The Chronicles of Shoalsgate: The Mechanist Times
Copyright © 2001 by Tom Baynham


Checking out the records office proved invaluable for Garrett as he punched in the maintenance code for the vault. The flickering overhead light was a minor distraction but Garrett had seen worse on his many adventures into the underworld. The guard was still making his rounds but the door to the vault chamber was thick enough to prevent any sound escaping to his ear. A grating noise heralded the opening of the vault, so Garrett crept round to the opening and peeked in.

Four robots stood motionless in each corner of a small room. Each stood around a meter tall. A proud chin and thick forehead emphasised the gleaming red eyes of the contraptions. More red light streamed from an overhead security light. Garrett chucked some parchment into the room, but there was no reaction from the silent guards. It seemed as if they were deactivated, so Garrett stood up and strolled across the room, opening the vault door on the other side with his stolen key. Once inside Garrett inspected the scene before him. A row of metal shelves lined the walls inside the vault. Looking ahead Garrett saw the strongbox. Garrett removed Hagen’s handkerchief from his pocket and dropped it in the centre of the room. He now took the strongbox and left the vault, making sure all the doors were locked behind him. Now it was time to return to Hagen’s office…

Hagen sat with his eyes closed in the coach. Sleep would be impossible after his interview with Karras. He had been left so drained by his time at the castle that he had called the coach, as he felt unable to ride a horse home. It was dark outside, but the red glow Hagen had seen on that rooftop was imprinted on his memory. The city was dying he thought. Something bad is going to happen and I am not going to be here when it happens.

His thoughts were interrupted by the coach driver:

“East City Sir! We’re here.”

“Oh. Thanks. How much is that?”

“Two silver pieces Sir. Lovely. Good-eve to you!”

At that the coach pulled away, leaving Hagen at the road-side. It started to rain again, drops splattering down on his face. Looking up into the darkness Hagen reflected on the day. He knew tomorrow would bring something new, but at that moment he did not know what. Little did he know what was going to happen, and never did he realise that he was correct in thinking that something bad would happen, because something bad would happen…

Chapter 4 / Chapter 6

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