natalie plunked herself down on a comfortable couch as Rachell went to dress out of her blue uniform and put her sword away. She came back in her evening dress with two drinks in her hands. She gave one to Natalie who simply held it and starring out the window at the houses. "I shouldn't have given that Orb to Syril" she finally said. "You did what you thought was right, even though you used the Master Thief!" Rachell responded. She got right to work getting a fire going. "Your not making things any easier, Rachell" Natalie retorted. "Well, you can't change the past. But you can change what happens to that Orb" said Rachell as she striked a match and the flames engulfed the logs and set a gentle glow over the room. She sat down next to Natalie. "Rachell, how far are we from the Valavictor Estate?" "By foot it would take you a good amount of time. But by taking a cab, you could be over there in less then thirty minuets" chimed Rachell as she sipped her drink. She passed some nuts over to Natalie who declined them. "I'm going to go and steal the Orb back!" said Natalie as she swirled her drink in her glass. "Are you crazy!" cried Rachell. "Even Darvin and I had the sense not to even go near that Estate. It's too well defended. There are Mechanical eyes everywhere, you couldn't go five feet before getting nailed in the back with a turret arrow!" "Where there's will, there's a way!" said Natalie. "Your insane. The Orb would be too well protected if you go there. The Manor House is almost completely air tight, you would be killed!" Rachell was up in a minuet. "Listen Rachell, I need to do this. Garrett is most likely there right now. If I get the Orb, I'll be able to give the Orb to him; allowing him to repair the ties that separated us" she sipped her scotch. "Your doing this all about a sixteen hour relationship?" "No, I'm doing it as a fellow thief. To make it up to him, and I swear on the Watchman's Grave to get that Orb and pay him back. He deserved it more then I did. Plus, I already received word that my uncle was released from Prison today. He's heading for Dayport to start his Banking business up again" exclaimed Natalie. "Your insane. You really are insane" said Rachell. She looked at her a long moment. She seemed to ponder something over in her head. "You know, Sheriff Mosley is at the Valavictor Estate tonight. There are a handful of guards with her since she is one of the most powerful people in the City. I can give you a uniform of mine and a bow with a few arrows but I don't know how long you can stay hidden." "Thanks alot, Rachell. I really mean it. Don't worry, I'll have a cab take me. Do you have any stripes to represent your rank at all?" asked Natalie. "I'm a Sergeant. Thats one below Lieutenant. You can get past most of the guards but Mosley will have her Lieutenant's with her all the time plus her bodyguards, so you can't get close to her." "I don't need to get close to her" declared Natalie. Rachell retreated into the closet near the end of the hall to retrieve the spare helmet, tunic, pants, boots and bow. Having lost her crossbow to Garrett, she would have to depend on her blackjack to do all the dirty work. She rolled her thieving equipment up in rolls around her cloak, then dressed into her City Watch disguise. She looked like a genuine female Blue-coat. Just as she was buttoning up her tunic, Darvin burst into the apartment's front door. He was off his night-shift at last. "They're all around your place, Nat. You better have a back up plan for this!" "Oh, I do. I'm going to go steal the Orb of Quintus from the Lady Valavictor" she smiled and finished dressing. Darvin looked at Rachell who only motioned for him to keep quite. "Well, Warden Affairs told me that a large number of us are at the Estate now along with Mechanists, Hammers, everyone. Even the Mayor is there. It's hell. "I'll manage. Could you call a cab for me. It would take me twice as long to get there by foot!" snapped Natalie. Darvin went outside and called a nearby cab that was passing the apartment. He gave the destination and the money to the driver. Natalie walked out of the apartment with Rachell. "You be careful all right. What your doing right now is crazy!" said Rachell as she hugged her friend. "I'll be fine. And when this is all over, I'm treating you two to the Opera, do you like Lady Valaruis?" Darvin nodded and smiled as he hugged her. Natalie broke the embrace and stood over to the cab, and got in, with a slap of the reigns, the horse broke into a brisk sprint through the empty avenue next to the river. Natalie watched as they made their way through the catwalks and saw the bright lights of the Estates and then Valavictor Estate.
"God damnit, I thought I was the only criminal mastermind here, Garrett!" said Lucas as he sipped his glass. "Why are you here, I thought you were dead!" "Was dead! Well, yes I guess you can say that. That guy that they found near Shalebridge was suppose to be me. Actually it was Relland Bellows, with a large amount of beer in his gut, and a knife wound straight to his heart. I found him in a nearby alley way so I got his things from his bag, put one of my distinguished marks on him, and set him down into Shalebridge Canal. And I've been him ever since, the fact is that no one ever laid eyes on him. He was an old guy, mean bastard. Very to himself. So I became him, and inherited a pretty small fortune, a Antique business in Dayport and a woman magnet" finished Lucas. "Good for you, I've been keeping a low profile from the Bulldogs, but still am the Master Thief. Why are you here, anyway?" asked Garrett. "For that.." pointed out Lucas. He pointed towards a woman in a elegant red dress with a valuable thiara on her head made out on gold and jewelry. "That little gem!" "You going steal it right off her head? I thought since you inherited a small fortune, that you wouldn't have to steal anymore." "Oh, I steal for the fun of it. That thing on her head will go nicely with my collection. Besides, some of her valuables here should be in my possession not hers! She steals from people all the time. Like this precious pagan wooden chest, lined with silver and gold. Plus, secret compartments all over the place with valuable spice, wines; you should keep it in mind" replied Lucas. "Wait a minuet, are you the Society Burglar?" asked Garrett. "Yes, thats me!" "The papers have been all over you. How you never have to search for the jewelry, and you only steal from the Upper Class. It's rather professional in my own opinion" said Garrett. "Your the pro, Garrett. I'm simply an amateur art and jewelry