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Chapter Twelve
As the sun rose the next morning to light the great
Fortress of Shadow, the fifty ships sailed out of the harbor, full to the
brim with mages and warriors from Kunath-Loch. The sailors on board the ships
were busy making sure the great armor and weapons were in the best shape possible
to make sure that chaos did not destroy them. A high-order mage on each ship
would cast a magical "bubble" over the ship as soon as they arrived
at the City. The ships were to disembark behind enemy lines, thus trapping
the Trickster and his minions.
Then, one of the ships was to move back and drop Mercury, Garrett, and Cray
off near the entrance to Karath-Din. The rest of the ships would assault the
Trickster from the sea. They had the benefit of surprise, but, if Garrett
and Mercury were not successful in their quest for a means to destroy him,
the Trickster could still emerge victorious over the powers of shadow and
Powered by magic as well as wind, the ships advanced faster than their normal
counterparts. The Master Mage had estimated it would take them about one day
total from the time they left, meaning they would arrive in the middle of
the night. This was fine, as the surprise and confusion of the Trickster's
minions would be greatly augmented. After all, the shadows of the night were
the element that mages of shadow thrived on.
Meanwhile, however, everyone was sleeping. They knew they would probably not
see another night during which to sleep for a long time. Mercury and Garrett,
however, were used to not sleeping for days on end. They stayed up late, reviewing
what they would do, how they would do it, and what they should look for.
As the night approached, they went on the deck to ready themselves for the
arrival. All the mages were awake and ready to disembark and hold the Trickster
off as long as necessary. Cray was informing the leaders on how the City and
its surroundings were laid out so that the attack could be carried out as
swiftly as possible. Without the benefit of Mordak's communications with the
Keepers, however, they could not know where the Trickster's current position
When they neared the fighting, however, the flashes of bright magical light
and the large, bright moon showed them exactly where the fighting was happening
and where the camps had been set up. Mercury and Garrett observed what was
happening until the Master Mage came next to them.
"How much has he taken?" he asked.
"The first fourth of the City has fallen," Garrett said. "Eventually,
the last stand will be made in the Old Quarter. The Trickster doesn't know
what is there; he's never explored it. This attack from the back, however,
should decimate his forces. His home, the location of the Maw of Chaos, is
outside the City, beyond even the Old Quarter. The Hammerites would never
let him take that."
"Where do you think he is camping?"
"As close to his lines as possible. The Trickster doesn't like to waste
The Mage said nothing more after that. He only watched as the ships sailed
by the site of the fighting, invisible to the two great opposing forces. Finally,
the call to land came. The fifty ships anchored at nearly the same time, throwing
out ropes and plants for the unloading. The Trickster had but one advantage:
he was near his portal, and so had endless supplies. One of the mages' plans
was to attack quickly and destroy the portal, thus cutting the Trickster off
from all supplies.
The mages disembarked, over three thousand of them. Fifty, an insignificant
number, were going to set up camp. The rest immediately headed towards the
nearby fighting. Soon, Garrett could see flashes of light where the mages
of Shadow were coming into the action. The ships left for the City before
the Trickster had realized what was happening.
Garrett and Mercury walked to the steering wheel, where the captain was directing
his ship. Only Garrett knew where the entrance to the Lost City was located.
The captain was under orders to follow Garrett's instructions on how to arrive
to the letter, something that understandably made him a bit mad.
Garrett was in the middle of asking the captain to turn when the wind blew
his cloak off his head for a moment. Garrett continued talking out of habit,
but a brief squeeze of his arm by Mercury told him he had not been the only
one to notice the problem.
"One moment," he told the captain after he had finished the instructions.
"I want to see the fighting again." He gestured to Mercury and they
both moved to the handrail.
:"So," Mercury asked, "how did Mordak get on here?"
"I don't know
" Garrett replied. Those were the last things
they said before hearing the tinkle of breaking crystal in front of them and
breathing in the toxic gas. Mordak sighed a little before pulling them into
the brig. Then, he directed the ship back towards the City, away from the
entrance to the Lost City of Karath-Din.
Mercury came to first, and, looking around, realized with a groan exactly
where he was. Garrett stirred beside him, and Mercury searched with bleary
eyes to see where he was tied down and what he was tied down to. Garrett awoke
beside him, and a groan told him he had also realized where they were. Finally,
Mercury saw the rope tying his hands to his feet, and the other rope tying
the first one to some sort of metal bar.
"Lock picks are pretty useless here," Mercury said.
"Yeah," Garrett agreed, "but a good thief always carries a
dagger with him." A blade came out of Garrett's sleeve, and he sawed
the rope in half in the space of a few moments. Mercury murmured something
jokingly about Garrett being a smart aleck, but Garrett only smiled. He stepped
over to Mercury and untied his bonds, releasing the thief so he could rub
his blood-deprived hands.
"My primary weapon was the dagger until I came here. I left mine with
Marco for safekeeping. I'll keep that in mind, though." They quickly
slipped into the shadows, hoping Mordak wasn't going to look for them anytime
When Garrett emerged on deck, however, his heart sank. The ship was in the
middle of an all-out attack against the Trickster's forces. It was also in
a position from which it was impossible for the two thieves to swim to the
entrance of the Lost City. They would have to steal a boat, something that
would be very difficult with Mordak onboard.
"We have to find a way to get rid of Mordak for long enough to get off,"
Mercury commented grimly. "Other wise, the City is basically doomed."
Garrett said nothing. Instead, he moved towards the steering wheel. No one
was there, but Garrett clearly had a plan in mind.
Mercury followed him past the steering wheel to the bow of the ship. Garrett
was looking at the water, obviously thinking about something to do. Suddenly,
he turned around, crept into a shadow, and began to move towards the center
of the ship, where a dark shape stood among the others who were firing the
great cannons of the ship.
"We're going to have to knock him overboard," Garrett whispered.
The others'll be too busy saving him to realize what we're doing." Mercury
just nodded and followed Garrett. With a brief push, Mordak fell into the
sea below. In seconds, all the mages still onboard the ship were leaning over
the edge, trying to see and help their fallen "comrade."
Meanwhile, the two thieves untied a boat and lowered it to the water below,
where they began to row towards the tunnels of the Lost City of Karath-Ding,
heading directly into the gloom of the dark, dark night that had offered the
Mages of Shadow cover and protection.