thief." Just then, Lady Valavictor; a woman of some attractiveness stepped onto the a small platform. The room went silent as she began her speech. "My dead friends, welcome to my home and to the Valavictor Noble Display Chambers. In the next few days, you will meet Nobles, Antique Dealers, Craftsman, Artists and Political Leaders to see for yourself the Valavictor Noble Collection. This includes the fabled Diamond of the Ocean, The Trickster's Box of Secrets, the Orb of Quintus and with special donation by the Order of the Hammer; the Builder's Stone; which was the first stone to be forged in the Age of Stone. I would like to introduce to you the ones that made this all possible; Gergans Illbar, the Captain of the Guards who will make your stay here at Valavictor Estate a pleasant and safe one. Yuril Jadar; Assistant High Priest of the Order of the Hammer for his wonderful donations the Security Systems that you see before you and the systems protecting the collection, and the High Priestess Velnia of the Order of the Mechanist for the generous donation of the Mechanist Workers and other Security systems that you see before you. Sheriff Sophia Mosley of the City Watch who made the generous donation of her guards and protection for the weekend activities and his noble self, the Mayor Jerak Hardenblow; who is gracing us with his presence this evening. Please give these fine people a round of applause." Garrett rolled his eyes, as he took a chunk of fruit from a nearby tray. Lucas turned to him as the room filled with applause as the Mechanist, Hammerites, and Political Leaders stood up on the stage and where applauded by the large crowd. The doors for the Display chambers swung open and guards at every access point guided the nobles, artists, craftsmen, and other important people through the rooms. Guides stood in every room next to every display; telling the people about the different types of artifacts that the Lady Valavictor had on display. Lucas and Garrett stood back, and waited for the crowd to die down. "Are you coming back here after everyone is in bed?" asked Lucas. Garrett nodded. "Listen, I need the Thiara, you need the Orb. Let's team up for this, that way we can exchange information more easily and get past these damn Security Systems!" declared Lucas. "I don't know man, I work better alone" exclaimed Garrett. "I've got information of Secret Tunnels..." Lucas went on. "All right, you got me. Let's just take a look that this collection of the Ladies then we'll head back to my room and map out our plan!" Garrett said finally. Garrett and Lucas followed a diminished crowd into a hallway, with six entrances to large rooms on each side of hallways. Security Eyes where installed at every other rafter, watching their every move. Garrett and Lucas turned into the first room to see what looked like a Hammer style shrine. Each room had a different theme. Garrett saw on a pedestal a large ruby vase that glimmered under the light. The assistant told how it was once owned by one of the first Barons of the City. On another pedestal was the First Forging Rock of the Hammerites. Two Hammerites stood on either side of the pedestal, obviously this was a valuable piece of Hammer history. "I wouldn't mind having that thing in my collection" muttered Lucas. "What a beautiful piece of history!" said Garrett, acting out being an Art dealer. "Thou are interested in thy order's history?" said one of the guards. His hammer rested on his thigh. "Oh yes, I believe that this stone is so very interesting that the people should know how the Order of the Hammer came to pass in the Age of the Stone..." "The Builder's Order treasures this stone. Tis the beginning of the Order's glorious history, this stone was the one stone to forge thine Order's mighty hammer against the hand of deceit, trickery and dis-purity" said the other guard. "Well thank you, my dear friends. I hope to be seeing you at the next Hammerite Sermon in the nearest Cathedral" Garrett turned his back to the guards and rolled his eyes at Lucas. Lucas smiled as he glanced over to see a beautiful Golden Hammer resting on the pedestal. Lined with Gold, gems and silver; the guide told how it was the Hammer of Truth; acquired from the First Valavictor Noble one hundred years ago. A gift from the Hammerites for their support of the Hammer faith. "Keep that in mind..." muttered Garrett under his breath to Lucas. Lucas nodded and they both exited the room. In the next rooms they saw different themes of Pagans, Mechanist, Royalty, Stone Age, Metal Age and of course the Private collection of the Lady Valavictor which was the final door where the hall ended. Two turret's mounted on either side, stood ready for any thieves, but the doors where opened and the Ladies Private Collection stood on six pedestals in a large wooden room, lined with portraits of ancestors, tapestries and expensive vases and marble busts. On each of the pedestal was a glass case protecting the item from the elements, and a Steward waiting to take questions about the different items in question. The Valavictor Private Collection was by far the most priced and most valuable of the entire Collection. And the most well protected. Lucas had moved to cover three of the items; and Garrett had moved for the other three. The first item was the 'Diamond of the Ocean' necklace. A large blue diamond cut very neatly, encrusted with white diamonds around the band and the blue diamond itself. Garrett had to control himself from braking the glass and taking the diamond. It was calling to him like it was a something out of a dream. "The Diamond of the Ocean was found on a expedition in the Northern Lands above the City. Found in a glass box in Icy cold waters, the necklace was brought back by Lord Wellruce Valavictor, grandfather of the Lady Valavictor. The necklace is said to hold mystical powers to anyone that touches it" explained the steward. The second item was a jewel scepter with gold, silver lining. Gems had been crusted into the scepter, and the silver lining seemed to glitter with want and desire. The scepter was called 'Scepter of Longing' with a large sapphire diamond on its tip, that reflected the light. The third item was the Orb of Quintus. The golden orb, with silver lining seemed to be screaming for Garrett to take her. The orb was lined in four different direction, encrusted with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. All four points leading to the top of the orb with a small golden hammer. "The Orb of Quintus is a new addition to the Valavictor Private Collection. Retrieved just today from a ship-wreck off the coast. The Quintus Family was said to have several types of objects like the Horn of Quintus or the Eye of Quintus. Each having a strange magical power like the power of healing, tranquillity or invisibility." Garrett looked at the Orb and came over to Lucas who was looking at a emerald amphora vase. With small dragons curling up to the rim as handles. "I like this one!" said Lucas. "I can tell that we're coming back here tonight!" declared Garrett. As they left the room, Garrett and Lucas passed the Lady. Her golden thiara shown brightly over the spot lights. They left via the elevator and returned to Lucas's chambers where they began to map out there plan. "We have to wait until the whole house is asleep before we do anything, then we can make out move" explained Lucas in his chambers. They sat at a desk with a gas lamp lit above them. "From what I could tell, the entire place is airtight. Except for a rumor of a secret passage leading from the ladies chambers to her private collection. But before we do any of this, we have to deactivate all the Security Systems on the top floor, or we're definitely dead" said Garrett. Looking over a map that Lucas had brought. They had a basic layout of the mansion. It was similar to Lord Gervasius's mansion, proubly designed by the same guy except that this manor was ten times larger and more elegant. And much more air tight. "There's a tunnel leading to the Security Office and the booth that will shut down all Security systems on the top floor but there are three other alarms that we have to be careful of. Not only will there be guards up there but there is also three alarms we have to deal with" chimed in Lucas. "There are three Security locks on the top floor controlled from the Security Office on the top floor. Once they are turned on, then anyone who steppes foot in any of the display rooms will be killed rather quickly by toxic gas that is emitted by two ducks from the ceiling. It's the same gas that the Burricks produce. Anyway, we have to deactivate this locks before anything happens." "I can take care of the Eyes, I know where the Security Department Office is" exclaimed Garrett. "Well, be careful. There are guards everywhere."
Natalie adjusted her cloak wrapped thieving materials as the cab swung around a sharp corner of the cobblestone streets of Northport. Natalie could see rain clouds moving in. Rain was going to pose a problem, but she would find a way around it. The cab crossed a stone arc bridge, and onto a smooth road leading to the homes of some of the wealthiest nobles in the City. Northport was by far, the wealthiest district of the City. The tree's rustled with the wind and Natalie couldn't help but shiver in the autumn night. They came around a bend, and there was the Cloister Arc. She could see the Mechanical Eyes, and Turrets. Four guards on the ground and two bow-man in two towers on each side. The primary entrance was well-defended. Since they were a good distance away still, Natalie got out and paid the driver. The cabby and his horse turned around and dashed down the road, and only the diminishing light of his lantern remained. Natalie put the bundle under her arm and dashed into the shadows. The light uniform of the City Watch had no insulation. It was clearly a summer uniform and not a winter one. She longed to put on her cloak and thieving attire but knew that she would have to wait until she got inside the mansion. She climbed a tree near the stone wall that was a good distance away from the Cloister, and landed in a small grove of fur tree's. She peeked out from under a fern plant and saw the Estate. Only a couple lights where on. The presentation must of been over by now. Her luck! Natalie noticed the slopping moor hill, if she could take a Speed Potion; she would be up at the estate in just a couple of minuets. But since the Lady valued privacy and the Estate was still a good five minuets away by foot, she would have to use the potion now while she was still in range of the Cloister Arc. She also had to watch for patrols on the slope as well, but knowing the Watch and the Estate Guards; they would stick to the path. She started a steady job toward the estate straight up the moor. Then she gulped down the sour tasting Speed potion. Tasted like mixed lemon juice and water, she began to move very quickly up the hill; past the guards on the road. Natalie soon began to slow down, and finally came to the top of the slopping more. She adjusted her helmet and began to act as if she was on her rounds. Rachell had given her a name to use in case she was questioned. Jenela Urban, a long since dead friend of hers that was once apart of the Watch. Except no one knew that she was dead except Rachell. She came up to the front road of the Estate. The place was huge, designed in several different wings. She opened the side door, most likely leading into the guard barracks; and stepped inside. Two electric lights filled the room, and she put her things under her arm; and began to act as if she was patrolling. She hated bows, too much work. She threw it into the corner; and retrieved a nearby sword on the Equipment table. She observed a map on a nearby hall. She was in the West Wing; which was reserved for the servants, guests and guards. She looked for any sign of a Security office to learn about the Security Systems. She heard rumblings in local Inn's that the Valavictor Estate was an air-tight manor house. The place was full of new and advanced security systems donated by the Hammerites. She walked up a flight of stairs, passing a Mechanist guard who simply ignored her. Natalie loved going under-cover. She passed a series of rooms, most likely guest chambers; and in a nearby broom closet; stuffed her things under a bucket and started her rounds. The house was very well displayed. The floor was laid with tile and a single carpet to walk on, just her luck. She observed her map and it told her to move south to get to the Security Office, she turned south and headed for the office.
Garrett sat on his haunches for the last five minuets. He was in extreme pain from just sitting there for the past five minuets with no movement. Guards had passed him all the time, but he couldn't risk being caught. He was in his thieving gear now, to make it easier to get to the Security Department Office. Then he spotted the metal plate that read: SECURITY DEPARTMENT OFFICE: CAPTAIN GERJANS ILLBAR; CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS OFFICE. Garrett noticed a lone guard standing down the hall, he darted down and hit him over the head with his blackjack within seconds and snatched the key from his belt. Garrett dragged the guard down the hall and into the Maids Closet. He stuffed him in, the changed into a Guard Uniform. He laid his things in a dark corner, leaving the nude guard in the dark closet. Garrett took the key and unlocked the door and slipped in. Being sure to lock it after him. The room was dark so he switched on a nearby light, the room was filled with a few desks, a back room with file cabinets, and another room, locked. A plaque next to the door read: Captain Gergans Illbar, Captain of the Guards. He slipped the key in and unlocked it. The door opened to reveal a finely furnished room with a desk, file cabinet and windows looking out on to the road and moor. A fireplace and couch where to the east of the room. He took of what was of value and observed the closet space room next to the Captain's desk. The door slid open to reveal a control room; most likely where the Security Eye's where controlled from. He observed the latches until he found the ones for master Control. He flicked the switch. The collection and the rest of the house was deactivated from the Eyes. He heard rumbling outside the nearby window. He looked out to see the High Priestess Valnia with four of her guards and ten Mech-Guards. "Oh, damn!" cursed Garrett. "Things just can't get any harder then this." Even though there was ten Mech-guards, it was a big mansion; and he and Lucas could find a way around them, if not destroy them. Garrett observed the Captain's desk, and found keys to the Armory and the Countess's Private Chambers. He slipped the keys and notes into his cloak just as he heard a click outside the main office door. The moon shown brightly in, and the door seemed to be moving carefully from someone...picking the lock. Garrett moved into position, he hoped it wasn't Lucas because whoever it was, they where going to get it right in the face. The lock clicked and the door moved slowly open. A female guard stepped in, Garrett un-sheathed his sword, but the guard must of heard it and brought up her sword as well. The sound of metal clanging could be heard. Garrett brought his favorite sword, the one that he stole from Constantine above his head, about to bring down a killing blow; but was struck in the stomach by a foot. He fell back against a desk and brought his sword up to protect against the incoming blow. He brought his fist out and punched her across the face. The guard moaned and fell over. Garrett brought his sword above his head and was ready to bring it down when he heard: "Stop!" That voice, it sounded familiar. Garrett sheathed his sword and pulled out a flare. The green glow showed a woman about his age, brown hair, dark eyes, a cracked lip. It was Natalie. "Garrett??" cried Natalie. Garrett didn't know what to say. His first response was to slug her again but he instead helped her up and into a chair. He closed the office door and locked it, he grabbed the Master Key from the table and pocketed it as well. "What the hell are you doing here?" he growled. "I came for the Orb. To get it for you and to pay you back for all the troubles I caused you...." came her reply. "You brought more then troubles" he said through gritted teeth. "Look, I'm sorry about that. But I kept my word, I said I would come and get the Orb after I sold it to Valavictor's Chief man, and then I would steal it again. It was just a steal, sell, steal game." Garrett looked at her a long moment. She un-did her helmet. Her brown hair was in perfect place. "Sorry for hitting you.." he muttered. "Well, you should be. That really hurt!" she replied. "Are you here too to steal back the Orb?" "Yeah, I'm with an old friend. We just met up!" "Mind if I join you?" she asked. "After all the trouble you caused me?! Hell no!" he replied. "Garrett, please. Three heads are better then two. I have a detailed account of the mansion plus I have a City Watch uniform. I can get us up there!" Garrett studied her a long moment, then finally gave in. "Fine, you can come. But don't get in our way, there is plenty to do up there; plus we have ten Mech-guards crawling through the house. You help us, and you can take whatever you want from the collection except the Orb, the Orb is mine and not yours!" "Fine. Agreed, I have a map of the house plus some information on secret passage locations!" "Do me a favor, change out of that dumb uniform. It bothers the hell out of me!" said Garrett. "All right, as long as you change out of that thing. It looks terrible on you!" she said with a wicked grin. Garrett nodded and walked out, Natalie following her. He quickly got naked and changed into his original clothes, then they headed north. Natalie stopped by a broom closet to change into her real clothes and merged from the darkness in her thieving gear. "Can I have my crossbow back?" asked Natalie. Garrett had totally forgot about it. He didn't really like it that much, it was simply too idiotic for his taste. He preferred his full-size bow and regular sized arrows for the job. They quickly made their way to Lucas's room. "Garrett! Your back! Who's this??" he asked as they walked in. He was looking over several maps of the place and what looked like a schematic for an electric eye. "Lucas this is Natalie. Natalie is an Independent Thief, like me. Natalie this is Lucas Wells. Also known as Lord Relland Bellows, an Antique Dealer and the Society Burglar!" "Charmed, I'm sure" said Natalie as she shook his hand. "Good to have you? What are you doing here anyway?" asked Lucas. "I came here to steal the Orb for Garrett. I owed him. But when I broke into the Security Office, he was already there!" "That reminds me Lucas, I got some things here that could help us with this job!" said Garrett. He threw a few keys, notes and information on the Security and passages for the house. "We also have another problem, the Mechanist have just brought in ten Mech-Guards. Most likely, three of them are on the top floor as we speak!" "That could pose a major problem, the Mechanist have enhanced the new guards with a sensor behind them, its like an Electric eye but with feet!" Lucas said as he began to dress into his thieving gear. Within a minuet, the three thieves where dressed. Garrett who was the tallest could see that they where all dressed the same way. "What's the best way to get to the Countess's Chambers?" asked Lucas, as he brought the hood over his head. They all gathered around the small table to observe the map. A detailed schematic showed guard stations and guard locations. Two guards along with an electric eye where stationed in front of the Ladies Bedroom Suite, making a direct assault virtually impossible. There where were thee other Guard Stations around the Ladies suite. The woman clearly valued her safety. "What about the roof?" asked Garrett. He looked up at them from under his cloak. "The roof?" repeated Lucas. He went through a few notes and came up with one slip of paper, some illegible hand writing was scratched on the slip, he mumbled something to himself and then read the contents: "The roof can be reached by the Secondary Escape Shaft. Through which is a plate glass window, looking directly bellow the Ladies Private Dining Room. The shaft is located on the Second floor via another Secret passage in the Music Library Room." "That must be our way in" chimed Natalie. "This is going to be a difficult job. Even with the Eyes deactivated, we still have to worry about the three Security locks on the top floor Display Chambers and the guards" declared Garrett. "Well, lets get started then. This is going to take us a while" exclaimed Lucas. They quickly dimmed the lights and exited the room. Moving quickly and silently down the hall; they moved through and around guards weather they had to knock them out or simply sneak past them. They did not however have an escape plan. Garrett was in the lead, having gone this way before. Soon the trio came to a wooden-glass door, and inside was a small library filled to the brim with books, several different rooms adjoining also filled with books. The moonlight shown in, making it feel might eerie. Garrett unlocked the door with the master key and they all quickly slipped inside, being sure to lock the door behind them. They started for the Music Library and found books on Opera's, old music and even a wax cylinder. Natalie pocketed the cylinder, would fetch a good price on the black market. "Did it say where the passage was in the Music room?" asked Natalie. Lucas shook his head. "No, didn't say anything. I wasn't able to get all the information needed for the job!" Natalie was looking through the books until she noticed one book that stood out from the others. A red book titled: Chronicles of the Smith in Exile. She pulled on it, and she heard a sharp click and a section of the wall opened to reveal an entrance to a long tunnel. "Bravo" muttered Garrett as he strode into the darkness of the stone passage. The door quickly closed behind them, and they where left in complete darkness. Garrett and Lucas each pulled out a flare. The green light blared down the stone hall. Pipes and stone arch ways sometimes blocked their paths but in the end they came to what they where looking for. "The Security Eyes are out!" cried a voice from behind the stone wall. Garrett did not recognize the voice, only that it was an arrogant one. "Yes, sir. All electric security systems are out. The only one that has the key to the office is the Captain, and the guards stationed there but no one has seen them" came the reply. "Break the damn door down!" cried the other voice. "Sir, the door is made out of metal. We can't break it down!" "Fine, you taffer. Report back to me. We have to find a way to get those Eye's working again, or else we're all dead in the morning!" "They'll be more then dead" whispered Lucas. They sneaked through the passage a little more until the came to a low metal door down bellow a nearby torch, which must of been the mechanism to open the door. Natalie pulled on the torch, shifting it sideways. A grinding of metal could he heard and the small section of metal slid away to reveal a cramped tunnel. The tunnel was leading up towards what must had been the roof. Why they created such an idiotic idea was beyond Garrett, but that was not the point. The point was to get to the Orb and the Private Displays. The cramped metal tunnel took them longer then expected. Because they carried equipment, they where forced to crawl with it in hand. Steam from the heating systems pipes crawled in from a fractured conduit, making the heat in the shaft incredibly un-bearable. But at last, with Garrett at the top of the slopping shaft, they came to the entrance. He observed for the opening mechanism and spotted a nearby loose pipe which he pushed forward, the hatch popped open and the cool breeze brushed against Natalie's enflamed cheeks. All three crawling out of the hatch which was positioned on a slanted roof, most likely belonging to some other apartments of little matter. Lucas had brought water from the room, and offered it both to them. Natalie accepted it gratefully, but Garrett refused. Lucas noticing that not a speck of sweat was on his forehead. Garrett surveyed the area around them, with his large robe flapping in the winds; he looked around. The Manor House was even larger then he first expected. It was in levels, making the roof a virtual slant. Luckily, the escape shaft was located on a flat plain on the roof, so that they would not fall from a most painful death. "We should get moving!" declared Natalie as she adjusted herself, then started to scout around the roof top for anything that looked like a plate-glass window. Lucas looked at his notes for a minuet then guided them north then south around the different levels and barriers. Finally they came to a large, triangle-shape raised window shield. It stood out very much, but was virtually un-noticeable from the road. Garrett searched for a lock of some sort on the window pain. He found on the side and he slipped one of his lockpicks in, and worked the lock until he heard the satisfying click of the lock releasing. He grabbed the handle, making sure there were no lights on in the apartment and opened up the heavy plate-glass window. Lucas had brought a rope and grapnel for this very occasion. He tied it around a lightning rod at the base; making sure it was fastened securely. He then tossed the long cord of rope down to the ground. Garrett was the first to go down. He shimmied down then landed on the cushions of a couch. Then Lucas, and finally Natalie. Natalie strung the rope around a nearby marble beam so to not attract attention and joined her comrades in the shadows. Lucas pointed to a double metal door with an electric eye moving above it. With the lights out, the eye was useless. Garrett silently opened the door and slipped in, to reveal a richly furnished Study. A large tapestry, with the letter "V" grasped by two snakes was behind a large oak desk, with bookshelves, plants and valuable adornments. All three pocketed something, but knowing that they would need as much as possible room to spare for the real treasure. Lucas peered behind the tapestry, and brought his head back. He nodded, the secret entrance was right behind the tapestry. But the job inside the Ladies Suite was not finished yet. Lucas had to get the thiara. He carefully slipped over to a nearby painting. He touched the frames bottom-left corner which pushed in, and the painting opened to reveal a large safe. He brought out his lock picks and began to fiddle with the lock until finally he got it. He opened it in triumph, and brought out the Thiara in all its glory. It was like starring at Viktoria again, for Garrett. Also inside were several bank notes, checks, bags of coins and jewel box which Lucas took. He would use the bank notes and checks to pay off his depts with First City Bank and Trust. Lucas closed the safe and the paint frame. And returned to his partners. Garrett inserted the master key into a fairly un-recognizable key hole and turned it. The wooden wall opened to reveal a stairwell leading up, most likely to the Private Collection. Leading the way in the dark and loud tile floor up toward the top floor, Garrett couldn't help but think that this job was worth it. That with the Orb, and some of these other valuables could pay handsomely for things to buy, maybe a nice meal and a nice hot bath at the local bathhouse, a visit to the Opera and a nice dinner. Maybe, these treasures could even force him into early retirement. But he knew that such an act was foolish. Thievery was rich in his veins. He needed to steal, it was the only way of life that Garrett knew and until he found a new road to walk; then he would stick with it. He approached a sliding door which opened to reveal....the Security Office! "Damn" whispered Natalie. Lucas brought out a flash bomb and threw it at the feet of the guard standing ready at the controls. They buried their eyes within the soothing blackness of their robes and the blinding white light appeared. The guard seemed frazzled, then Natalie swung her blackjack toward him and brought him down. Garrett and Natalie tossed him down the passage. The Security Locks for the Valavictor Collection Chambers looked like normal safety locks on the wall. Each represented by three colors. Blue, Red and Green. Garrett went up to each and inserted the Master Key, deactivated every single security defense. Now they just had to get past the guards. Lucas noticed the window, the half-opened glass panel let out a gust of cool air into the Office. It was refreshing. "Let's try the window.." exclaimed Lucas. He opened up the window pain and they got out onto the ledge. Garrett closed the window behind him. Natalie noticed that the windows for the Collection Chambers where very far away and that there was several amounts of gaps in the sill, and it posed a problem for them. "We can fly across" Garrett finally said. He took a Vine Arrow out of his bag and shot it into the Metal Grillwork of what was an eye. He grabbed hold of it, and so did the others lower then him and then let go. They flew through the air, holding tightly onto the Vine. Until Garrett grabbed hold of a nearby marble statue of an animal. Garrett, then Lucas and finally Natalie got up and retrieved the arrow. The window was not open, and Natalie peered in. The room was empty, the eye was off along with the turrets. The doors were sealed overnight. Lucas and Garrett pulled hard on the side of the windows opening, and ripped it off its hinges. They carefully crawled through. The First Display Room showed them the vase, First Stone or whatever it was called and other priceless pieces of work. Garrett took the Vase, but cautioned to not take the stone. Such an act would arouse un-wanted suspicion their way. Natalie found the "Tricksters Box of Secrets" which was a richly crafted box with jewels, gold and other types of priceless adornments. Lucas opted for a nicely carved Golden Hammer of Truth. Garrett punched in the code for the door and it slid open. The hall was empty and the doors sealed. Overnight, the doors including the primary ones to the collection would be sealed to prevent any theft. The eyes and Turrets where deactivated, preventing any kind of distraction or inconvenience. They quickly made their way through the different rooms and taking what was the most valuable. Lucas took priceless antiques of age, Natalie took objects of sheer beauty, and Garrett took what was of the most money. Soon they had very little room left in the packs that they carried on they're backs. One room remained, the Valavictor Private Collection Chamber. Garrett slipped in the Master Key and turned it, while punching the combination that he learned in the Captain of the Guards office. The room opened to reveal the dark room, an eerie glow of the moon outside cast a point of light on the nearby wall. Each of the display case's would have to be broken if not re-opened by some control nearby. The controls were on a nearby wall. A small code pad stuck out, a ticking alarm system. "Garrett! Do you know the code?" asked Garrett as the Master Thief joined him over at the control panel. Natalie was busily trying to make heads or tails of the glass. If they were not careful, they could set off any type of trap, or alarm. "Damn" cursed Garrett. He of them all did not know the code, and most likely would never know how to get pass the glass. If they shattered the glass, then it was all over, and who knew what would happen if they did break the glass. Natalie came up behind them and looked at the controls, she observed then grinned. "Your idiots. Both of you! Society Burglar and Master Thief! Can't you see that all you have to do is by-pass the wires!" she said. Garrett groaned and looked at the panel. Natalie drew her sword and scraped the blade under the indent of the controls. She pried off the metal to reveal a circuit maze, and Lucas nor Garrett could make heads or tails of it. Slipping a dagger from under her cloak she cut two wires, and tied them together; keeping to metallic ends together. She sparked them and then the glass cases slid down bellow the pedestal. The impressive treasures sat on display, just ripe for the picking. Garrett grabbed the Diamond of the Ocean and the Orb of Quintus. Putting them in a very safe part of his bag, and strapping them tightly within a protective seal. Lucas opted for an expensive Emerald vase supposedly owned by one of the First Barons of the City. The Mejar Family, or so it was called. Along with a silver bracelet which glittered with expensive sterling silver. Natalie took the Scepter and an impressive looking Mask with ruby eyes, and a gold face. Layered in only a few gems, the Mask was just begging to be taken. Everything had been taken, the room was empty with nothing of great value left. "That's all of it!" declared Lucas as he shouldered his pack, a jingling of priceless artifacts could be heard from it. The Lady Valavictor would have a fit in the morning. Garrett couldn't help but chuckle. He opened the door and walked out into the dim hall. The door closed behind and then, the terrible happened. The gentle hum of the eye above came to life and the first person it was Natalie. The turret came to life and shot a bolt at Natalie. The arrow knocked her shoulder as she cried in pain, and instantly a loud alarm sounded. "Damnit!" cried Lucas. "I thought you said that you took the key with you" shouted Lucas over the noise. "I did, the Chief guard must of had a spare!" replied Garrett. He grabbed Natalie by the other shoulder and pulled her down the hall, he had no idea what he was doing. Then the metal doors slid up to reveal two Mech-Guards. "Grace be the path of the Builder. Thou shall not escape, thief!" came the mechanical words of the Iron Beasts. "Shit!" cursed Natalie as she clutched her bloody shoulder. The turret's were now spinning with life, shooting at the trio; but luckily, Garrett ducked into a nearby display room dragging Lucas and Natalie with him. An explosion rocked the room as splinters flew all over the place as the Mech-Guards fired. Lucas sealed the door just as the Mech-Guards were upon them. He heard the cry's of the guards and the alerting of the entire Estate, guards would be getting out of bed and preparing for battle; and now every single person in the Manor House would be awake and ready to rid themselves of the thieves. There was virtually no way out, except through the window. Not the window again. Lucas brought his sword out and stabbed at the control pad for the door. Without the control pad, there was no way of the metal door opening. Then there was pounding on the door. The pounding of iron cannonballs pounding against it, then exploding. Dents in the massive door began to form, they didn't have much longer. "Take her for me!" yelled Garrett. He un-sheathed his Magical Sword that he stole from Constantine three years ago, and brought it down on the window. The glass crashed, making a terrible noise and mess. The pounding increased as the yells of guards and the exploding of cannon balls could be heard. They had to get out of here, soon. Garrett passed two Slow-Fall potions to Lucas and Natalie. Natalie had also drank a Healing Potion, her wound only half-healed. "This is the only way out! Once you land, sprint for the Forest!" he ordered. Natalie jumped first! She pulled out the cork of the flask and quickly drank the blue mixture. It tasted like water, pure water as she flew down, and landed safety on the grass and broke into a heavy sprint; and diving into the bushes of a small hollow. Lucas gave Garrett a pat on the back, then dove through the window like someone diving into water. He quaffed the potion and then landed, sprinting towards Natalie's position. Garrett was the last, the banging increased until finally the door was blown from its homes with a hail of fire power. The Mech-Guards rolled in, Garrett didn't have time to jump. Natalie watched the window, but didn't see Garrett. She clutched her shoulder which was still bleeding but not as severely as before. Then the entire Display room exploded, the windows, doors and walls creaked and gave way. "Damnit to hell!" she cried. Lucas gave her hand a squeeze. Luckily they had taken everything out of that room, so nothing of value was lost. A guard poked his head out the window, looking around and yelling to the other guards at the ground to call off the search, that the Thief was vaporized by the Mech-Guards hitting the gas for the fire place. Natalie cried and Lucas put her arm around her. He couldn't believe that his friend, the Master Thief; Garrett was dead. He sat down on the wet grass, tired from it all. "What are you two so gloomy about?" came a voice from behind them. It was Garrett, not hurt at all. His dark figure starring down at them through the moonlight. "Garrett!" cried Natalie. She jumped up to him and started to kiss him all over the place. Garrett welcomes it, with open arms. "Looks like the Master Thief got himself out of another jam" came Lucas as he gave his long lost friend a hug. "What the hell happened up there?" he asked. "When those Mech-Guards came in, they spotted me just as I downed a flask of that Invisibility crap. They fired and it the gas tank for the fireplace. I dove out, drank a flask of the Slow-fall and got over here" came his reply. Natalie sighed and hugged him again, very thankful that he was all right. He helped her up, and the three found a path, that led to the Main Cloister Entrance. They were tired, bleeding and rich at last. When they had scaled the wall of the Estate property, they began the long walk home. Lucas had his things stored in a nearby hollow away from the Estate and they were picked up by a four-wheeler and brought to his fancy apartment in the Old Quarter. The Old Quarter had since been cleaned out since the Eye was taken and destroyed by the Hammerites and Keepers. With the Eye's destruction, the undead ceased to be undead and just dead. The Old Quarter had become one of the richest districts of the City and the Hammerite Cathedral was restored to its former greatness just that year, and the homes and marketplace where again in their glory. The carriage came to a stop in front of a small yet comfortable looking apartment. A few lights were on and the sound of the Cathedral's bells striking the time of day which was about three o'clock in the morning. Garrett and Natalie were given comfortable beds for the night and in the morning, the butlers and housekeeper would make them breakfast. Lucas sat before his fireplace in the back sitting room with Garrett and Natalie. They had changed out of their thieving gear and into comfortable clothes that night. Garrett drank a glass of brandy, while Lucas had a glass of wine and Natalie a cup of hot herbal Pagan tea. The old yet comfortable couch was perfect for the occasion as Garrett, Natalie and Lucas looked over they're new treasures. "The amount that I stole should come to about 8,000 gold and 2,000 silver. But alot of it will have a new home in my Antique House. But from what I can tell you two, the bounty that you both collected came to about the same as mine. Natalie that Trickster Box and Scepter are going to fetch a tidy sum for your fence. You should get at least 7,500 for both of those and a couple silver to top it off" explained Lucas. "Garrett, your Orb and other objects should do nicely for Manny, I would say about 10,000 for everything you have there." Garrett knew what he was going to do with this money. He would fence the items that he got from the collection and give the Orb to his contact. He would have enough money to pay his rent, pay back some depts he had with a local bank, a warden and a gambling den in Dayport, and proubly have something else for himself. Like a nice bath in the local bathhouse, a nice meal at some fancy restraunt and a get-away at the Lehgham Hotel in Eastport, by far the nicest Hotel in the City. Natalie was going to use the cash she had to pay back a small dept., sell her apartment to Rameriz, then by a nice yet comfortable apartment in either Northport or Wayside. The amount of cash she had would make sure that she kept a low-profile for at least a couple of months and not having to steal for a while. Lucas would keep working at his Antique Gallery, maybe even sell something, write a little, and maybe go on vacation to a village down south. Even though war was still going on in the remote north, he wanted to leave the City for a while; maybe just squeeze in a two week vacation on some nice beach; maybe find a girl. But the Thiara would go nicely in his private collection, and have a place close to his heart. The three friends retired for the night, Lucas retiring to his Chambers up stairs while Natalie and Garrett shared a double bed. Garrett and Natalie made love that night, as two lovers should. Sweaty bodies against each other in a moon lit night, then falling asleep in each others arms. That morning, the newspaper was dropped on the steps of the apartment which was brought in to the Dining Room by Dudly, a middle aged butler of no emotion. He laid the newspaper on a tray and brought it out, Garrett, Lucas and Natalie sat in a comfortable dining room filled with plants and valuable silver, the sun beaming in. Garrett noticed a group of Hammerites heading to mass as the bells for service rang. He still couldn't believe the transformation of the Old Quarter. Lucas sipped some tea, and ate some meat patsy with cheese and bread as he opened up the morning paper and read the front page. He read the contents with a smile. "We're famous" he said with a mouth full of toast and jam. The Housekeeper, Mrs. Mimes came in with a gentle look as she laid down plates with eggs, toast, beef hash and coffee with liquor on plates. Natalie had to resist the urge to pocket the sterling silver forks, knives and spoons. Lucas handed the paper to Natalie and she read it. On it was a large print article on the terrible robbery at the Valavictor Estate, and the theft of the Private Collection of the Lady Ellyn Valavictor, and other priceless objects. Natalie smiled. She read it out loud so Garrett could hear: "The robbery took place around 2:30 in the morning under the cloud of darkness, the thief or thieves involved stole many priceless artifacts dating back to the early centuries of the City. One of which including was the fabled golden object known as the Orb of Quintus with its spectacular healing powers. The Lady Valavictor was un-able to continue the party and so it ended early. Hammerite, Mechanist and City Watch officials are listed below for comment..." she read. Garrett smirked, this was not' t the first time he was in the paper. He downed the last of his food, which was delicious. He wished he could live like this, but these types of views that Lucas up-held conflicted with his choice of life-style. He had to get going and pay the rent back home. And give the orb to his contact and collect his income. "Well, it was a real pleasure to see you in action, again Garrett" Lucas said outside his apartment. The beaming sun and clouds streaked down upon the City, ensuring a beautiful day was upon them. "You can say that" declared Garrett. A cab pulled up in front of the apartment which Lucas had sent for. "I'll be in contact with you in the future. Maybe we an go have a drink at the Hammerhead!" exclaimed Lucas. "That would be good" said Garrett. He said his good-bye's to Natalie and he was off, as the cab made its way across the City and to his apartment in Central City. "So what are you going to do?" said Lucas to Natalie as she put her things down on the cobblestone road. The sound of people heading to Saturday Morning mass at the Hammerite Temple and the Mechanist Chapel down the road could be heard. Her cab pulled up on Audale Street, which adjoined Cathedral street which lead to the Hammerite Cathedral. "Well, I think that when the Bulls get off my scent, think I'm dead or something then I'll head back home and get my things, leave and find a place in Wayside. I have some contacts there and with the money I have, and the selling of my apartment to Ramirez; then I'll have extra money to buy a comfortable place on the water or something like that. I mean, I am the Lady of the Shadows!" she replied. Lucas hugged her then helped her get her things into the baggage part of the buggy. He paid the driver and bid farewell to his new friend. "I'll be in touch" he said as the cabby whipped the reigns and the horse drove off down the arch and through the exit of the Old Quarter. Garrett arrived home late in the afternoon. He had delivered the Orb to his contact at an abandoned warehouse in Wayside, then taken his treasures to his fence's place on Taft Avenue in Shalebridge. Manny was happy to see Garrett delivered his prized. Garrett gave everything except the gold, keys, documents, bank notes and the Diamond of the Ocean to Manny. Manny gave him a good price for his efforts, and bid him farewell. He arrived home with the landlord waiting outside the apartment building. The fat, chubby man was angry with content. "You owe me big time, Garrett. You owe me for today, yesterday and the day before. Garrett brought out a pouch of gold and dropped it in the landlords hand. "That should cover everything, now get out of my way!" he growled. He walked up the stairs, unlocked his room and sat down in an arm chair next to his empty fireplace. He had a girlfriend now, he made good money to keep him off the streets, he had money to spare for a good while, so why not spoil himself. Garrett got up, put on some civilian clothes and went out to the Crippled Burrick Pub for a drink, lunch and then that night to the bathhouse for a soothing massage, hot bath, and maybe even see Natalie there. He left his apartment for that drink.
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